Nikon D5: a pro photographer's opinion
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Nikon D5: a pro photographer's opinion

A Bahaman athlete, shot through the flame and heat haze in the Olympics Stadium in the 4 x 100m Mens Relay - London Olympics 2012.

Nikon D4, Nikon 300mm F2.8, 1/500 sec F4 ISO 800. Photograph by Mark Pain

The Nikon D5 has impressed us with its speed and reliability, and earned a gold award when we reviewed it recently. But we don't pretend to represent the camera's core market of sports professionals and photojournalists. That's why we turned to Mark Pain, a UK-based sports photographer and Nikon shooter, to get his opinion on the D5. Click through this article to learn how Mark got started, what makes a good camera for his needs, and how the D5 is measuring up.