Dear Friends and Neighbors.
Although the weather did not cooperate with us, a great Christmas  tour was had up here in Rutledge on Thursday and Friday, December 5th and 6th. Our town motto is “small but special” and we had 3 “small but special” cabins on tour. I would like to thank Jerry and Carol Stapp and Ronnie and Cindy Stapp on Harris Hollis and June and Larry Medford on West Main for putting their cabins on tour. The added traffic and tourists to our area helps us all. I also want to send a big thank you to the Rutledge Garden Club, especially Cindy Ferguson and Frankie Beers, the clubs co-presidents who arranged  decorating and docent schedules. Also, thanks to the Rutledge Baptist Church for opening their beautiful doors to the  public during the tour and to Brenda Thompson, in particular, for the beautiful decorations in the sanctuary. At this juncture, the Chamber of Commerce driving tours happen in Rutledge every 2 years and we appreciate being included. With the tour activity well behind us, Rutledge has some events of it’s own to let you in on. There will be a Holiday Tea on Sunday, December 15th at The Caboose. The Caboose is also hosting a float in the Madison Christmas parade. Our theme out here in the country is nature, so who better to usher in the change of season’s than Old Man Winter, with friends Mother Nature and Jack Frost on the float? Escorting them though the parade will be Classic City Clydesdales from nearby Bishop. If you miss the Parade, you can share a Solstice celebration on Saturday the 21st of December and have  a special breakfast  at The Caboose in Rutledge. The Beautification Committee has a few live trees left for your Christmas tree needs and after. Stop by the Co-op and pick one out. We’ll even help you load it! It is a busy and exciting time of year. Let me take a moment to wish you and yours the best the season has to offer, love, laughter, family and friends,   Wishing everyone the Peace and Joy that is our daily experience in our blessed and cherished corner of the world.  Merry Christmas to everyone out there from all 781of us in Rutledge!

Best regards,