


The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Administrative Unit is recruiting an experienced Events Manager.

Applications can be submitted until 15 July by noon.


The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Administrative Unit  is recruiting two Interns to the Events Manager.

Applications can be submitted until 15 July by noon.

Visiting Fellowship Programme

Since its launch in 2010, ICCT’s Visiting Fellowship Programme has attracted scholars from around the world to undertake research in The Hague. The aim of the programme is to provide scholars and practitioners with the opportunity to conduct in-depth research into a specific area of work relating to ICCT’s two pillars, namely the rule of law and preventative aspects of (counter-) terrorism. While residing in The Hague and working at ICCT’s offices, knowledge exchange between the Visiting Fellow, ICCT staff, and the wider public, for example through public seminars and closed expert meetings, will be encouraged / enabled facilitated. The Visiting Fellowship Programme consists of three different types:

  • Academic Research Fellowship: this Fellowship Programme is designed to provide scholars working within academia or (research) centres with an opportunity to focus on conducting original research at ICCT on a topic that lies within the Centre’s thematic focus.
  • Practitioner Research Fellowship: this Fellowship Programme is designed for non-academicspractitioners who currently work in the fields of counter-terrorism (CT) and countering violent extremism (CVE), for example in national or local governments organisations, governmental organisations, international organisations, charities, NGOs non-governmental organisations or consultancies. The Fellowship aims to provide such practitioners with an opportunity to focus on research, based on their experiences and insights gained from working at the frontline of CT and CVE. Through this ICCT encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the research and practitioner communities.
  • Development Fellowship: these Fellowships are designed for either academics or practitioners, but instead of producing a research paper, these Fellowships are aimed at developing more practical deliverables that can be used in ICCT’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) projects. This can include projects such as designing a new workshop or training course, or writing a practical CVE handbook/guide, or developing other such tools that can be put to practical use in CVE projects.
Practical Information

Visiting Fellowships are unsalaried positions. Fellows salaries are normally paid for by their employer. As such Visiting Fellowships are ideal opportunities for professionals on sabbatical or secondment.

However, ICCT may also consider applicants who are receiving external funding or scholarships to cover their salary during the Fellowship period. (Unfortunately, ICCT is not in the position to help with acquiring these external funds.)

ICCT covers the following costs:

Travel and Accommodation

  • Accomodation in The Hague for 2-3 months during the Fellowship;
  • A per diem allowance for each day during the agreed-upon stay in The Hague;
  • Economy class return travel to The Hague.

Research, Development and Publication

  • Office space at ICCT headquarters in The Hague;
  • Supervision and guidance from an ICCT Research Fellow who is an expert in your area of study;
  • Research costs, e.g. filed work, books or equipment;
  • Development costs, e.g. trialing practical deliverables in CVE projects;
  • Editing and publishing Fellowship output on ICCT’s website;
  • Organisation of a seminar or expert workshop to present Fellowship output.

Who can Apply

We welcome applications from mid to senior level academics and practicioners with at least 5 experience in the field of CT and/or CVE.

How to Apply

Applications are accepted all year round. Please submit the following documents at

  • 1-page letter of motivation setting out which Visiting Fellowship you are applying for and your motivation for doing so;
  • 2-page (maximum) Research or Development Plan.

For more information, please contact our Programme Assistant at