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Tag Archives | travel


CosmoQuest at Balticon

We’re on our way to Baltimore, Maryland, today to take our citizen science project to Balticon 48! Will you be the area? Are you attended the con? We’d love to see you! CosmoQuest will have a fan table all four days of the convention. I’ll update with our location once I know it. (Update: We […]

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We’re Going to GeekGirlCon!

I’m a geek. I’m a girl (well, colloquially speaking). I love cons. So when we had the chance to go to GeekGirlCon for some guerrilla outreach, I was thrilled! This weekend, I’ll be taking part in GeekGirlCon in Seattle, WA. Here’s where you can find me and CosmoQuest during the con: Saturday, 9am-6pm, location TBA […]

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