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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!





The Essential 100, No. 14: The Legend of Zelda

Cover Story: Explore a land full of unique discoveries in a non-linear adventure, and then tell your friends all about it.


ike many early games available on the NES, The Legend of Zelda introduced gamers to a new concept: In this case, that of the non-linear adventure game. Of course, the brilliant designers behind Nintendo's first action RPG probably had a particular path in mind when they put it together, but they wisely chose to pack the fantasy land of Hyrule with tantalizing secrets and distractions, the kind most players would talk about endlessly. In fact, conversation about the more puzzling elements of Zelda usually lead to the most interesting revelations about it.

"Did you know if you use the recorder at this one spot in Western Hyrule, the fountain will drain and reveal the entrance to the seventh dungeon?" a friend said to me.

"Really? No, I didn't know that," I said as a look of utter disbelief crossed my face. I kept my map of Hyrule folded neatly inside my pocket back then. So I considered carefully pulling it out to have him show me exactly where I needed to go next.

Spot Art

Zelda became the poster child for this kind of thing. Some kid who had an NES, typically someone you knew from school or even the playground, would come along and and tell you this unfathomable thing you never considered, and then you'd count the hours until you got home to finally try it. A curious player could wander Hyrule for weeks trying to bomb and burn their way to uncover its many secrets, but a smart one relied on a network of astute friends to find the correct path. In many ways this epitomized the concept of an adventure. It's dangerous to go alone, so why not ask your friends what do do next? I suppose I could've called Nintendo's toll free number instead, but in my house that meant you were trying up the phone line and blocking a potentially important phone call.

But Zelda wasn't merely about what to do next or where to go. It told a story about a kidnapped princess and clearly focused on character growth, even though most of that information came through the text of the attract screen or the pack-in manual. Only by re-building the Triforce of Wisdom from eight scattered pieces and discovering helpful tools along the way could a player be considered powerful enough to face the mighty "Gannon" -- whose name Nintendo used to spell with two n's back then, instead of one -- and rescue the princess. In many ways, overcoming the challenge meant you finally realized your potential both as a player and as an adventurer.

Spot Art

The combined talents of legendary Nintendo designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka transformed the then-raw concept of action-adventure games

The combined talents of legendary Nintendo designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka transformed the then-raw concept of action-adventure games and molded it into a much less visually abstract form. Each detailed screen had a distinct color and look that, over time, communicated where you were and what was up ahead. The more progress a player made, the more they understood the lay of the land. Eventually you learned that the strongest enemies lived up near Death Mountain, making it best to avoid the rocky cliffs up early on in the adventure. The weaker foes hung out near the starting area. Maybe I could use them to build up a stockpile of cash so I could buy a bomb or a bigger shield? Even death and game over screens in Zelda communicated vital information a player could learn from and apply on their next tour through Hyrule.

Zelda's only flaw was its opaque nature, which cryptically told the player clues and what to do next in the vaguest terms possible. It made little effort to guide you to the next objective, but it did so with an amazing sense of confidence. Each screen stared back at the player with an assertiveness typically displayed in early video games that practically dared you to uncover its secrets. No wonder friends played such an integral part of my first Zelda experience. Only through our combined suffering could we topple Gannon and eventually save the day. Such a practice would barely fly at Nintendo today, but Zelda wasn't afraid to be a somewhat difficult game back then. And because of that distinct bravery and some smart design choices, it became one of the most memorable adventure of its day.


Author Pic

Jose Otero

Jose Otero's mind exploded when a co-worker showed him how different The Legend of Zelda sounded on the Famicom Disk System. He's been picking up the pieces and trying to recover ever since.

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Comments (15)

  • Necroserpent
  • I Miss Old Link

    Posted: Dec 22, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Necroserpent

    Having the original gold cartridge in your hand was like carrying around a piece of the Triforce itself. I miss the cross-emblazoned shield and minimalistic game design the early titles had. Having grown up in the forest with a wooden sword, pretending that bushes were foul enemies, this titles "spoke" to me like no other game had. I knew I couldn't be a Bionic Commando, or Contra soldier, but I could BE Link.

    • LBD_Nytetrayn
    • I hear that...

      Posted: Dec 27, 2012 12:00AM PST by  LBD_Nytetrayn

      I liked it when Link was a character like Mario, rather than something of a concept worn by various heroes. I mean, I like legacy heroes, villains, and the like, but...

  • dustinboyd
  • Should be higher.

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  dustinboyd

    This is THE game that made me feel that story telling was going to be a possibility in the future. Everyone in the schoolyard talked about this game. The save feature alone makes it rate higher. While I think LttP is a better game and is my favourite Zelda, this is the game that started it all and should be viewed as such.

  • kilroy83
  • It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  kilroy83

    Yeah, this game pretty much cemented me as a lifelong gamer. I loved my NES and many of the games back then, but Legend of Zelda (and probably Metroid also) were experiences to me, and not just games. 

    This was also the first game I ever used a "hint" book (before there were extensive print guides) to beat. Of course as I recall the information in it was scant and I still struggled to finish the last few dungeons. I loved this game. In fact, there isn't any other franchise in which I played every subsequent release and or spin-off title. 

