
ICCT has been conducting work pertaining to “Foreign Fighters” – or individuals that have for a variety of reasons and with different (ideological) backgrounds joined an armed conflict abroad – since mid-2012. In this regard, ICCT has co-chaired the Radicalisation Awareness Network’s Internal/External Working Group and organised both closed and public events on the topic. ICCT is also conducting capacity building projects in the MENA region and continues to brief a range of international, regional and national authorities as well as the media on the topic. Additionally, the Centre has been exploring a range of issues related to legal, preventative, motivational and rehabilitative aspects of the phenomenon in its publications.


ICCT has been conducting work pertaining to “Foreign Fighters” – or individuals that have for a variety of reasons and with different (ideological) backgrounds joined an armed conflict abroad – since mid-2012. In this regard, ICCT has co-chaired the Radicalisation Awareness Network’s Internal/External Working Group and organised both closed and public events on the topic. ICCT is also conducting capacity building projects in the MENA region and continues to brief a range of international, regional and national authorities as well as the media on the topic. Additionally, the Centre has been exploring a range of issues related to legal, preventative, motivational and rehabilitative aspects of the phenomenon in its publications.


Research Paper | 1 Apr 2016
The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the EU - Profiles, Threats & Policies

In a study commissioned by the Netherlands National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV), ICCT analyses the foreign fighter phenomenon by looking not only the numbers and characteristics of foreign fighters across the EU, but also how the Union and Member States assess the threat of foreign fighters as well as their policy responses regarding security, preventive and legislative measures. The Report also outlines a series of policy options aimed both at the EU and its Member States.

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