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Tag Archives | geology


In-Vesta-Gating a World

This week, we’re doing a teacher professional development workshop with 20 Illinois teachers and covering In-Vesta-Gate, our unit on small bodies in the Solar System. In preparation, I’ve been refreshing my knowledge of Vesta, asteroids, and all the lovely tiny bits that make our Solar System such an interesting place to live. First off, I […]

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Earth or Not Earth, the Third

You all are too good. First comment on the last post not only got the category right, but the exact image as well. Okay, okay, you all are planetary science buffs! Let’s try yet another, and see if you can tell me what planetary surface this is from, and what it is. Is it the […]

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Earth or Not Earth, Revisited

About a month ago I asked you to identify a section of landscape and tell us if it was a place on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system. And you all got it right! Not only that, but the commentors even identified that some kind of flow was responsible, and it was indeed a […]

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(Almost) a Year on Mars

The 222nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society was in Indianapolis earlier this month, and one of the plenary talks was an update on the Curiosity mission to Mars. The speaker, Dawn Summer, a geologist at UC Davis, acknowledged up front that she was talking to a room full of astronomers with little or no […]

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MoonMappers "Lunar Science Forum" Poster, 2012

MoonMappers at #NLSF2012

We’ve been hard at work over the last few weeks processing all the data from over 1000 of you volunteers so far. These data have been used to create a poster presentation that has been hanging in the room at NASA Ames amongst other science posters this week at NASA Ames for the Lunar Science […]

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