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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!





The Essential 100, No. 2: Dungeons & Dragons

Cover Story: How a tabletop adventure system defined video games.


erhaps no single work has shaped the video game medium quite like Dungeons & Dragons. Though not a video game in itself, this pen-and-paper role-playing game has done more to define the inner workings of the medium than any other single work or concept. Official D&D-licensed; video games crop up every now and then, ranging in quality from wretched (those terrible NES ports of '80s computer games) to brilliant (BioWare's Baldur's Gate series). When they do, they don't have to stretch far in order to reflect the essence of D&D; they feel instantly familiar to anyone who has spent any amount of time video gaming, because video games carry D&D;'s heritage at the genetic level.

The medium's reliance on D&D;'s design makes a lot of sense from a simple perspective of timing. Right as the pen-and-paper game was exploding across America, video games began to pupate from Pong clones into something more substantial. Naturally, the same young men who took interest in tabletop adventure sessions with their college friends were the ones who spent long, late nights in campus computer labs trying to alchemize streams of digital data into recreation. Of course they would look to D&D; for inspiration.

Of course, D&D; didn't come into popularity in a vacuum. The '70s saw a general obsession with fantasy tropes in general. Conan comics sat right beside Spider-man on the nation's magazine racks. Led Zeppelin sang about journeying into Mordor, giving something for stoned college students to zone out about as they smoked pot and stared at the Lord of the Rings posters adorning their dorm room walls. Gary Gygax and his collaborators mined the zeitgeist of the '60s and '70s -- the collective conscious before Star Wars relegated heroic barbarian fantasy to the sidelines for a couple of decades -- and the men responsible for the revolutionary video games of the medium's formative years were happy to be swept along.

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D&D;'s influence on video games resulted from other, equally practical considerations as well. Its underlying premise -- presenting a consistent set of rules by which gamers could go adventuring -- lent itself perfectly to the binary nature of video games. D&D; had grown out of the need to define parameters for small tabletop wargaming sessions. After a few rounds of refinement, it evolved to focus on small adventures in which groups of gamers assumed the identity of a warrior or magician in search of treasure in dungeons. Eventually, it grew into something much larger -- a loosely defined world in which questers around the world turned to consistent skills and tools to battle a common bestiary through their own tales that evolved as the session's Dungeon Master planned and extemporized in response to the player's choices.

The concept that complex interactions and attributes could be reduced to a set of numbers influenced by a randomized variable made D&D; a perfect fit for video games

At its most basic level, Dungeons & Dragons existed as a framework, a set of rules for gamers. It provided the parameters by which warriors could face off against a dozen goblins -- his chances for success and the foes' likelihood of overcoming him with sheer numbers -- or by which wizards could weave their spells. Physical strength, the ability to dodge incoming blows or shrug off the ones that couldn't be evaded, the mental power required to cast powerful offensive magic, the relative advantages and weaknesses of different races, the amount of time required to recover from casting spells or taking damage: D&D; had a rule for those things. And in almost every case, those rules were influenced by a roll of the dice.

The concept that complex interactions and attributes could be reduced to a set of numbers influenced by a randomized variable made D&D; a perfect fit for video games, in which everything ultimately boiled down to hard rules... and those instructions, in turn, reduced down to numbers at their atomic level. Computer games couldn't provide the lively, dynamic intelligence of a real Dungeon Master, but it could certainly chug along according to a set of rules and numbers.

Like D&D;, the games it inspired gradually evolved in complexity. Gygax's earliest modules generally revolved around rudimentary dungeon-spelunking in search of treasure, often against impossible odds that all but guaranteed failure. Likewise, early computer RPGs and adventures focused on treasure-hunting (Wizardry, Zork), while others emphasized raw survival (Rogue). Just as D&D;'s universe slowly expanded in complexity as new revisions added new rules and add-on modules defined the worlds in which D&D; "canon" transpired, so too did video games begin to expand and elaborate on the elements they borrowed from D&D.; For every Pools of Radiance, which faithfully preserved the laws and concepts of D&D;, you had a Dragon Quest or Tales of Phantasia, which took the by-the-numbers principles of D&D; into fascinating territory Gygax and his collaborators could never have predicted.

