• A student at Magee Academy in Pico Rivera, CA, selects a book with the Open eBooks app. According to Principal Gisela Castañon, the Open eBooks app provides her students access to desperately needed quality titles that are available for hours of reading pleasure and practice. Photo courtesy of Magee Academy.
    The Open eBooks Initiative: Giving the Power of Reading to...

    Launched earlier this year, the Open eBooks initiative has garnered support and praise for its goal of helping children discover a love for reading through more open access to eBooks.

  • 2016 Makers Faire logo
    IMLS Hosts the Capitol Hill Maker Faire June 21

    The Maker Movement returns to Washington, D.C., this summer as the Institute of Museum and Library Services, in collaboration with the Congressional Maker Caucus, hosts a free celebration of making on Capitol Hill.

  • Copyright Carnegie Museum of Natural History
    Carnegie Museum of Natural History Reimagines Storage for...

    Gretchen Anderson and her team at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History upgraded storage solutions for some of the museum’s oldest vertebrate paleontology specimens. And she doesn’t want to keep her methods a secret.

  • IMLS 2016 Medal Winner image
    IMLS Congratulates the 2016 Winners

    We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2016 National Medal for Museum and Library Service.


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About Us

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums. Our mission is to inspire libraries and museums to advance innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement. Our grant making, policy development, and research help libraries and museums deliver valuable services that make it possible for communities and individuals to thrive.

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Real Promise Seen With Museums/Libraries and Community Revitalization Efforts

This week we completed the last of five feedback sessions held to explore how museums and libraries are playing active roles in community revitalization. Wrapping up the project Wednesday morning before a packed crowd who had literally travelled from all across Pennsylvania to the Free Library of Philadelphia further solidified one thing: the true promise that resides in museum and library collaboration within communities. Read more

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IMLS in Your State

See the impact of IMLS in your state through grants, events, features, and research making a difference where you live.

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computer class in a Guam library

Grants to States

The Grants to States program is the largest source of federal funding support for library services in the U.S. Using a population based formula, more than $150 million is distributed among the State Library Administrative Agencies every year.

State Profiles   State Allotments   Read more

A student at Magee Academy in Pico Rivera, CA, selects a book with the Open eBooks app. According to Principal Gisela Castañon, the Open eBooks app provides her students access to desperately needed quality titles that are available for hours of reading pleasure and practice. Photo courtesy of Magee Academy.

The Open eBooks Initiative: Giving the Power of Reading to Those who Need it Most

Launched earlier this year, the Open eBooks initiative has garnered support and praise for its goal of helping children discover a love for reading through more open access to eBooks.

Read more


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IMLS is accepting nominations for the 2017 National Medal for Museum and Library Service, which recognizes libraries and museums that make significant and exceptional contributions in service to their communities.
In early May 2016, the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum reached the milestone of 100,000 catalogued lots in its mollusk (mostly “dry shells”) collection. This high-priority, IMLS-funded cataloguing project, which includes web dissemination of a...
IMLS recently announced the recipients of National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG-L) from our fall 2015 application deadline, and over the past few weeks, our colleagues Trevor Owens and Emily Reynolds have highlighted projects aligned with...

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