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34 out of 45 people found the following review useful:

itsie bitsie spider

Author: colinwhitefan
1 June 2003

I have seen this movie a lot since it came out and everytime I still don't get bored with it, Jeff Daniels as Dr. Ross Jennings is great, lots of cool stuff in this movie and especially if you like those spiders. John Goodman was awesome as Delbert McClintock the local exterminator, this movie will keep you at the edge of your seat. Arachnophobia is a must see for horror and spider fans, its a nice piece of movie making.

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26 out of 36 people found the following review useful:

Freakish thriller

Author: jhaggardjr from Chicago, Illinois
10 November 2000

"Arachnophobia" is a very entertaining horror movie produced by Steven Spielberg. It's takes the fear of spiders to the next level. The film opens with an expedition in South America where a very deadly tarantula puts the bite on an American photographer, killing him in the process. Just before the body gets transferred back to the U.S., the spider sneaks into the coffin. Once in the states, the tarantula quickly mates with a domestic house spider and that creates the ultimate nightmare. Before you know it, a new strain of spiders have been born, that these little creepy crawlers are just as lethal! Jeff Daniels is excellent as the new doctor in town who hates spiders. He begins to realize something strange is happening. A couple of deaths occur, and the doc feels that these unexpected demises might be spider related. And man it's a scary ride to the finish. "Arachnophobia" literally gave me the creeps. And it's also funny. Many of the film's comedy is provided by John Goodman as the town exterminator. He's literally a hoot. The thing about this movie that surprised me is that I was pulled into the story right from the beginning and it kept my attention all the way to the end. "Arachnophobia" was directed by Frank Marshall, Spielberg's long time collaborater, in his directorial debut. Marshall did a very good job his first time out helming a film which looked like a promising career move at first. He made his second film, "Alive" a few years later (I've not seen this one yet). Then he made "Congo", which was one of the worst movies of 1995, and hasn't directed another movie since (at least not to my knowledge). But "Arachnophobia" was an above average debut for Marshall. He's got good potential as a director. This isn't a brilliant movie, but a good one. And it's lots of fun. One word of warning: if you have a fear of spiders, don't watch this. You'll probably hate it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

*** (out of four)

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19 out of 26 people found the following review useful:

Ewwww, Spiders...

Author: Ryan from King of Prussia, PA
13 February 2005

Spiders are not a favorite of many people, something about eight legs does not appeal to the masses. The movie Arachnophobia plays on the fears of an audience, while mixing in enough humor to engage the viewer with a standard horror story. Jeff Daniels plays a big city doctor who moves out into the country to take over the practice of the soon-to-be retiring doctor who has served for about 140 years or so. The Daniels' character is also scared of spiders, so when killer spiders enter the town, we have the standard ingredients to the standard horror movie. The spiders look convincing enough to scare almost anybody, and the exterminator, played by John Goodman, offers enough jokes to lead to an entertaining movie. There is nothing Earth-shattering about the film, but for popcorn season, this movie will not disappoint.

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25 out of 42 people found the following review useful:

Arachnophobia is a good spider flick!

Author: Movie Nuttball from U.S.A.
20 October 2002

Arachnophobia is a great spider film that stars Jeff Daniels,Harley Jane Kozak,John Goodman, Julian Sands, and Peter Jason. The film isn`t really scary but its the creepyness that gets to you! Arachnophobia has good acting and it has a great beginning! Good music too! I recommend Arachnophobia to all creature and horror film fans alike!

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30 out of 52 people found the following review useful:

Scariest Movie Ever!

Author: tayster12-5 from SLC, Utah
16 November 2002

I've seen a lot of movies in my life...too many movies some might say. I have never been so scared in a movie than I was with "Arachnophobia".

I'm terrified of spiders. I think everything about them is just evil. And don't give me that "They eat bugs" bull, I don't care, spiders are still evil. My wife kills the spiders in our home. I know that's pathetic, but she earned that duty.

See, I would've never seen "Arachnophobia" had it not been for my wife, then fiance.

While it was in theaters, my buddies all wanted to see it, but in fear of wetting myself in front of them, I told them that I had other plans.

Fast forward four years, my fiance & I were at our local Blockwood video store, looking for the perfect scary movie, and she finds "Arachnophobia", knowing darn well that I'm terrified of spiders.

She asks if we can get it, and I agree, trying not to look like a pansy in front of the girl I want to spend my life with. By the end of the movie, I was as white as a sheet and gripping her hand so tight, she couldn't feel anything in her hand. I seriously spent most of the movie with my eyes closed.

For that reason, she kills the spiders in our home. She felt so bad about scaring me like that.

I know that there are quite a bit of you that think this movie is too humorous to be scary. That's biggest load I've ever heard.

If you hate spiders, DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!

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9 out of 14 people found the following review useful:

By the numbers.

