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IMDb > Meyer Lansky (Character)
Meyer Lansky
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Meyer Lansky (Character)
from Bugsy (1991)

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Bugsy -- Warren Beatty and Annette Bening star in the incredible true story of the playboy mobster who betrayed the Mafia for love.
Bugsy -- The story of how Bugsy Siegel started Las Vegas.

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Russian Born, (now Belarus) Majer Suchowlinski in July 4... See more »
Alternate Names:
Meyer Lansky Age 8 / Meyer Lansky Ages 12-14 / Meyer Lansky Ages 19-28 / Young Meyer


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  1. "Boardwalk Empire"
        - Eldorado (2014) TV episode, Played by Anatol Yusef
        - Friendless Child (2014) TV episode, Played by Anatol Yusef
        - King of Norway (2014) TV episode, Played by Anatol Yusef
        - The Good Listener (2014) TV episode, Played by Anatol Yusef
        - Golden Days for Boys and Girls (2014) TV episode, Played by Anatol Yusef
          (26 more)
  2. "Mob City"
        - Stay Down (2013) TV episode, Played by Patrick Fischler
        - A Guy Walks Into a Bar (2013) TV episode, Played by Jeff Braine (as Young Meyer)

  3. The Lost City (2005) Played by Dustin Hoffman
  4. Donzi: The Legend (2001) Played by Edward Asner

  5. Lansky (1999) (TV) Played by Richard Dreyfuss / Joshua Praw (as Meyer Lansky Age 8) / Ryan Merriman (as Meyer Lansky Ages 12-14) / Max Perlich (as Meyer Lansky Ages 19-28)
  6. "The Untouchables"
        - Attack on New York (1993) TV episode, Played by Marc Grapey
        - Atlantic City (1993) TV episode, Played by Marc Grapey
  7. Bugsy (1991) Played by Ben Kingsley
  8. Mobsters (1991) Played by Patrick Dempsey
  9. Havana (1990/I) Played by Mark Rydell
  10. Johnny Ryan (1990) (TV) Played by Michael Fairman

  11. Passion and Paradise (1989) (TV) Played by Sam Malkin

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From Mobsters (1991)
Frank Costello: [as the Big Four consider Faranzano's offer] ... Fifteen percent off the top from Faranzano's operation, huh? You know how much money that is? Well, I don't either. But it's a hell of a lot.
Meyer Lansky: But as soon as we sold to Faranzano, he'd knock you off because you're Sicilian; one day, you might wanna be boss. If he iced you now, there'd be a stink all right. But if you're working for Faranzano, who's gonna come after him except the three of us? And then we'd all be history.
Lucky: That's why we're in partnership with these Jews, Frankie.
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