Portrait ©Dmitry Ageev, Hasselblad Masters 2014.

Swedish medium format camera manufacturer Hasselblad has launched its 2016 Hasselblad Masters competition, and will be giving away a total of ten cameras as prizes to winners. Open to 'active professionals' using film or digital cameras that have at least 16MP, the competition features 10 categories including a new street/urban section that seems angled at more positive images of city life. A category called Project//21 is open to all photographers under the age of 21.

Entrants are asked to upload three images for each category entered, and are warned that each image will be judged on its own merits, not as part of a set. A shortlist of 100 images will be created and the ten finalists will be selected by public vote.

The categories are: 

High-quality images that have been created by an individual to fulfill their creative vision. 

Photographs that capture the beauty of the natural world in all its forms, from stunning landscapes through to perfectly executed images of flora and fauna.

This category is open to photographers capturing outstanding images of any aspect of a wedding in styles that range from the traditional through to the more individual approach.

A wide-open category that covers any photography of the human form, ranging from full-length studies through to head and shoulders and close-ups, with the emphasis on creativity.

The glitz and glamour of the fashion and beauty world is covered by this category, and we’re looking for some inventive and exciting work that truly reflects the dynamism of this sector.

Here the definition of product is as far ranging as the photographer wants to make it, with subjects ranging from cars through to food or packaging being equally eligible, while the brief could be a commercial one or self set.

With every type of building from the grand through to the humble being open to photographers, we’re looking for an imaginative interpretation of the architectural theme.

A wide open category that covers all forms of wildlife, from the huge through to the tiny. Our only stipulation is that images depict living creatures and any entries showing stuffed or dead animals will be automatically excluded.

P r o j e c t // 2 1
Project//21 is a general photographic category open to all amateur photographers, students, assistants and young professionals 21 years old and under.

The category here is the realism of the genre; not just gritty street photography, but also the city itself (and its life) and the people who live in it.

Part of the prize will be a place in the Hasselblad Masters book and touring exhibition, and the ten winners will be loaned Hasselblad equipment for four months to produce a themed set of 10-20 images each on a subject of their own choice.

Entered images do not have to have been shot on Hasselblad equipment, although those for the book do. The closing date for the competition is 31st May 2015, and the winners will be announced on 16th February 2016. Hasselblad has not stated which of its cameras it will be giving away to the winners. You can read more about the competition on the Hasselblad website, and the rules for entry are available as a download.