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Google Cloud acquires video software company Anvato

Google has acquired Anvato, the developer of a video software platform, to shore up its cloud offering in the area of video delivery.

google quantum qubit

Google hopes to thwart quantum computers from cracking today's internet encryption

The encryption methods used to secure today’s internet won’t be impenetrable forever. More powerful “quantum computers” in the future could very well crack them.

brexit tea

IT spending will shrink worldwide due to Brexit, Gartner predicts

Britain's vote to exit the European Union is going to depress global IT spending, according to Gartner analyst John-David Lovelock.

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FBI chief says Guccifer lied about hacking into Clinton's email server

A Romanian hacker's claim that he broke into Hillary Clinton's private email server back in 2013 is a lie, according to the FBI.

wendys restaurant

Wendy's hack was bigger than thought and exposed credit card data

A data breach that hit Wendy's fast food restaurants targeted customer credit card information and was more than three times bigger than originally disclosed.

cloud questions

6 'data' buzzwords you need to understand

Take one major trend spanning the business and technology worlds, add countless vendors and consultants hoping to cash in, and what do you get? A whole lot of buzzwords with unclear definitions.

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AMD releases Crimson driver fix for Radeon RX 480's power consumption concerns

If you picked up a Radeon RX 480 reference edition graphics card, you'll want to pick up Radeon Crimson 16.7.1 ASAP.

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First look: Meet Nvidia's GeForce GTX 1060, inside and out

Nvidia's GeForce GTX 1060 promises to deliver GTX 980-level performance for just $250. Here's a look at the card from every angle.

sarkar vuong microsoft

Microsoft begins finalizing Anniversary Update code with Windows 10 Build 14383

Microsoft says it's beginning to check in final code for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update due August 2. Insider Build 14383 for desktop and mobile won't be the very last version, but it's certainly almost done.

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Google Now's weather card adds hourly wind and precipitation details

There's more color and detail to be found if you want to check in with Google about the day's weather forecast.

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One Laptop Per Child redux: Spin-off delivers successors to XO hardware

Non-profit One Education has an ambitious plan in a competitive PC market: to sell Windows 10 tablets and laptops inspired by the innovative spirit of One Laptop Per Child, which designed groundbreaking low-cost PCs almost a decade ago.

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Report: Google is building a pair of Android Wear watches

The new wristwear may include deep ties to the Google Assistant and carry the company's Nexus branding.

Xbox One

The first universal Windows app hits Microsoft's Xbox One

Twenty-thousand lucky Xbox One Preview Program participants are getting their first look at the console's first universal Windows app, and it's a Blu-ray player.

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Here's how secret voice commands in YouTube videos could hijack your smartphone

A muffled voice hidden in an innocuous YouTube video could issue commands to a nearby smartphone without you even knowing it.

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Mozilla aims to combat the closed web by baking smart, open discovery into Firefox

Mozilla's Context Graph wants to help you find content on the web based on previous user experiences and how one page on the web relates to the other.