
Art & Design


  1. Photo
    CreditRobert Keziere, via Ydessa Hendeles and the Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation, Toronto

    Object Lessons: The New Museum Explores Why We Keep Things

    Curators at the New Museum have created an exhibit with over 4,000 objects that examines the various ways we collect and own items.

  2. Photo
    CreditUllstein Bild, via Getty Images

    Nazi Art Loot Returned ... to Nazis

    Research shows that hundreds of works stolen by the Nazis were sold back to them under pressure at a discount after World War II.

  1. Art Review

    CreditMuseo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

    Watteau’s Peacefully Bittersweet War Scenes

    Watteau paintings in a show at the Frick Collection depict 18th-century French soldiers far from the battle, in scenes at once ordinary and mysterious.