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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!


Crysis 3 Review: Power Trip


A blockbuster sci-fi game that epitomizes Hollywood's influence on video games.

Throughout my time with Crisis 3, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was trapped inside of a Hollywood film. This became especially true during the more predictable moments of the script. At one point in the campaign, my partner and I, a man called Psycho, quietly snuck through the sewers as we attempted to evade C.E.L.L. -- a private military outfit ordered to find and capture us. Pyscho was formerly a Nanosuited military bad boy like me, but he had his outfit surgically removed by force somewhere between the last Crysis game and this one. Relegated to a life as a regular soldier, Psycho tugged at a rusty crank to open a set of sealed double doors until he felt fatigued; a loud creak reverberated through the environment -- a sure sign to anyone in earshot that they weren't alone.

"Do you think they heard that?" Psycho said as he turned to me.

Of course they did, I thought as I sighed to myself. I then ripped the doors apart with my hands and got ready for a firefight, as Psycho silently slinked up a ladder away from danger.

When we met up again later on, he walked a few paces ahead and stated the obvious, "I guess they heard that." It's typical Hollywood schlock, but I enjoy it for what it is nonetheless.

When video games get compared to Hollywood-caliber films, it's important to provide a clear definition of what that actually means. Hollywood films focus more on spectacle and action over subtlety. They're movies rife with explosions and pretty visuals, and though a writer can try to hash together memorable exposition, ultimately the action trumps everything else. Crysis 3, much like the rest of the series, lives up to this style of high-production value, popcorn entertainment, as it melds together distinct genres into a blockbuster game filled with big explosions, impressive graphics, and science fiction jargon.

Most importantly, Crysis 3 knows how to generate a sense of empowerment. As the player, you're the guy inside the powerful Nanosuit -- an expensive piece of military hardware that gives you access to super-human abilities. Impressively, said powers tie into different approaches that a player can test out across seven missions. You can sneak by unsuspecting C.E.L.L. soldiers or intimidating aliens called Ceph in stealth mode, or you can take a direct approach and fire up your maximum armor mode to sustain yourself against heavy enemy fire. As players use abilities, a power meter keeps their actions in check, but it regenerates fairly quickly whenever you're in normal mode. Thanks to Crysis' comfortable console control scheme, you have easy access to everything the Nanosuit has to offer, from powerful melee attacks to high jumps. And the abilities and weapons -- like the sublime bow and arrow introduced in this entry -- empower every decision you make within its large environments.

With Crysis 3, developer Crytek, makes progress in marrying the open sandbox environments of the original Crysis with the more directed and straightforward level layouts of Crysis 2. This approach let's Crysis 3 bounce between the two distinct styles well, and the results fit in line with how the Halo series handles the same setup. Of course the set pieces here present much larger playgrounds to trek through, but -- at least for the console versions -- these spaces come at a price.

Crysis has built a reputation on delivering immersive visuals that create a sense of wonder around the technology behind video games, yet such high fidelity presentation works as a double-edged sword. Obviously many of the environments look incredibly accurate, or as accurate as you can assume given the context of a decayed, overgrowth-filled NYC occupied by aliens and private military. However, when you witness bizarre lighting changes or a few up close blurry textures, they can appear more jarring than they should because of the high quality work on display. Of course, there's a lot more to Crysis than detailed graphics and lighting models -- and Crytek's works stands as a testament to the future potential of rendering technology -- but prepare for a few eyesores along the eight-hour campaign.

Poorly designed vehicle segments resemble a more significant stumbling block by Crtyek in Crysis 3. These segments -- which don't present themselves until the last chunk of the campaign -- drag the experience down to unexpected stages of tedium. Handling can seem difficult, especially if you're not comfortable with first-person driving -- a skill that understandably some players possess over others. But more frustratingly, the vehicles themselves give the impression that they're made of high fidelity paper since they explode pretty quickly under enemy fire. Even tanks can't stand up to Ceph technology, leaving me to wonder why Crytek thought it best to leave them in the game. Perhaps paper-thin vehicles are a staple of Crysis, but they leave a terrible impression. Although it's tempting to go out on foot, the scale of the battleground where they appear makes traveling on wheels necessary.

