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Tag Archives | radio astronomy


Strong Foundations

It’s amazing how much we fail to appreciate the little things that make the big, complicated projects work. Sometimes, even getting concrete poured is a big milestone for a huge project. The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) pathfinder MeerKAT announced that its foundations are complete for new radio telescopes to serve as a lead-up to the […]

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What the SKA may look like. CC SKA Outreach.

Building a HUGE Telescope

Big science means big collaborations these days. Often, it takes many institutions and partners to probe the Universe deeper than ever before. Astronomy has been moving into the arena already occupied by physicists where it takes a big international collaboration to build a really big instrument. The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) began as a dream, […]

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The Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia.

I love the Invisible Universe

Radio astronomy is a different way of looking at the Universe. Literally. We know that there is only a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see with our eyes. It’s a good part of the spectrum, no doubt, as our Sun shines brightest in it, so our eyes naturally would have adapted […]

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On the road to San Pedro, Chile.

The Astronomer-Tourist

Greetings, all, from San Pedro, Chile! Well, actually, I’m drafting this post on the plane to Calama from Santiago, to be followed by a bus ride to San Pedro. I cut my trip to SXSW in Texas with my CosmoQuest colleagues short to answer an invitation for a trip that I have always wanted to […]

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