Don't-Miss Web App Stories

HTTP Internet website

Half the Web's traffic comes from bots, and that's costing you more than you think

Roughly half of all Web traffic comes from bots and crawlers, and that's costing companies a boatload of money.

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Critical flaws in ImageMagick library expose millions of websites to hacking

A tool used by millions of websites to process images has several critical vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to compromise Web servers.


Biz Stone's Jelly app relaunches, promising to revolutionize search

Twitter cofounder Biz Stone takes a second shot with Jelly, which he described as a failure in its first iteration.

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Facebook bug hunter stumbles on backdoor left by hackers

A researcher found a PHP-based backdoor installed by hackers on one of Facebook's corporate servers.

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Microsoft's Project Madeira turns Outlook into a small-business productivity hub

Call it one-stop shopping. Project Madeira is aimed at all the businesses that can't afford enterprise-class applications, offering scaled-down versions within Outlook.

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How to turn off Twitter's algorithmic feed and see tweets in chronological order

Here's how to turn off Twitter's new algorithmic feed that shows the "best tweets first."

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Google kills off Picasa to focus its efforts on Google Photos

Google will phase out the Picasa desktop app and Web Albums online service over the next three months, according to the company.

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PayPal is the latest victim of Java deserialization bugs in Web apps

PayPal has fixed a serious vulnerability in its back-end management system that could have allowed attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the server and potentially install a backdoor.

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Critical vulnerabilities patched in Magento e-commerce platform

The latest patches for the Magento e-commerce platform fix critical vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to hijack administrative accounts.


Drupal to secure its update process with HTTPS

Developers of the popular Drupal content management system are working to secure the software's update mechanism after a researcher found weaknesses in it.


Drupal sites at risk due to insecure update mechanism

The update mechanism of the popular Drupal content management system is insecure in several ways, allowing attackers to trick administrators into installing malicious updates.

google education

Google accused of tracking school kids after it promised not to

Google has been collecting information about schoolchildren's browsing habits despite signing a pledge saying it was committed to their privacy, the EFF said Tuesday.

Cortana Power BI information display

Cortana now gets business data from Microsoft's Power BI service

Microsoft is bringing its Cortana virtual assistant deeper into the business world by combining its capabilities with those of Power BI, the company's business intelligence and analytics software.


Post Google, Mozilla's new search deals to make up revenue

The Mozilla Foundation reported increased revenue for 2014, the last year for which money from a lucrative Google search deal was included.

A selection of apps from Ingenico's app store for payment terminals

Ingenico's new card payment terminals make room for apps

There's an app for everything, it seems, and increasingly an app on everything: phones, TVs, robots... and soon even the payment terminals used with chip-based bank cards.