Website Protection: 3 Reasons Why You Need a Trusted Partner

It’s taken a while, but the Internet is now a marketing must-have for small- and mid-sized businesses in the United States.

SMBs are spending more on Internet marketing, and, according to an SMB Internet Marketing Survey, 37 percent of these SMBs increased their spend on Internet marketing yet again in 2015.

An SMB’s website is a portal for the rest of the world to engage with the business. It’s a vital link to customers, contacts, and new sales. That means no company can afford the risk of website downtime, both in terms of lost revenue or reputation damage through a data leak.

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You Have A Website? You Have Cybersecurity Risk

In the United States, small business is big business. Keeping the websites for those small businesses — all 28.4 million of them — safe and secure from attack, is a huge job. A job made easier with the help of a trusted partner.  

Let’s look at the most recent figures from the U.S. Small Business Administration:

  • 28,443,856 small businesses
  • 5,707,941 small businesses with employees
  • 22,735,915 small businesses without employees
  • 56,062,893 workers employed by small businesses[1]
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