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The Interview
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Index 828 reviews in total 

897 out of 1487 people found the following review useful:

Dumb and Dumber do The Interview

Author: SteveMierzejewski from Poland
25 December 2014

For the sake of film criticism, I will pretend that I watched the film without the political maelstrom that has raised it to a level of interest that it would otherwise never have attained.

This is the typical mass produced, lowbrow, comedy that Hollywood cranks out to appeal to 15-year-old boys. There are a few slapstick laughs in the tradition of the Three Stooges that break the monotony. I would not elevate the film to the level of a satire as that would imply that there was some intelligent thought behind it. There is not. All the humor, both physical and verbal, is completely obvious. It will not go down in history as one of the great comedies, which is probably what upset Kim Jung Un the most.

The attempts to make political observations are all based on time-worn points (people are starving, Kim is not a god). The sections that imply Kim has psychological problems may be more irritating to the regime. Most of the attempted humor deals with Kim fighting his homophobia and dealing with a father who gave him little support.

There is no need to comment on the acting as there really is none. No one will win an Oscar nomination here. The story is predictable: You can guess what will happen before you begin watching it. It's the kind of film you watch to see a few gags and, maybe, get a few laughs. They will be very few, indeed, unless you are 15 or under. However, knowing the media attention that this film has received, it is unlikely a poor review will stop anyone from watching it. Just remember, I warned you.

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438 out of 742 people found the following review useful:

Waste of time

Author: korona1984 from Poland
27 December 2014

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Well, where do we start with this one? Obviously I watched this film knowing what kind of attention had been drawn to it, from crazy Korean hackers, terrorists threatening to bomb theatres to the US president himself. I really hoped that after all the hype it would live up to expectations. And it failed miserably. Cheap humour, jokes and dialogues below criticism most of the time, acting...well, what kind of acting would you expect if the script is not there, the list goes on. Finally, very predictable and flat story, with a major twist easy enough to predict for a 10-year old. But worst of all - the rating. Have you people lost your marbles?! I honestly wanted to give it a 4/10 and before I went on IMDb I was expecting it to be overrated at, say 6/10, but well over 8?! And we're talking over 70 000 votes! This is an insult to cinematography and any intelligent viewer alike that such a piece of garbage should get a score of 8+. It's just unreal. Therefore I'm giving it a 1/10 in a hope that the rating will be quickly brought down to where it actually belongs. It's amazing that only because the film has a political nature, people are willing to rate it so high. Rate it for what it is, don't fool other people into paying to actually see this.

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705 out of 1285 people found the following review useful:

Why is this movie getting high ratings?

Author: Nadia Bhuyain
24 December 2014

Honestly I was very interested in watching this movie when I saw the trailer however almost 45 min into it I hadn't even cracked a smile. I expected a lot more from this film, especially being a big fan of seth and franco. This movie has a few puns here an there but overall a terrible movie, expect garbage. If it hadn't been for all the controversy surrounded around it I'm sure it would've gotten mediocre reviews all around. I honestly don't understand the 9+ stars from some reviewers, it's satire but not comedically well written in any sense. Save yourself the trouble, don't bother watching it. Seth and Franco gave a good performance but the movie had a lame plot and subpar lines.

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319 out of 557 people found the following review useful:

Forced situations, shock value & "Never go full retard."

Author: Heaan Lasai
25 December 2014

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The premise and subject for this movie gave the writers the opportunity for an entertaining future cult film. It could have been an entertaining political satire, the possibilities were endless. Additionally the media attention could have made for a legendary movie. Alas, no such luck. Lazy writing turned this film into a waste of a good afternoon. The entire film consists of forced situations, stupidity and shock value humour. Forced situations; When done smoothly situational humour can be very entertaining, but here the writers seem to have been too lazy to set up each situation smoothly. Instead they just force each situation into existence. Full retard; Some stupidity can often be humorous, but never go full retard. Here the main character Dave here cannot recognize a tiger, and describes it as "a strange big stripy orange dog". Apparently that's supposed to be funny. Shock value humour; Shock value is seldom entertaining, and it's a hallmark of lazy writing. When Dave isn't "going full retard" he is yelling profanities like how his genitals smell like guacamole. Aides from these themes there is nothing humorous in this flick. Save your time and money, watch something else.