Author: Robert J. Maxwell (rmax304823@yahoo.com) from Deming, New Mexico, USA
13 February 2009

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

It follows the formula as if in a Marine boot camp. Strictly lockstep. A nice young doctor, his beautiful wife, and two lovely kiddies move out of the city and buy a ranch house in a small town. The house seems to have everything they want. It even has a large, well-stocked wine cellar. The cellar is always dark, cluttered, and musty.

One after another, townspeople begin to die mysteriously. The young doctor, Jeff Daniels, an arachnophobe, thinks something is going on and asks for autopsies. The old doctor, Henry Jones, the one who refuses to retire, disagrees vehemently. Nobody believes Daniels. The people of the village scorn him and tease his children. The local infestation controller ("exterminator" to you) is matter-of-fact about the affair. Then the old doctor himself becomes a victim and Daniels finally gets his autopsies.

Spiders did it.

An forensic arachnologist, or whatever he is, Julian Sands, is called in on the case. He identifies the culprit as a deadly Venezuelan species that is organized like the social insects -- termites, bees, ants, and so forth. They have drones, workers, scullery maids, boot blacks, queens, and all that.

Then, more or less suddenly, the little creatures are all over the place, dropping from the ceilings, crawling into the shower to spy on Daniel's teen aged daughter, proving that they're not entirely evil. A final confrontation involves the wine cellar, Daniels, and the queen of spiders, now grown to the size of an elephant seal.

The direction isn't bad, given the idiocy of the plot. What can you do with a thousand spiders except have them crawl all over the place and leap at people from hidden places? What else can you have them do? A toe dance to the incidental music from "Rosamunde"? Form a twenty-foot pyramid like tiny circus acrobats? In case you're in any doubt about what you're supposed to be thinking and feeling, the musical score stuffs innumerable cues down your throat. Yes, when Daniels explores the wine cellar or the barn with a flashlight, it's a spooky scene. You can tell because the violins are going orgasmic with tremolo.

Jeff Daniels, by the way, is the perfect actor for a role like this. His instrument only has one note. Not that that's necessarily bad, because Gary Cooper only had one and a half. That marmoreal aspect fits precisely. If he were more expressive he'd have become screaming mad by the movie's end.

The film is bound to leave its mark on the history of cinematic mediocrity.

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9 out of 14 people found the following review useful:

Not bad...

Author: Sean Lancaster (seanwl) from Seattle, Washington
25 February 2000

I did not start watching "Arachnophobia" expecting to like it. I was surprised to find that it was really quite enjoyable and kept your attention. It sounds like just another stupid take off of "The Birds (1963)" and something not really worth your time.

I think what made this movie work was that it had lots of humor and the spiders did not seem too unbelievable. It had lots of shadows from the spiders on the walls and behind the curtains which has an eerie effect on the audience.

I would recommend renting this movie. Watch it with an open mind and try not to think, "This is stupid."

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11 out of 18 people found the following review useful:

highly recommended

Author: Special-K88
1 June 2003

Dr. Ross Jennings is a renowned doctor from the big city who relocates to a small town in the country. Not only does he not fit in with the local residents, but he also has an uncontrollable fear of spiders which are prevalent in the surrounding area. To make matters worse, a new, lethal breed of spider has made its way from South America to their hometown, and produced a far more deadly breed that's slowly taking over their once peaceful little community. Exciting, creepy thriller with first-rate special effects, hair-raising chills, and an excellent cast. Not for the squeamish or anyone with the titular fear, especially at the film's nail-biting finale. ***

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4 out of 5 people found the following review useful:

Scared of spiders?

Author: BringBackFear from United States
2 November 2013

Are you afraid of spiders? We believe everyone is afraid of the furry eight legged spiders.

If you are afraid, then force yourself to watch this incredible movie! South American killer spider hitches a lift to the US in a coffin and starts to breed and kill. This is one of the scariest spider films of all times.

A great cast with Jeff Daniels, Harley Jane Kozak, John Goodman, Julian Sands and more.

We'd recommend this movie to anyone who has not seen it. Check it out and you won't be disappointed especially if you have Arachnophobia.....

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9 out of 15 people found the following review useful:

Needed to be darker

Author: gcd70 from Melbourne, Australia
3 February 2007

Director Frank Marshall brings us this movie about a South American deadly spider wreaking havoc in a small American town. The plot from Don Jakoby and Al Williams has its share of scares, but I have to say, not much more.

John Goodman is quite funny as local exterminator Delbert McClintock, but others, including Jeff Daniels as Dr. Ross Jennings and Julian Sands as Dr. James Atherton, are just there for the ride.

This Steven Spielberg project, on which he shared executive production duties with director Frank Marshall, was one of his dreams come true. "Arachnaphobia" needed a darker approach, even a darker humour.

Saturday, February 23, 1991 - Knox District Centre

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