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My friend says P&S cameras are a waste of money

Started 3 days ago | Discussions thread
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Jonathan Brady Veteran Member • Posts: 3,840
Re: My friend says P&S cameras are a waste of money

Cameranoobie wrote:

Jonathan Brady wrote:

Cameranoobie wrote:

I forgot to mention that when my friend was saying "hundreds and hundres of dollars" hes nit takking about $100 or 200 cameras but like the LX100, RX100, RX10.

He has a Galaxy S7 and he said it takes just as good photos as all the cams above. But his is a phone too, and much more other things

Wow... Then you should probably stop taking camera advice from that particular friend, if you ever did.

Well he said that the public are made to think that high end P&S like the LX100 and RX100 put out better photos but they really dont.

Your friend is funny.  In a "he's completely wrong" sort of way. They absolutely DO put out better images. Now, whether that difference is important to the end user is COMPLETELY dependent upon who that end user is. Some people may not see a difference in the output, but they may also be legally blind.  I have, at worst, 20/20 vision when using both eyes and probably more like 20/15. I can usually see the difference in quality between a cell phone camera and a large sensor compact in average light or worse. I can also easily see the difference between them when the focal length needs to be longer than whatever the fixed focal length of the cell phone camera is.

I cant remember which Galaxy phone he has but its the latest, might be S6....I dont think there is an S7.

I own the S6, and the S7 was released 3 months ago. Regardless, neither can touch the image quality of a large sensor P&S. Sensor size matters.  A lot. The overwhelming vast majority of images I keep on my phone were taken with my DSLR - which obviously has an even larger sensor than large sensor compacts. When I show people those images, literally every time, they react to them and are blown away by how good the images look. Literally every time. They often ask "WAS THIS TAKEN WITH YOUR PHONE??!?!?!!!" (yes, shouting, enthusiastically) or "you took this with a real camera, didn't you?" or any of dozens of other (rhetorical) questions. Sensor size matters.

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