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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!

1UP Features

Review: Bending Genres in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
A look into the underpinnings of an unlikely sequel reveals the value of Luigi's spin-offs.

41 124 03/21/2013

An Unflattering Boll Cut
Why the notorious director of Postal, Alone in the Dark, and BloodRayne might actually be a genius.

26 37 03/06/2013

The Cinematic Nature of Parasite Eve
Square's theatrical RPG was a bizarre evolutionary dead end in video game storytelling.

22 41 02/28/2013

True Grit: The Influence of Westerns on Games
We examine how the romanticism of the Wild West influences games of all genres.

0 25 02/21/2013

When Video Games Met Films
What the two industries could learn from one-another.

0 25 02/20/2013

Five Movie-Based Games that Never Saw the Light of Day
We explore some notable adaptations that were sentenced to an early death.

10 31 02/20/2013

Stephen King's Influence on Video Games
How "The Mist" inspired and shaped Half-Life and Silent Hill.

9 60 02/19/2013

Cover Story: Games Go to Hollywood
This week, 1UP embraces the bright lights of Tinseltown.

4 37 02/19/2013

The Big Three: The Evolution of StarCraft's Zerg, Terran, and Protoss
How Blizzard's major races grew over the course of a decade, and what it meant for strategy.

0 25 02/15/2013

A Video Game Time Capsule
What would aliens assume about humanity from holding a controller?

13 46 02/14/2013

Five Great Aliens Alternatives to Colonial Marines
Bummed by how uneven Gearbox's new shooter turned out to be? Soothe your pain with its best predecessors.

0 55 02/14/2013

Spacebound: How Aliens Shape the EarthBound Story
The Mother series' extraterrestrials go a long way in giving the games a unique atmosphere.

8 41 02/13/2013

Lavos and Chrono Trigger's Otherworldly Roots
The giant space parasite that destroyed the world reminded us how truly alien something could be.

0 42 02/12/2013

Star Fox: Charting Possible Courses for the Future
What lies ahead for Nintendo's space adventure?

32 42 02/11/2013

Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!
This week, 1UP explores the cosmos.

11 56 02/11/2013

The Six Faces of Extraterrestrials in Video Games
We take a look at the digital archetypes of alien beings.

0 29 02/11/2013

The Legend of the R-Rated Gaming Comedy
A look back at the few games that ever dared to go raunchy.

0 40 02/08/2013

The Misdirection of Portal
Everyone knows Portal is funny, but we examine just why that is.

0 39 02/07/2013

Dark Farce: The Perils of Self-Aware Video Games
What good is satirizing bad design when it merely leads to more bad design?

11 36 02/07/2013

Small Words, Big Impact: Humor in Borderlands 2
Gearbox's Anthony Burch discusses the art of peripheral text.

0 30 02/06/2013

Satirical Edge: The Humor of Platinum Games
A look at the (sometimes) successful satires of Japan's wildest action titles.

0 43 02/06/2013

Missing Mascots 2: More Gaming Superstars Who Went AWOL
We take a look at another round of iconic characters that dropped out of sight.

26 37 02/06/2013

A Eulogy for TimeSplitters
Looking back at one of the few shooters that was actually in on the joke.

0 36 02/05/2013

When Video Game Glitches Go Wild
Evidently some people just want to watch the world ragdoll.

0 45 02/04/2013

Cover Story: Humor in Games
This Week, 1UP embraces the lighter side of our medium.

11 38 02/04/2013

Se7en: The Double Fine Adventure Game Edition
"If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth." 1 John 1:8

8 26 02/04/2013

Arguing Against Realistic Violence
Why the leap in technology over the past decade has turned one gamer off certain series.

0 30 02/01/2013

The Odyssey of Skulls of the Shogun
Developer 17-bit gives us a look behind the scenes at their darling turn-based strategy game.

1 25 01/31/2013

Pulled Punches: Why Most Violence Lacks Impact
Few games have the ability to deliver mature content in a meaningful and memorable way.

12 33 01/30/2013

A Farewell to Arms: Games That Grew Less Violent Over Time
Taking a look at series that stepped back from delivering graphic content.

0 34 01/29/2013

Natural Born Killers: Games That Grew More Violent Over Time
A look at series that became increasingly more graphic throughout the years.

0 46 01/29/2013

From Fear to Acceptance: How Non-Gamers View Violence
A conversation with my former babysitter about digital violence.

0 41 01/28/2013

Cover Story: Violence & Pacifism in Video Games
This week, 1UP discusses how our medium and our culture handle physical conflict.

3 44 01/28/2013

Making Game Violence Count
EDITORIAL: Violence in games isn't necessarily a bad thing. The trick is in how it's used.

29 70 01/28/2013

The Shameful Eating Habits of Video Game Protagonists
Sometimes there are consequences for scarfing down an entire ham from a dungeon floor.

17 36 01/23/2013

Closing Numbers: The Final Games of Fallen Developers
We look at the final releases from ten departed game companies.

17 65 01/21/2013

Tales of Xillia Director Hideo Baba on the Ever-Changing RPG Landscape
We chat with the head of Namco's popular RPG series and find out why he doesn't mind Tales being a genre unto itself.

14 39 01/21/2013

In Defense of Our Culture
Why video games shouldn't settle for being relegated to condescension and pithy references.

0 78 01/18/2013

Don't Be Afraid Of PC Gaming
If you're curious about the PC as a gaming platform, here's why you shouldn't hold back.

0 44 01/16/2013

The Definitives: Six Remakes That Left the Originals in the Dust
When tweaking a game helps it reach its pinnacle.

0 97 01/15/2013

Digital and Nontraditional: Breaking Down Ouya, Steam Box, And Other New Wave Systems
What makes each of these systems unique, and what factors will result in their failure or success?

13 47 01/15/2013

Policenauts and Hideo Kojima's Adventure Game Roots
Why you should care about the non-Metal Gear side of Konami's biggest star.

10 36 01/11/2013

A Lamentation on the De-Evolution of Video Game Localization
Video game localization took years to crawl away from "prooving the justice of our culture," only to slide back to where we began.

0 59 01/10/2013

Outside It's America: A BioShock Infinite Interview
We speak to writer Drew Holmes about Infinite's fascinating alternate reality.

0 31 01/10/2013

Artorias of the Abyss and a Worthwhile Return to Lordran
From Software's DLC gives Dark Souls veterans a valid excuse to replay one of 2011's best RPGs.

0 39 01/09/2013

Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning Quarterly Performance Report
How does a new farmer fare in a season of Natsume's latest?

11 32 01/08/2013

The New Ice Age: A Lost Planet 3 Interview
The creative leads of Capcom's next ice planet adventure talk design, combat, and Dead Space.

2 26 01/07/2013

The Deceptive Beauty of Atari Box Art
How a bit of creative marketing goes a long way.

43 95 01/07/2013

Cover Story: Odds 'N Ends
This week, 1UP takes you to the island of forgotten stories.

1 46 01/07/2013

Cover Story: Why We're Excited About 2013
This week, 1UP looks forward to what's primed to be an amazing year in gaming.

5 29 12/31/2012
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