Submission Guide: Companies and Contact Information

What is Contact Information?

How is Contact Information structured?

Who can edit Contact Information?

How do I update Contact Information?

How do I update my client list?

How do I add a new company

What is IMDbPro Resume contact information?

How long will it take for my submissions to appear online?

What is Contact Information?

Contact information is an email address, phone number or mailing address for a person or company you are trying to reach. On IMDb this is non-credit information such as the connections between companies and people, a person's employer, or an actor's representation. Representation includes a person's talent agency, PR firm, manager, etc. A company's Contact Information includes name and location, its client list, and its employee list.

There are two types of contact information: IMDb-Vetted contact information ("Contact Information") and IMDbPro Resume data ("Resume").

  • Vetted contact information can be submitted to a person's IMDbPro page by anyone. For example, a manager can submit contact information for any of their clients. The information is vetted by IMDb editors and becomes part of IMDb's Contact Database.
  • Example of Vetted contact information as listed on IMDbPro:

  • Resume Data can only be submitted for yourself via the "Resume" feature included with an IMDbPro subscription. This data is not vetted by IMDb editors and appears on the site with an orange asterisk ( * ) indicating as much. Note that IMDbPro resume data is not hyperlinked. For example, if you add a talent agent to your resume, it will display the agent’s name as "flat text" in black rather than linking to the agent’s IMDbPro page.

    Example of Resume contact information as shown on IMDbPro:

How is Contact Information structured?

With IMDb-vetted contact information, the primary relationship is between the talent and the company that represents them. The specific representative ("rep") at the company is additional information. This means that when you add a rep, you should add their company first and then choose the specific rep. Structuring the data in this way allows us to display as many industry connections as possible.

If the rep does not have a company, you can create a relationship directly between the talent and the rep. This is called a Direct Client.

If a company represents another company, you can create an affiliation between the two.

Who can edit contact information?

Anyone with an IMDbPro subscription can see and submit updates for Vetted Contact Information. These updates will be vetted by our editors and published to the site if everything appears to be valid. If you do not have an IMDbPro subscription, you can sign up for a free trial here.

How do I update contact information?

Adding or updating contact information for any person or company requires an IMDbPro subscription. Once you have your subscription, you need to determine what type of contact information you are updating. If the information has an orange asterisk (*) next to it, please see the IMDbPro Resume section above. If there is no asterisk, read on.

Updating Name / People pages

Adding representation: To add current representation (such as a Talent Agent, Manager, Publicist, etc.) or employment information (the company for which a person works) for any person, start from that person's page on IMDbPro. Scroll to the bottom, click Edit Page and you will be given options to submit representation, employer or direct contact (your personal email or cell phone). Information submitted this way becomes part of the central IMDbPro contact database, making it visible on name pages, and on representation or employers' company pages. The Edit Page button looks like this:

Once you click Edit Page, you will be presented with a form allowing you to submit changes to Contact Information. The most complete way to add representation is to add both a rep's company as well as the specific representative. Doing so has advantages: It will connect the talent to both the company as well as the specific rep; it is more accurate; it takes advantage of IMDbPro's deep interconnectedness. This allows us to provide a more complete picture of how talent and representatives relate to each other. To add a new representative, choose to Add 1 item (or more) to the line titled Representation: I know the company and (optionally) the agent. The form will look like this:

Next, scroll to the bottom and click Continue. On the next page, you should enter the company name and include the country code in square brackets like this: [ and ]. Click Check these updates. If the IMDb software recognizes your company submission, the next box will be highlighted in green and will give you the option of which rep you would like to add. If the software does not recognize the submission, it will present some choices. Select the correct company name if it is in the list, otherwise, select the "Add this as a new company" option and click Re-check these updates.

Once the company and rep have been accepted, click Submit these updates and you will see a confirmation page. You will also receive an email with the same confirmation for your records (and it will be available in your submission history here). If you do not see or receive the receipt number, your update was not submitted and you will have to submit the update again.

For details about our processing times, please see our data processing timeframe page and our What happened to my submission? page.

Deleting or correcting representation: To edit or delete current representation (such as a Talent Agent, Manager, Publicist, etc.) or employment information (the company for which a person works) for any person, start from that person's page on IMDbPro. Scroll to the bottom, click Edit Page and you will be given options to correct contact information, including reps, employer or direct contact (i.e. your personal email or cell phone). Information submitted this way becomes part of the central IMDbPro contact database, making it visible on name pages, and on representation or employers' company pages.

Once you click Edit Page, you will be presented with a form allowing you to submit changes to Contact information. To correct or delete a representative, choose "Correct / Delete" on the line titled Representation: I know the company and (optionally) the agent. The form will look like this:

Then click Continue and you will be taken to a form with the content you'd like to update. Choose your appropriate action (Correct or Delete) and click Check these updates.

Once the information looks as you'd like it to look (either the deletion or the update), click Submit these updates and you will see a confirmation page. You will also receive an email with the same confirmation for your records (and it will be available in your submission history here). If you do not see or receive the receipt number, your update was not submitted and you will have to submit the update again.

For details about our processing times, please see our data processing time frame page and our What happened to my submission? page.

Deceased Individuals

IMDb does not show representation for deceased individuals. Rather, our policy is to create a new company for that person's estate (in the form of "Estate of John Doe") and allow it to have representation. For example, you may choose to list the Legal Representative or Publicist of an estate. To create a new company, see the section Add a new company below.

What if I try to update information and there is nothing to edit.

If you try to update information and the Edit Page form appears blank, one of two scenarios is likely in play.

Scenario 1 - The information you are hoping to edit is contained in someone's IMDbPro resume. Note that IMDbPro resumes are marked with an orange asterisk and can only be edited by the owner of the page. See IMDbPro resume information below for details on our Resume product.

