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What happened to my submission?

Note: the information on page refers to credit/filmography submissions. If you have submitted a new title for inclusion in the database and want to know the status of your update, please see this page instead.

IMDb is not updated instantly. Information submitted to IMDb won't appear immediately; it has to be checked and processed by our staff first. If you submitted or corrected a credit and it has taken longer than the time specified here, then it may have been declined. This could be for a variety of reasons, depending on what you were trying to do...

Please choose one of the following:

Why isn’t the credit showing up yet?

This could be for a variety of reasons:

  • We need proof. This is often the case if the credit is for a popular film or series. We may also require proof if someone else has disputed the credit. See our proof guide below.
  • It wasn’t formatted correctly, or it didn’t conform to our guidelines. To see how to enter the various parts of a credit correctly, check our guides.
  • The credit isn’t eligible for listing on IMDb.

Why haven’t you corrected the credit yet?

This could be for a variety of reasons:

  • It wasn’t formatted correctly, or it didn’t conform to our guidelines. To see how to enter the various parts of a credit correctly, check our guides.
  • Your correction looked unlikely to be true. Some things just look unlikely to us, even if they’re true. For example, if you’re not famous and you’re saying you were credited in a big film and you were the fifth name in the credit roll, we might need more proof. If you think your correction might seem unlikely to us, try providing us with proof.

Why haven’t you deleted the credit yet?

There might have been something wrong with your explanation:

  • If you said the credits don’t belong to you, then your page may have belonged to someone else before your credits were wrongly added. You could be trying to delete someone else’s credits from their page, when what you really need to do is split your own credits to a new page.
  • If you said the credit is on the wrong film or episode, you need to make sure the correct film/episode is added too. Try telling us that you’ve done this and we’ll check you have.
  • If you said there’s something wrong with the entry then we’d prefer you to correct it, instead of deleting the whole thing and adding a correct version. Try submitting a correction instead.
  • If you said you just don’t want the credit then you’re deleting it for the wrong reason. IMDb is a factual resource, so we don’t delete factual information.
  • If you said it’s just background/extra work then you’re deleting it for the wrong reason. We list background/extra work.

Still no luck? If you’ve exhausted all these possibilities and really have no idea why your credit hasn’t been accepted, then you may want to ask our staff via the Help Desk.

How can I provide proof of a credit?

If you submitted a new credit, it may have been rejected because we need proof that the person appeared on-screen, was credited on-screen, or was part of the crew. You can provide this via our Data Verification Form, where you will need to enter URLs to images or videos, hosted at a third-party site:

  • Proof of Credit
    • We need a screen capture or video of the person’s name appearing on-screen during the credits. If you do not provide this, then the entry may be given the (uncredited) attribute.
  • Proof of Appearance
    • Cast entries: We need a screen capture or video of the person’s face on-screen. If you cannot provide this then the entry may be given the (credit only) attribute. For voice actors, we may accept videos in which their voice is clearly audible.
    • Crew entries: We need proof that the person was actually hired for the production. Photographs or scans of casting notices are often sufficient.

If you prove both the credit and the appearance then your entry may be accepted with no attributes. If you don’t prove either the credit or the appearance, then your submission may be declined. Providing proof does not necessarily guarantee your submissions will be accepted. Your submission may have been rejected because it wasn’t formatted correctly, or it isn’t eligible for listing on IMDb.

How can I prove that a credit is wrong?

If you submitted a correction or deletion that hasn’t been completed within our current processing times, try the following:

  • If you’re trying to correct a credit, make sure you’ve read the section about correcting credits.
  • If you’re trying to delete a credit, make sure you’ve read the section about deleting credits.

If you’ve tried more than twice and you’ve given us enough time to process your requests, try the following options:

Please Note: We often need to check your updates before we complete them. The time it takes us to do this can vary. Please see here for our current waiting times.

IMDb retains the right to reject any submission whose eligibility according to our rules is dubious or/and not verifiable. That includes data for titles that are in their very first development stages. They may be rejected at that stage but accepted later on when they are actually finished. IMDb retains the right to change and adapt eligibility rules as circumstances require.

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