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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!





The Essential 100, No. 4: Tetris

Cover Story: Where organizing different block patterns never gets old.


s Tetris proof that every person has a built-in penchant for organization? Maybe. At least, that would help explain why Alexey Pajitnov's wonderfully simple block puzzle game has endured across so many different platforms. Rarely does a game appeal to so many different people, and even fewer games represent such a sterling example of deceptively straightforward concept and steadfast execution. Thanks to its rare staying power, you can play Tetris on almost anything today, from dedicated gaming handhelds to mobile cellphones -- even if you don't have a smartphone -- to competitive matches with people on Facebook. It's a phenomenon that happened way before mobile hits like Angry Birds or Cut the Rope, and it helped influence the future and design of portable video games for decades.

Spot Art

Before I go on any further, stop and take a quick second to picture the first time you played Tetris. What do you see? I see an impressionable Puerto Rican youngster who had no idea what to make of it at first. "A game where you move blocks around?" I thought. "That's just weird." Regardless of my unfavorable perception of the game, I have to admit that my mom pulled off the impossible for Christmas of 1989: She purchased not one, but two Nintendo Game Boys for our tiny household, a rare feat for kids from a single-parent home in the Bronx. After the initial excitement of getting a Nintendo portable system wore off, I curiously examined the art on the tiny cartridge, unprepared for what I was in for. I popped it into my bulky Game Boy and tried it out. Little did I suspect this game would become one of my favorite games of all time.

Tetris represents a rare phenomena in video games -- something that only happens a few times in a generation

I don't know if you shared the same skepticism I did, but, at least on paper, Tetris sounded like a really boring video game. Yet this wasn't true at all. In fact, its design feels lifted from early arcade games. Pieces -- referred to as Tetrominos -- would drop down from the top of the screen and a player had to arrange them into completed lines. Each line you formed would flash and disappear, contributing to your overall score. The more lines you erased at once, the higher your potential score, and the Tetrominos would fall with increasing speed as you progressed. Each run lasted as long as a player could survive. The addictive nature of it all tantalized them with the promise of just one more game.

Tetris represents a rare phenomena in video games -- something that only happens a few times in a generation -- but I still can't explain its wide appeal. Maybe so many people loved Tetris because of its freeform gameplay, which gives the player complete control to shuffle and organize incoming blocks quickly and with zero instruction -- and, more importantly, however they see fit. Few puzzle games have ever offered such a clever gameplay loop, allowing you to apply dozens of different solutions to a single problem. Eventually a player would discover a distinct strategy to strive for, but the act of playing never fell into a tired gameplay pattern. You would see a piece appear at the top of the board and react by and trying to find the best slot on the screen for it.

Spot Art

I realize that Tetris debuted on PCs and initially became available in the U.S. in arcades and on consoles, but its distribution as a portable game on the Game Boy helped prove the potential of the early mobile gaming market. Obviously portable video games existed before Game Boy and Tetris -- from Nintendo's Game & Watch lineup to the adorable Coleco Donkey Kong -- but none of them appealed to such a wide range of people. The Game Boy became a must have portable system for everyone -- not just gamers -- and Tetris played a major part in that desire.

The idea of organization may not sound like a fun premise for a video game, but Tetris transformed us all into expert-level pack rats. Its iconic Tetrominos have become a big part of video games and mainstream culture. In fact, this might just be the one video game almost everyone has played at least once. The fact that it's still relevant today says a lot about this block puzzle game from Russia, and its lasting influence will help shape games for years to come.


Author Pic

Jose Otero

Jose Otero has never had a dream (or nightmare) involving huge Tetris pieces. You can read all about his weird obsession with old video games on Twitter.

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Comments (8)

  • Lil_Panda
  • A Game Like This Never Gets Boring!

    Posted: Oct 30, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Lil_Panda

    The game was always entertaining when it was the only game I could play! Simple yet challenging, I love games like that. My little brothers and cousins would watch me play and gets so excited like watching 2 people battle.

    "Oh nooo!"

    "Over there!"

    "NO, IT'S A TRAP"

    "Not there!"

    " No no no no NO NO NOO!"

    "My turn"


    *Game device dies*


    he ehehehe... I got carried away. Also the game was stolen. I have a whole in my heart.

  • kingsharkboi
  • my favorite block puzzler ever was...

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  kingsharkboi

    Pokemon Puzzle League for the N64.

    Hit me

  • jml13004
  • that game

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  jml13004

    You can not play it for years , and when you get to play it again, the groove comes back immediately. cannot be played with the classic musics though.

  • sean697
  • I borrowed my friends Gameboy

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  sean697

    Back in the day just to play and ,aster this game. It really was the Wii sports of handheld systems. Nintendos crossover appeal didn't start with the Wii.  This game famously got non gamers and adults buying the Gameboy to play this game. Also I once rented the Tengen Tetris port from my local video store and played it it and it was way better than the official Nintendo NES port.  How I wish Ai would have just kept that game or tried to buy a few copies from the rental store.

  • ForteII
  • Dr. Mario may be my #1...

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  ForteII

    ...but ultimately all puzzlers owe it to  Tetris .  It cannot be denied...  Smile

  • AlmightyMokona
  • I'm weird...

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  AlmightyMokona

    Never liked this game myself and I love puzzle games...was always more of a Columns kinda guy and its many iterations...followed later by Super Puzzle Fighter and Catherine and sorts...something about Tetris always bored the crap outta me, but its no doubt it was essential...it was like THE handheld game before Pokemon set the world on fire, I think Pokemon should have been higher than this...

    • DarkZitan
    • Well..

      Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  DarkZitan

      People may still be playing pokemon or many one of it's interations. But my girlfriend knows how to play tetris and play it well. Doesn't give a damn about pokemon. It's been around for so long, and still the EXACT SAME GAME has that much influence. Thats why. In my opinion anyways.

    • trevoraitken
    • You are weird.

      Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  trevoraitken

      Just kidding I know plenty of people who can't stand Tetris.  Pokemon was a cultural phenomenon that was far more reaching than the games.  Back when I was a kid it was far more common to hear people talk about the cards or anime than the game.  Tetris is one of those games that is ubiquitous with gaming itself.  If you asked a non-gamer/gaming enthusiast what video games are they would probably come up with something along the lines of the Space Invaders shooting Tetris blocks at Mario.

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