While D&D;'s video game influence primarily manifested in computer RPGs, over time its philosophy and aesthetics began to spread to other genres. Action games began to grow in sophistication, transcending maze chases and simple run-and-jump races to a flagpole to become increasingly RPG-like. The '80s saw the invention of arcade "action RPGs" like Wonder Boy II and Black Tiger, which incorporated simple shop, gear, and currency mechanics to mundane hack-and-slash titles. These evolved over time to influence everything from pure first-person shooters like Call of Duty (which rewards players with experience that can be redeemed to improve their standard gear loadout) to free-roaming action games like Sleeping Dogs (where players choose to unlock new skills).

Spot Art
Crimson Shroud

The convergence of modern genres caused Grand Theft Auto to mutate from a wacky crime spree sim into a de facto role-playing game by the time GTA San Andreas rolled around. It's given us shooters that operate on role-playing fundamentals, such as Deus Ex, where players can potentially talk their way out of a number of potential gun fights by making deft use of their charisma stat. And that's to say nothing of all the games that have taken their bestiaries straight from D&D;'s Monstrous Compendium. Sure, dragons and goblins have always been fantasy mainstays, but when you play something like Final Fantasy -- where the top dragon is specifically a tiamat, and you battle blatant Mind Flayer and Beholder Clones -- D&D;'s fingerprints seem particularly obvious. And then you have the likes of Crimson Shroud, which forego all pretense of video game illusions and try to simulate a tabletop experience with stunning accuracy.

Perhaps no single example better demonstrates D&D;'s relationship with games than BioWare's evolution over the past decade and a half. The company made its name developing products wholly based on the Dungeons & Dragons property; when that license dried up, they tweaked the details without substantially changing their workings. The result? A Star Wars-based game that effectively played like D&D.; Their own original property, Mass Effect, strayed even further from pure D&D; but still bore the earmarks. Most recently, the third Mass Effect game drifted entirely toward a pure shooter experience... but underneath it all, players still made use of skill trees and statistics derived directly from that '70s tabletop experience.

What's truly remarkable is the fact that even as games evolve and expand, the medium's reliance on D&D;'s concepts has only increased. Blockbuster game publishers look toward Hollywood with longing and envy, but in the end movies will never have the impact on the medium that this classic tabletop adventure framework has. Without D&D;, the fundamental nature of video game would be radically different... and a lot less fun.


Jeremy Parish

Jeremy Parish

Jeremy Parish failed his roll for initiative, so he's just gonna sit on the couch the rest of the day and eat Pringles.

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Comments (17)

  • LazerBrain
  • Great pick but...

    Posted: Dec 26, 2012 12:00AM PST by  LazerBrain

    As someone who loves console RPGs (especially Final Fantasy) and only recently started playing D&D I fully agree that this game deserves to be mentioned. I think though this game would fit better on a short list titles "Greatest influences to the video game medium" or something like that. I like that it's mentioned, but it deserves a different list. This list was specifically about videogames.

  • Chuck_the_Plant
  • Spot On!

    Posted: Dec 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Chuck_the_Plant

    Awkwardly paraphrasing of T.S. Eliot: "Gygax and Miyamoto divide gaming between them, and there is no third."

    A perfect pick for all the reasons you explained. If you have time, read King & Borland's "Dungeons and Dreamers." The book does a pretty good job of detailing the connections mentioned above, especially in regard to Richard Garriott's sphere of influence. Beyond the obvious connection to Ultima/UO, D&D informs Wizardry, Adventure, Zelda, Colossal Cave, Zork, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy... I could do this all day. 

    Well played 1UP. Well played indeed.

  • Killbot_5000
  • ..Really.

    Posted: Dec 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Killbot_5000

    With the endless array of available video games to choose from, I find it incredibly hard to swallow that a this could make this list and even harder to believe that it made #2.

    There are many things that influence video games, just like there are many books that influence movies. But you don't see books in a Top 100 Movie list.

  • McMarbles
  • This seems like a stretch

    Posted: Dec 23, 2012 12:00AM PST by  McMarbles

    Why not pick chess? Or "running around a blayground pointing your finger at people and saying "Bang! You're dead!" Both are as influential on modern gaming as D&D.

  • Necroserpent
  • Nothing Compares

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Necroserpent

    My first exposure to D&D was in the mid 80's during elementary school. My friend down the street had "inherited" the game from his family and I immediately became hooked. The first edition guides with their gritty images of monsters and dungeon encounters liberated my imagination. Nothing will ever compare to those late-night gaming sessions huddled around the original miniatures, using wooden blocks for roads, waiting to find out what was through the next door.

  • Southern_Geologist
  • I'm impressed.