For a long time I always described Crysis to friends as a strange What If scenario. What if Halo, Half-Life, and Metal Gear Solid could have a baby? That spawn would be Crysis. By all accounts this is one cute kid and Crysis lives up to the pedigree of all three potential parents well. I only wish I had more positive things to say about the story. Sadly there's not much here to reference outside of the occasional twist. I appreciate how well the narrative integrates characters across three games into one cohesive tale, but it still feels largely forgettable compared to other sandbox action games like Dishonored. But I guess that's the nature of Hollywood for you. Either you go big or go home. Leave morality tales to someone else.

If you go in understanding that Crysis 3 delivers blockbuster entertainment and multiplayer that iterates on Call of Duty's perks system, you'll be fine. But if you want Crysis to stake a claim all its own, you might be disappointed. But don't let that stop you from enjoying a solid action sandbox like this one. Crysis 3 might not reinvent itself into a grander vision, but like a good Hollywood sequel, it sticks to what it does well and iterates its formula into an impressive video game.

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Comments (14)


    Posted: Apr 22, 2013 12:00AM PST by  JUSTINSANE111
    NICE! I just got an Xbox Live Gold code for FREE! :D freexboxlivemonth[dot]com
  • SqFXHalf4
  • Crysislll

    Posted: Apr 02, 2013 12:00AM PST by  SqFXHalf4

    Multiplayer is awesome, fair, competitive, with many play modes and unique maps to squander. The ability to jump high and smash down a stomp move is epic. Nano-suit stealth and armor helps tremendously, high caliber of weaponry and in map bonus items make multiplayer a must for any gamer.

  • karnie
  • "Epitomizes Hollywood's influence on video games"

    Posted: Mar 27, 2013 12:00AM PST by  karnie

    You just summed up perfectly why I won't be buying this game. 

    • CappinCrunk
    • Hmm..

      Posted: Jun 01, 2013 12:00AM PST by  CappinCrunk

      That really sucks for you because you will be missing out on one of the greatest games made so far.

      I don't know why all the politics everywhere these days.. People have become a society of spoiled bratts. 

  • nkotelko
  • shameless

    Posted: Mar 16, 2013 12:00AM PST by  nkotelko
    SWEET! I just got a free Microsoft points card pin at freemspointsforever com
  • vladspartan
  • awesome game

    Posted: Mar 15, 2013 12:00AM PST by  vladspartan

    is an awesome game.with awesome graphics too


  • audiojoe
  • Multiplayer Looks Sick!

    Posted: Mar 05, 2013 12:00AM PST by  audiojoe

    Hunter mode looks interesting. Graphics look good but as comments above say, thinking will need a super computer to get those effects?

  • Eightbit_ShyGuy
  • Not yet ready, but is at the same time?

    Posted: Feb 22, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Eightbit_ShyGuy

    I'm happy with this game, don't get me wrong, but i think they should of kept working on it longer. It felt like it was rushed. They needed to make the controls a little more solid they're loose to me and they don't seem right. The one thing that i did enjoy was the multiplater. I lvoe the fact that they added new mode that will have lasting affect, and rarely get old. Overall i did enjoy this game. Worth a buy.

  • Kigaba
  • Multiplayer?

    Posted: Feb 21, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Kigaba

    Any comments on the multiplayer component (other than that trailer)?  I find it fun (Predator Bow is a touch OP) but the number of folks playing online seems quite low...

