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Administrative Policy/Procedures


Physical Fitness Program Policy Directive and Policy Guide 0676PG

FBI Agents must meet strong physical fitness standards to ensure that they can successfully perform their duties to the US public and others. This release contains the FBI’s current Physical Fitness Program directive and policy guide detailing the fitness requirements for FBI Special Agents and agent trainees.

Policy Directive 0481D

Policy Directive 0481D details actions taken by the FBI’s Records Management Division, Record/Information Dissemination Section, and other components in responding to requests under federal open records laws like the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.

FBI Student Programs Policy Guide 0805 PG

This guide provides written guidance on the development, implementation, and administration of the FBI’s student programs, including internships and employment opportunities within the FBI.

Laboratory Reference Firearms Collection Policy LD0020D

Since the 1930s the FBI Laboratory has maintained a collection of firearms and firearm accessories to support FBI investigations. This policy details the use of these firearms and accessories, and defines access to them.

Non-Retaliation for Reporting Compliance Risks

The FBI’s “Non-Retaliation for Reporting Compliance Risks” policy provides a process for FBI personnel to express concerns or report potential violations of the Bureau’s legal and regulatory compliance efforts and encourages employees to report such matters.

Electronic Recordkeeping Certification Policy Guide 0800PG

The Electronic Recordkeeping Certification Policy Guide defines authorities, roles, responsibilities, process and documentation requirements that govern the certification of FBI-owned and FBI-sponsored IT systems. It went into effect on August 14, 2015.

2015 Pre-Publication Review Policy Guide

The FBI’s Pre-Publication Review policy went into effect on June 04, 2015.

Digital Evidence Policy Guide

The FBI’s 1/3/2014 “Digital Evidence Policy Implementation Guide” was created to establish and consolidate FBI policy and procedures with regards to the proper handling, reviewing and processing of digital evidence collected in the course of FBI investigations. Redactions were made to protect personal privacy and law enforcement techniques.

FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG)

The FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) was revised and updated based on comments and feedback received since the original DIOG was issued on December 16, 2008. This new version was approved by Director Mueller on October 15, 2011. The changes primarily clarify and enhance the definitions of terms and procedures used in the original DIOG. Each change has been carefully looked at and considered against the backdrop of the tools our employees need to accomplish their mission, the possible risks associated with the use of those tools, and the controls that are in place. The DIOG was first issued to help implement the new Attorney General’s Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations that were issued earlier that year. Those guidelines had reconciled a number of previously separate guidelines, the first of which had been issued in 1976. A redacted version of this manual was released and posted to the FBI’s FOIA website in early 2011 along with some training materials used in briefing FBI personnel on Section 4 of that manual. The second edition of the DIOG was released on October 15, 2011. A redacted version of this revised edition was released on 11/07/2011 and posted to the FBI’s FOIA Library, The Vault on 11/07/2011 .

Patriot Act

The USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001) was signed into law by President George W. Bush. Portions of the law had been set to expire in 2005, but were subsequently renewed. These FBI documents range from 2002 to 2005.


Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures