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This tab will gather together information about the numerous illustrators of Lucile and place their work in chronological order by date of appearance. Under construction from January 2012.

The principal editions are:

Ticknor & Fields, 1868. George DuMaurier, illustrator.

James Osgood, 1881. "Holiday Edition" with lead illustrations by Mary Hallock Foote; E[dward] H. Garrett, E[dward] P[arker] Hayden, L. S. Ipsen, F. F. Lummis, T[homas] Moran, W[illiam] L[add] Sheppard, James D. Smillie, A[lfred] R[udolph], Waud (1828-1926), and others; the engraving by [Varick Stout] Anthony, [John] Andrew & Son, [Victor L.] Chandler [Co., Engraving on wood and electrotyping], Closson, and other well-known engravers.

T. Y. Crowell & Co. 1883. British Poets. Favorite Illustrated Edition -- with designs by [William Ladd] Taylor, [F. T.] Merrill, [John Douglas] Woodward, [F. B.] Schell, [Robert Swain?] Gifford, [Edward H.] Garrett, [Edward Parker] Hayden, and others; engraving by George T. Andrew.

White, Stokes & Allen, 1886. Family edition: illustrations by H[enry Newell] Cady (1849-1935), the poem being enclosed within graceful decorative borders printed in tints and designed by W[illiam] St. John Harper (1851-1910).

T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1888. Family Edition: [F. T.] Merrill, [Charles] Copeland, Edmund H. Garrett, et al.

Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1890. Family Edition.

F. A. Stokes & Brother, 1889. Vignette Edition, 100 new half-tone engravings by Frank N. Gregory.

F. A. Stokes, 1893. Thomas McIlvaine water colors.

F. A. Stokes, 1897. Madeleine Lemaire water colors and designs by C. McCormick Rogers.


Last revised: 20 August 2015