  • EKGTrooper
  • Was going to be a day one purchase

    Posted: Feb 19, 2013 12:00AM PST by  EKGTrooper

    Considering I think Crysis 2 is one of the best shooters ever made (and I've played them all), I was understandably excited for this new one. I pre-ordered and was set to pick it up this afternoon. Then I started reading reviews. And while the reviews are all positive on the game, the fact that the single player is now about 5 hours long, less than half the length of the first two games, pretty much convinced me to cancel the pre-order and rent the game instead. 

    Unfortunately for developers I have a small list of rules they must follow if they expect me to buy their games. They aren't unreasonable, but I follow the rules very closely, and any game that doesn't follow them gets rented or bought used instead.

    Rule 1) No Online Pass. The whole Online Pass fiasco is a scam. It was a lie from day one. It serves to only rob you and me of money. I could write an essay about why it is a scam, but I won't. Any games with an Online Pass get rented or bought used.

    Rule 2) The single player campaign must be at least 8 hours long for a full $60 retail game. "Derrrr but length has nothing to do with quality derrrrrrr there are plenty of amazing $60 games that are less than 8 hours derrrrrr". Why thank you Mr. Derp, I understand your argument, but I just don't agree with it. While there are plenty of games that are less than 8 hours and are fantastic, for $60, I expect the game to last me more than an afternoon. And since I don't care about multiplayer in the least, the single player campaing has to be up to my standards.

    Rule 3) Manipulative marketing. For example, trailers for a multiplatform game that only show the PC version and try and pass it off as the console versions. Bullshots is another good example, like we can't tell those pictures spent a good 20 hours in Photoshop??? False advertisement in general. Try and trick me with your advertising, and I will find out before the game even launches. No $60 for you. 

    Rule 4) Manipulative DLC. Now, obviously I can't tell what a developer/publisher is going to do with their DLC before a game launches, so if they follow rules 1-3 and I buy the game, only to find out they are trying to rob me with DLC by doing thing like trying to sell me the "Real Ending", or selling me sections of the game they clearly cut from the final product, I will give the game to as many friends as I can, and then trade it in. Then I feel comfortable knowing I robbed them of at least a few hundred dollars, and then we're even. 

    • Grimbear13
    • I can agree with you're #2

      Posted: Feb 20, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Grimbear13

      I haven't really bought many used games as of late so #1 doesn't mean much to me.  But I sure do get annoyed when games have these super short campaigns.  I come from the days of the Super Nintendo RPG where an average playthrough could be 40 hours even up to 90 in certain games.  So for me now a days hearing that a "standard length" is like 6-8 hours for a single player campaign really hurts.  I mean I've heard that HD games cost more money to develop, though I'm not 100% on how and why besides some extra time spent on fine details for models, but why cut your content down to so little.  Also I dislike that Multiplayer is the shoehorn for every game.  Like oh our single player is only 15 minutes...but our multiplayer will last you years!  No...I'm at the point in my gaming career where the only competitive game I really enjoy is DOTA 2 so if you're multiplayer is just generic shooter 14 yeah I really don't care.  I've played the campaign a little bit yesterday and it was enjoyable.  Hopefully I'm not 80% through it lol.

    • Panthers21
    • Rule 1

      Posted: Feb 20, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Panthers21

      Online pass?  Please.  It is a big insult.  I would never buy a game that requires that.  Bye Madden! I miss NFL 2k more than I missed you this season


  • king_mob
  • Crysis Crisis

    Posted: Feb 19, 2013 12:00AM PST by  king_mob

    This game feels like it came out super fast, given how recently Crysis 2 came out. I want to play all three games but they've been on my rainy day list for a while now. I hope they'll release a collection with all three games out on disc, now that the first game is available on XBOX Live.

    • Grimbear13
    • They've been on a 2 year cycle

      Posted: Feb 20, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Grimbear13

      I know because I've built a computer for each one, my last computer however is good enough to run Crysis 3 on high settings, sadly not very high :(.

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Crysis 3
PC, 360, PS3
ESRB Rating:
Rating Pending
Release Date:
Q2 2013
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1UP Editor Score: B+

Average Community Score: A-

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