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Southern_Geologist

    This article was quite surprising - I didn't see it coming, that's for sure - and quite impressive.  It was also convincing. 

    By the way, Mr. Parish, I think I should note that I concluded that you had written this article about halfway through it...long before I had scrolled to the bottom and seen your name attached.  I'm sure you've been told this before but your writing style has a particular 'stamp' and that is something difficult to achieve.

  • San_Andreas
  • Origins....

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  San_Andreas

    ....I think that rather than a tabletop game like D&D, it would have been far more appropriate to give this spot to one of the actual computer games that gave rise to the computer RPG, like Ultima, Wizardry, or even Will Crowthers' "Adventure".  Most RPGs have long since abandoned D&D trappings, but almost all of them still have vestiges of Wizardry or Ultima.

    • Machocruz
    • Yeah

      Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Machocruz

      I mean, Dragon Quest is important, but for establishing and influencing the entire genre in video games, Ultima or Wizardry should have been represented in the top 15 at least.

  • James Cameron

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  RUSKULL

    You forgot to mention James Cameron's influence on video games.  In fact, you could start off the article with "Although James Cameron is not a video game per say...".

    • Machocruz
    • Seriously

      Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Machocruz

      There are few sci fi games that don't have something from Aliens or Terminator.

      John Carpenter and Ridley Scott films as well.  

  • dustinboyd
  • Really good read.

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  dustinboyd

    Love the artwork as well. That being said this is the only non video game related item on the list and I believe that if we are looking outside of the media form to determine "Essential" other things could have been included as well. Things such as Pinball machines, specific books and movies have had significant influence on the industry. Again not disagreeing per se, however even the Star Wars movies would rank higher than some of the later entries on the list based on this criteria.

  • lokey013
  • I loved those Monster Manuals!!

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  lokey013

    The sketches in those things really brought to life the creatures in that world! D&D actually got me liking rpgs in general....well think that and Final Fantasy II (US version)

    Sorta like my gateway game into roleplaying =)

    Wish they made another Baldur's Gate game.  Heck I'd even take the console version of it.

  • Sinfullyvannila
  • Very nice...

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Sinfullyvannila

    Everyone who has plays video games should try at least one session of D&D. If you can't convince your friends to play it with you, most card and hobby shops host D&D night on Halloween.


    Jerwmy, can you write any articles without using the word zeitgeist? :P


    As a side note, who does the art for these articles(not this specific one of course)? Whoever does is brilliant.

    • sean697
    • I agree.

      Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  sean697

      Zeitgeist is one of those words that I find is used by pretentious artsy types. (No offense Jeremy). Usually because half the people who hear it have no idea what it means and half the people who use it have to impress how much there are into some scene whether movies, music etc. although I will admit that for a foreign word it does convey a meaning not easily worded in English. And don't tell me sinfullyvannila you didn't know that Jeremy does the art?

  • MikkiSaturn
  • Well I Never

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  MikkiSaturn

    I have read so many "Top 100 games" lists.  In fact, I could probably write a Top 100 "Top 100" article!  But I have never seen D&D listed.  I didn't expect this at all.  Even though D&D is not technically a video game, it's influence is completely undeniable, so I think it is pretty appropriate to include it.  Thanks for surprising me!

  • Aelfric
  • A minor point!

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Aelfric

    Mr. Parish, first of all, fantastic article.  I have to say one thing, however, which isn't really a correction, more an observation.  I have heard you make the Tiamat/D&D connection before.  While you are quite right that much of Final Fantasy was ripped directly from D&D (like the Beholder you fight in the Ice Cave), and while the D&D cartoon was all kinds of 80s awesome, Tiamat can't really be claimed solely by D&D.  The name originates in an ancient Babylonian creation myth usually called the Enuma Elish ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En%C3%BBma_Eli%C5%A1 ).  Tiamat there is a quasi-fish, pseudo-dragon (pun for D&D fans) mother goddess who is destroyed in order to form the world.  So, you, see, Final Fantasy can claim that Tiamat was prior art!  Awesomeness all the way around, though.  Thanks.

    • jparish
    • Oh, sure

      Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  jparish

      Most D&D lore originates somewhere else -- either directly or with the serial numbers filed off. Its unabashed theft of Tolkien is the stuff of legend. But things like Tiamat definitely made their way into Final Fantasy because of D&D; the FF version is a multi-headed dragon, not a fish-beast... just like in D&D! Anyway, thanks for the note.

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