  • cartman414
  • The schoolyard socializing...

    Posted: Dec 21, 2012 12:00AM PST by  cartman414

    ...is what I'll always remember about the era. No internet, no GameFAQs. Just people finding stuff on their own and letting their friends in on it.

    I'll never forget first restarting the game once I realized the old lady sold medicine after getting the note. (Got the medicine from the old dudes instead of the extra hearts. Bad idea.)

  • McMarbles
  • Eastmost peninsula...

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  McMarbles

    is the secret.

    Oh, the hours of my youth, gone...

  • william~curtis
  • Also...

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  william~curtis

    "Even death and game over screens in Zelda communicated vital information a player could learn from and apply on their next tour through Hyrule."

    Plz explain?!  I don't remember this, or I was too stupid to grock anything useful from the game over or death screens.  Are you being arty, here?  :P 

  • william~curtis
  • Oh brother.

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  william~curtis

    " "GaNNoN" -- whose name Nintendo used to spell with two n's back then, instead of one"   Cool

    Great article.  Love this new breed of VG journalist: the one that is 25-35 NOW and remembers these games the way I (27) remember them, from a child's perspective, which is quite a shift from at the time, being a child and reading about videogames from adult perspectives in GamePlayers, EGM, Next Gen, etc etc.

    These are strange times indeed to be a gamer!  Cheers! 

  • Omnicrono
  • Awesome, Awesome, Awesome...

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Omnicrono

    ...game.  I remember beating this one with a friend in elementary school on our way to a camping trip.  We played the entire game on the T.V. in his parents' van.  That is a great memory.  

    Was it better or more influential than A Link to the Past?  I don't think so.  It was more revolutionary, almost solely for the fact that it introduced the "save game" feature it seems, but LttP improved upon the "prototype" tenfold and gave us the Zelda flavor we all know today.  

    Great article, Jose.  I never caught that about the two N's in "Gannon."   

  • sean697
  • I never could

    Posted: Dec 19, 2012 12:00AM PST by  sean697

    Do well at this game. I have it on the 3DS virtual console.  It is very hard without the map that came with it.  That being said this game was revolutionary.  It was the first action game with a scrolling overhead map.  Probrably the first with dungeons linked from an overworld.  Everything about this game was revolutionary.  If you look at the games at the time on the NES most were simple single screen affairs or side scrollers.  I guess there were some prior games that took the formula like Adventure and the sword quest games but none with the scope of this game and the large numbers of items and bosses. I'm going to try and play this again now on my 3DS XL to see if it plays better on it. Although I may need some GameFAQ help.

  • Dr_Corndog
  • Nintendo should revisit this one

    Posted: Dec 19, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Dr_Corndog

    Ever since they made the jump to 3D, Zelda games have failed to live up to the greatness of the first three titles. A bit more exploration, a bit less handholding, and some reworking of a formula that's gotten a bit stale could make the next Zelda the best one in a long time.

  • kingsharkboi
  • Eiji Aonuma never beat this

    Posted: Dec 19, 2012 12:00AM PST by  kingsharkboi

    funny how the second most important Zelda creator never beat this game.  He didn't really care for it, and thinks it was super hard.  I never beat it either!  But LTTP was the game that got him hooked though, which explains a lot.  Link to the Past is almost like the first true Zelda game, with the NES pair being the prototypes.  But really, this NES original is a whole different beast in many respects.  Like the author said, it does require a lot of experimentation and....friends. 

    I feel that's how a lot of the Nintendo experiences used to be, especially without being created with the Internet and Casuals in mind.  The myriad of random secrets in SMW and SMB3 and Zelda and Metroid show this.  Even Pokemon experiences were mostly enhanced by kids socializing and sharing their experiences of encountering different beasts in different places.  Zelda typified this.  

    That music, that save system, and that second quest.  Zelda brought a lot to the table.  At the Zelda symphony last week in San Jose, the host pulled out a Gold Cartridge of the original NES game, and the whole audience stared like it was some holy artifact....or maybe that was just me Cool

    • Machocruz
    • And that's why the gimmick dungeons, children's puzzles, and weird NPCs

      Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Machocruz

      in all the Aonuma games.  He couldn't hack the combat in the original, so he turned the series into a circus, with mixed results.  

      I know a lot of poeple like that style, but I also think alot of people thought Skyward Sword pushed it too far. A New Legend of Zelda -a return to pure dungeon crawling, mystery, faster movement, and higher challenge- would be a smash hit.

    • LBD_Nytetrayn
    • I think it speaks volumes...

      Posted: Dec 27, 2012 12:00AM PST by  LBD_Nytetrayn

      ...that the one time Skyward Sword allows you to tackle things in the order you wish, it (potentially) breaks the game.

      As long as that continues to be the case... well, the original Zelda, even Zelda II and LttP, will be in a class of their own and remain favorites of mine, even against the newest releases. I like the new stuff, but... it's simply not the same as the series' origins.

  • Coarse_Limely
  • I'll never forget...

    Posted: Dec 19, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Coarse_Limely

    ...when I first rented this game. I beat a couple of dungeons and thought it was pretty cool. Took it back to the rental place and a week went by. A burning need to play it again gradually built over that week until I begged my parents to buy it for me!

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