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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

St. Helen's Estate

St. Helen's Estate, Hanmer. This is the property of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company. It comprises about 18,000 acres of freehold and about 200,000 acres of leasehold, and is situated in the Amuri district, bounding the Hanmer river, with Leslie Hills on its southern boundary. The station was formerly the property of Mr. W. A. Low, and was taken over by the Loan and Mercantile Company in 1897. Mr. Low worked the property for twenty years, and had acquired the back part from the late Mr. Thomas Carter, of Marlborough, and the front portion from Count Delapasture. The homestead is on the Hanmer Plains about one mile from the Hanmer Springs; it is surrounded with a plantation of trees, while substantial and commodious outbuildings and stockyards are at a convenient distance. About 120 miles of fencing have been erected, and 1200 acres have been cultivated and sown in English grass. The stock consists of 42,000 Merino and 2500 half-bred sheep, about 150 head of cattle, and seventy horses.