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156 out of 245 people found the following review useful:

The Interview: An Actual Honest Review

Author: Christian Mortensen Schenberg from Mullsjö, Sweden
25 December 2014

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

The Interview has created a lot of crazy rumors and a lot of things have been making this movie one of the biggest happenings this year. A lot of speculations were made when Sony got hacked and they suspected that North Korea was behind it. This generated a lot of interest for the movie and people were talking about it over and over again. So, after several threats they decided to pull the movie from all theaters. Later on, they decided to release it for streaming purposes, and that's how we finally got to watch the hard work that was put into The Interview.

Let's get to the IMDb rating first; they are obviously fakes and there are even people on 4chan telling everyone to rate the movie a 10. This is really just to give the creators of the movie the support and love they need after suffering this sad conflict. Also, it is a great opportunity to actually show movie distribution companies that putting movies earlier to watch at home too streaming, WHILE running in cinema will generate A LOT of money.

I got the opportunity to watch this, and I figured, what the heck, it's only 5,99 USD, so why not give it a shot, since everybody is talking about this film. Honest opinion now, a lot of reviews here are fake, by people who has NOT seen the movie. So here's your opportunity to actually read an HONEST review.

The movie is in no way perfect by all means, but it does have it's surprisingly funny and shocking moments. Yes, the movie is overloaded with toilet humor and profanity, but it does not necessarily make it a bad movie. I found a lot of the jokes mildly amusing and I chuckled through almost the whole movie with some laugh out loud-moments too. The chemistry between Franco and Rogen is perfect and they always work well together when it comes to acting. The story has set a goal in movie history, and Rogen actually had the ba lls to mock a world leader. I adore Seth's hard work into this movie and I adore everyone else who were part of this project. It's a shame that people get so butt-hurt over a f****nag comedy film. While skeptical about the movie itself, seeing as Rogen's humor is childish and contains a lot of toilet humor and continuous jokes, I found myself enjoying the whole film. The script was very well written, the characters felt real and it had the perfect blend of humor, action and drama. (and a little bit of romance, too) I found both Franco's and Rogen's performance to be flawless and the chemistry they have on screen is wonderful, making this a very believable film. However, I found Franco's character to be a little annoying, but I guess that's what they aimed for. Franco's character felt a little flawed because at one moment, he acted like he was retarded, and then the other second he's starting to act like he's some kind of Sherlock Holmes. This was a minor problem to me, but I kind of wish that they would have worked on Franco's character a little more and made him to be more believable, in my honest opinion he was annoyingly stupid and almost too stupid, even though that was what they were aiming for. They made Seth's character seem so much more intelligent than Franco. I have no idea what they were trying to do but in my personal opinion it always bothered me.

The scenes where Franco got to meet Kim Jong Un were truly amazing, but at the same time, quite awkward. Even though Kim is the bad guy, you couldn't help but feel bad for him. They actually made him a misunderstood individual, just like Franco's character, and I found that to be very funny and clever. As for the actor playing Kim, he does an amazing job and he does not waste any of his acting talents. You actually believe him as a person and that makes the movie a sh*t load better.

I do not want to spoil the movie for you, but what I can tell you is that this surely is worth a watch at home. I would not have been pleased if it was a theatrical film, but if you're just looking for a funny film, with lots of shock humor, and Rogen humor screaming all over it, this is your choice. Turn of your brain, maybe take a beer and enjoy the movie as it is.

Summary: The Interview was a pleasant surprise with believable character development, an interesting plot that only gets better after the second half, with plenty of toilet humor and gags that do not fail to amuse. This will most likely be the most anticipated movie of the year, or at least of 2015, causing the trouble it did, making more people interested in what made this movie so threatening and offensive to North Koreans. Sit down, grab a beer and enjoy. It is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously, meaning you should not take it seriously. It is a great effort from both Rogen and Franco, and I recommend this film to everyone who can actually take a joke AND has a sense of humor, especially those who likes the type of humor Rogen has been featuring these past years.

The movie deserves a strong 7 out of 10. Hopefully, the fake ratings will be reset and The Interview will have an average rating of about 7-8.

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351 out of 642 people found the following review useful:

Review From Someone Who Actually Saw the Movie

Author: seg9585 from United States
22 December 2014

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I saw The Interview in a screening around April 2014. This was an in-production screening so much of the music and graphics were not yet complete, but the filming/sequencing/editing was complete.

It's honestly just another ridiculous Seth Rogen comedy. Rogen and Franco are portrayed as American idiots who can't do anything right, much less pull off an assassination attempt on Kim Jung Un when they are tasked to do so after scoring an exclusive interview with Franco (for whom the North Koreans are huge fans).

They fly to NK and get pampered by Kim Jong Un and his generals. Several times the Americans get "ready" to pull off the assassination but keep making mistakes (such as losing their assassination "device", or almost killing themselves in the process) to the frustration of the CIA.

Eventually a "senior official" of Kim Jung Un's finds out what they're up to and agree to help with the assassination attempt. This leads to a series of ridiculous action scenes and random buildings getting blown up, Rogen/Franco driving a tank in an attempt to escape NK, and Un himself leading a an attempt to stop the Americans from escaping.

If this movie didn't stir up so much real-life political controversy, basically no one would be talking about it a day after walking out of theaters.

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179 out of 318 people found the following review useful:

Don't believe the hype

Author: mcraig-9-511348 from Glasgow
27 December 2014

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This movie has been made to entertain 12-15 year old. It's not very good. Most of the jokes miss and the story isn't very good either. Seth Rogan and James Franco are wasted on this film.

I was cringing all the way through it. The jokes are totally infantile and I can't remember laughing at any of them.

This movie is best avoided. Unless of course you're under 15 years of age.

I've given it 1/10.

Yes, it's truly awful.

The publicity surrounding the movie mad me watch it.

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61 out of 94 people found the following review useful:

People are really stupid. Great movie for it's category

Author: Mrjafa12 from United States
9 January 2015

Reading some of these reviews and I find myself looking for a pair of pliers to help some of these people remove the stick out of their ass. To note, I only made an account for this review because I was afraid some people may get the wrong idea about this movie. No, it will not win an Oscar, no it will not have an Oscar winning actor. Was Chevy Chase, Chris Farley, Eddie Murray, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Bill Murray, Mike Myers, Will ferrel did a any of them win an Oscar? No, however were their movies not one of the funniest of their time? Exactly. Seth and James will not win an Oscar because the committee doesn't rate comical aspects. However this movie is hilarious. Without being one of the "typical" comedy type movies that have come out recently. It's different comical aspects then what has been common in movie cinema in the past year. Obviously it's a comedy, and in the category of comedy movies it will rank as one of the higher ones. When you watch this movie you expect that. It's not a Beautiful Mind or Titanic. It's a comedy, and a damn funny one at that. When you watch a comedy you want to laugh, and this movie will make you laugh. End of story. Please don't listen to those who critique this movie as if it is a nominees for a best movie award.

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268 out of 518 people found the following review useful:

Honestly hilarious.

Author: Ryan Prince from United States
24 December 2014

-The Interview, maybe you have heard of it, follows two idiots, played by James Franco and Seth Rogan, who host a talk show, when one day they are invited to interview Kim Jong-un. This prompts the CIA to recruit the two to 'take out' the leader of North Korea.

-I was happy to watch The Interview just to support the film industry really, but it turns out that it came with a pretty hilarious film! -The story, mainly the concept, does not wear out like Let's Be Cops, but actually gets better and better.

-The pace is pretty good and the film does not waste time. I did feel like one scene dragged, but one out of an entire film is not too bad! -The acting is especially funny with James Franco and Randall Park, who played Kim. However Seth Rogan just played the SAME. FREAKING. CHARACTER. Yeah I hate him. Anyway.

-The music was very Tarantino-esque, therefore I loved it.

-The film had me laughing right off the bat and, aside from some parts that just weren't funny, was generally hilarious throughout. Even the ending was funny, satisfying, and overall well done.

-The biggest negative is the content. It is a Seth Rogan comedy, so it is rated R. It is not that violent and only has some very brief, distant nudity. However, there is a lot of language in the film. There are some pretty iffy jokes, but it's mainly just language throughout that gives it its rating.

-So if you don't mind language and are looking for an actually funny film that is entertaining and takes an original concept to great use, The Interview is totally worth seeing in thea- oh wait, nevermind. Well you can rent it on YouTube, to it is worth that! I would honestly give The Interview an 8/10. No joke.

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600 out of 1188 people found the following review useful:

Terrible, not funny - painful to watch, want money back

Author: Jbodniza from United States
24 December 2014

i really wanted to like this movie.

Not only because the trailer for this movie looked great, but also because of the sony hack from north Korea.

After all the publicity the movie got i thought jt was going to be funny and entertaining. So i rushed to youtube and paid $5.99 to watch this online.

Horrible movie. 0 % humour, story line is dumb, the acting is poor. In fact its one of the worst comedies I have ever seen. Wish I could get my money back. Watching this felt like pulling teeth.

Im at least glad i didn't go to the movies to see this. What a waste if time and hype.

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