
ICCT research and projects in Europe are heavily influenced by lone actor terrorism, such as the case of Anders Breivik, as well as ICCT’s role in the EU Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). Another research focus is the foreign fighter phenomenon, different ways to respond to this and the potential risk of returnees. Lastly, the Centre focuses on Cyber Jihad and the way the internet and social media are used to spread violent extremist messages.


ICCT research and projects in Europe are heavily influenced by lone actor terrorism, such as the case of Anders Breivik, as well as ICCT’s role in the EU Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). Another research focus is the foreign fighter phenomenon, different ways to respond to this and the potential risk of returnees. Lastly, the Centre focuses on Cyber Jihad and the way the internet and social media are used to spread violent extremist messages.


Perspective | 2 Dec 2013
The Syrian Foreign Fighters Problem: A Test Case from The Netherlands

In what has been labelled as possibly the first trial of its kind in Western Europe, a court in The Netherlands recently convicted two men who wanted to travel to Syria to join the jihad. Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen analyses the two judgements and their wider implications.

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