Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code 2100x1180 My name is Osariemen Ogbemudia. I am 17 years old. I am from Nigeria and I attend Valley Stream North High School in New York. My name means “God gives me” in Edo and idiomatically means “God’s gift.” My parents picked this name for me because I am their first child and they expected me […]

AT&T; | AT&T | February 6, 2015

The Next Big Thing:

Accelerator Image Post_the next big thing Technology makes learning – inside and outside of the classroom – more engaging and accessible than ever before. It’s also fundamentally changing how students learn and educators teach. Ideas come from everywhere and anywhere – from entrepreneurs based at incubators like 1776, from former DC Public School teachers, and from parents of local students. But […]

AT&T; | AT&T | February 3, 2015

Preparing today’s students for the jobs of tomorrow

_93A3087.CR2 Preparing students for school and career success is a hot topic at the local, state and federal level. Different approaches are being tried and monitored for their impact. Without question, however, we know that when it comes to helping today’s students graduate from high school and succeed in the workforce, a mentor can make all […]

AT&T; | AT&T | January 27, 2015

Reimagining career paths

ATT Aspire_WP_Reimagining Career Paths_Option B Over the past decade, technology has fundamentally transformed much of our world – from the way we meet people to how we build a business to exploring neighborhoods. Technology has also changed how we learn, how we work, and increasingly, the work that we do. This means the skills that were once considered valuable aren’t […]

AT&T; | AT&T | January 20, 2015