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Joined on May 2, 2011

MJJSevilla's recent activity

  • I´m going to wait a year or so for the price to drop before even considering an upgrade.  I think I will go to the XP2 at some point because it appears to solve some of the minor annoyances I have ...
  • Replied in The 18mm F2...
    It depends what you use it for.  If you want a nice, small walkabout lens or a lens for social situations and shooting people in their environment type shots, it´s quite a good option.  Contrast, ...
  • In retrospect, perhaps I was overthinking it.  They key point is maybe "no-one can punch you on the internet".....
  • Lots of interesting things happen in places like DPR. 1) Depersonalisation - you just see a name on a screen, no image, no context making it easier to reduce the person you argue with into a one ...
  • I really have no idea what you´re on about it in this post Guidenet. I got the original X Pro 1- because I wanted something with high quality lenses in a small package for hiking. I bought it cos...

  • "this review is full of subjective viewpoints"

    Thats what it makes it a review, surely? By definition.

  • Why would they realise a DSLR? It wouldn´t be compatible with their lenses cos they´re too close to the sensor for a mirror. For Fuji, a DSLR basically means starting a new system from...

  • Hah, I´m under 40 still but I taught myself photography on my dad´s Yashica rangefinder and before I went fully digital my main cameras were a Voigtlander Bessa R2 rangefinder and a Hasselblad ...
  • Indeed.  And once you grasp the difference between "express an idea contrary to my personal opinion" and "tell me what I should/shouldn´t do" the whole fake controversy evaporates anyway.  I mean ...
  • "My wife's D5000 used batteries about the same size, but easily nailed 1000 images per charge. I think the main problem is that mirrorless cameras focus, meter, expose, frame, and do all TTL ...
  • I dont think it´s a question of battery technology - having a camera with an EVF running uses more electricity than one that relies on an OVF for one thing, and also smaller camera = smaller ...
  • The A6300 is better on paper in many respects but personally I couldn´t use one for my purposes because it lacks specific lenses I need like high quality, native mount wide primes, without adaptors...

  • Looking at my own history: Some Yashica (?) rangefinder from the 70s that belonged to my dad A Minolta Dynax 5 35mm SLR Minolta Dynax 7 (do an images search on google and you will discover where my ...
  • I barely ever cull my photos because A) Storage is cheap. B) I don´t have time to rigorously edit my photo collection, so unless it´s obviously terrible and I usually delete it in camera in that ...
  • It´s a niche product as the review says. Niche products are always a bit more expensive because they don´t sell in the same volumes. Personally I´d take the X Pro 2 over a Sony FF for example,...

  • Replied in Trujillo, Spain
    Fuji X Pro-1, 18mm, f11, 1/100, ISO 1000. This is a shot from Trujillo, a small town in the autonomous community (what an American would call a "state") of Extremadura in Spain.   It was the home ...
  • You aren´t doing anything worng - I tend to prefer RAW for landscapes for a couple of main reasons: Landscapes are often more complicated and require more tweaking - high contrast scenes that are ...
  • Olympus was my first mirrorless camera.  Before I went digital I was mostly a rangefinder user (Voigtlander Bessa R2 and Hasselblad X-Pan 2) and I never got to grips with DSLRs - both my Konica ...
  • WEll the 18-55 is good quality and versatile so it would cover most situations pretty well.  Then I guess it´s a question of whether you are a wide angle person or a telephoto person - the 14mm I ...
  • Replied in Nah...
    Fuji have always been a bit of a niche manufacturer - Nikon and Canon already have the DSLR market sewn up , why would Fuji try to compete against more established systems? F´s recent success ...
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