Scenario 2 - You may be trying to update a client via the representative's page. Since the primary relationship is between the client and company (see how Contact Information structured), you will not see the client on the rep's page when editing. Please start at either the company's IMDbPro page or the client's IMDbPro page and follow the instructions above. You should now be able to edit the information you seek.

Company Pages

To add or edit contact information relating to companies such as employees, clients, location and more, start by going to the company's page on IMDbPro. Scroll to the bottom, click Edit Page and you will be given options to submit changes to Branches, Employees, Clients, Affiliations, Acronyms and Types ("types" being the company type: Talent Agency, Management company, Production company, etc...).

That form looks like this:

On the following pages, you will have the opportunity to add or edit any of the information you've chosen. For example, if you choose to add 1 branch, 1 employee and 1 client, you will see a form that looks like this:

Complete the form with as much information as possible and click the Check these updates button. Any ambiguous details will be highlighted in yellow or red, giving you an opportunity to clear the confusion. Once the information you're submitting is correct, click Submit these updatesand you will see a confirmation page. You will also receive an email with the same confirmation for your records (and it will be available in your submission history here). If you do not see or receive the receipt number, your update was not submitted and you will have to submit the update again.

For details about our processing times, please see our data processing timeframe page and our What happened to my submission? page.

How do I update my client list?

To add a single client, you may start from the talent's name page and follow the instructions above. To add a number of clients, however, we recommend starting at the representation company's IMDbPro page and submitting the clients in batches of up to 30 at a time.

After clicking the Edit Page button near the bottom of the company's IMDbPro page, choose the line for "Clients" under the Contact Details heading. Choose the number of clients you would like to add and click Continue at the bottom of the page. (If you are adding more than 30 clients, you'll have to do so in multiple batches)

The form looks like this:

In the next form, enter the clients' names in the Name column, and choose the agents' names from the dropdown in the Agent column. If the agent is not listed with the company yet, this dropdown also offers the opportunity to add a new agent. Finally, choose the representation type for each client in the Type column. Click Check these updates. Any ambiguous details will be highlighted in yellow or red, giving you an opportunity to clear the confusion. Once the information you're submitting is correct, click Submit these updatesand you will see a confirmation page. You will also receive an email with the same confirmation for your records (and it will be available in your submission history here). If you do not see or receive the receipt number, your update was not submitted and you will have to submit the update again.

For details about our processing times, please see our data processing timeframe page and our What happened to my submission? page.

Add a new company

How do I add a new company to your database?

The easiest way to create a new company on IMDbPro is to attach it to a piece of information already on the site.

For example, if your company has a credit on a title, you can add your company via the title's page. Or, if your company has an employee or client currently listed on the site, you can edit that person's page and add a new company. If the new company you're trying to add is your employer/your company, it is best to start from your IMDbPro page. If you have not yet done so, you will need to link your login information to your IMDbPro page in a process we call "Claiming your name page". You can find step-by-step instructions for claiming your name page here.

Note: If you do not yet have a name page on IMDb/IMDbPro, the process of claiming your page will give you the option to create a new name page for yourself.

To attach a new company to an existing piece of data (such as a title, or a person), you'll need to start on that title's or person's page. For example your company is a new Talent Agency and you have a number of clients to add. Start by going to your IMDbPro Page and clicking Edit Page. Scroll to the Contact Details section, choose to Add 1 item next to Employers and click Continue. On the next page, you should enter the company name and include the country code in square brackets like this: [ and ] as well as your title, job type and any other info you'd like to include. Click Check these updates. Since your company name does not yet exist in IMDb, you will get a yellow warning screen indicating there is some ambiguity. Click the "Add this as a new company" option and click Re-check these updates.

Finally, everything should be highlighted in green, allowing you to click Submit these updates and you will see a confirmation page. You will also receive an email with the same confirmation for your records (and it will be available in your submission history here). If you do not see or receive the receipt number, your update was not submitted and you will have to submit the update again.

For details about our processing times, please see our data processing timeframe page and our What happened to my submission? page.

The whole process will look something like this:

If you cannot find a piece of information to which you can attach your company name

Please see the section above Add a new company. From there, you will find details about creating a name page to assist in the process of creating a new company page.

What companies are eligible to be listed on IMDb?

Any company affiliated with the areas of the entertainment industry covered by IMDb is eligible to be listed in our database. Some examples of company types and if they are eligible include:

  • A production company that produces movies or TV shows: Yes
  • A talent agency that reps actors: Yes
  • A catering company that provides food services during filming: Yes
  • A company that received an on-screen credit in any IMDb-eligible title: Yes
  • A shoe store or grocery store located in Hollywood that happens to sell products to a lot of actors, directors and producers: No

IMDbPro resume information

If you have used your IMDbPro account to claim your own name page, you may also add representation information through the resume feature here: This feature can be reached through the My Page dropdown on the top navigation bar on every page in IMDbPro.

Information added through the resume feature is not vetted by IMDb data managers and does not become part of the IMDb contact database. It can only be edited or deleted through your IMDbPro account. Please note that this representation information will not appear on the listed company's, or the rep's client list, but on your name page only, as flat, unlinked text, and will be noted with an orange asterisk referring to a note which reads:

* Starred info submitted by page owner via IMDb resume (has not been verified by IMDb).

How long will it take for my submissions to appear online?

Information added to our contact database using the Edit Page button has the highest priority, which means it will be processed on the first business day after submission. Due to system latencies, however, the data can take up to 72 hours to appear on the site.

Information added to our IMDbPro resume system is updated to the site immediately (usually within a minute or two).
