The founders of Wundershine, a startup based in the Netherlands, think that while photo albums have been successfully re-imagined for the digital age the same cannot be said for picture framing. Not content with the current choice of digital image frames they have set out to create a more affordable solution that doesn't need power cords and still looks good when switched off.

The result of this development process is the Makerframe, a wooden frame that can print your images with a built-in inkless thermal printer and swap them out using a built-in framing mechanism. Old prints are stored inside the frame and can be "re-framed" later. The system is controlled and the image queue curated via an Android or iOS app from your mobile device. The Wundershine team is working on a web interface as well. 

Additionally there is a simpler model called Reframe that doesn't include the internal printer. Instead, the 23 x 23cm prints can be ordered online and then manually fed into the frame's image storage. The re-framing mechanism and image curation work in the same way as on the Makerframe model. Wundershine says the Makerframe can make 50 prints with one battery charge and the Reframe model can reframe 200 times before a recharge is required. 

Unfortunately the Wundershine system is not quite ready for purchase yet. The Reframe model is expected to ship this fall, while the Makerframe will be available in early 2016. However, you can pre-order both models now on the Wundershine website where you'll also find more information about the system. In contrast to Kickstarter or Indiegogo crowdfunding campaigns you will only be charged once your frame has shipped and the order can be cancelled any time before then.

During the pre-order phase a Makerframe is $179.95 and a Reframe model will set you back a more affordable $59.95 which in both cases is a 30% discount on the envisaged final retail price. The 23 x 23cm online prints will be $2 each and the thermal color printing paper for the Makerframe will be sold in packs of 10 sheets for $20. A pack of three will be $50.