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The Essential 100, No. 10: Wii Sports

Cover Story: Nintendo's pentalogy of mini-games made the world stand in attention.


t still amazes me that in the fall of 2006, Nintendo delivered a console launch title that made us engage in the simple act of standing up, something that has never quite been associated with gaming. In a sense, Wii Sports was a litmus test of sorts. Were it to fail, this past generation of gaming might have played out quite differently. Perhaps Sony and Microsoft would've thought twice about releasing Move and Kinect, costly peripherals that felt like a gut reaction to combat the Wii's inherent capabilities. But it didn't fail â?? in fact, it did quite the opposite. Because of its existence as a pack-in, Wii Sports became synonymous with the console, and an absolute sign of things to come.

Spot Art

Before the Wii, it felt like the only time video games became a part of the national conversation was amidst condemnation. The media found a way to take all of America's problems, from violence to obesity to desensitization, and make our medium the boogie man. But suddenly, the conversation changed. Nintendo's new console wasn't met with a wagging finger, but rather heralded for its ability to change. Gaming was no longer viewed as a fickle hobby. It was now a legitimate form of recreation that shed its visage of an exclusive club and embraced the masses. Our parents and grandparents could pick up a Wiimote and understand the fundamental nature of controlling Wii Sports, despite the fact that they might've never touched a game in their lives. Likewise, toddlers could waggle the small controller and see that their movements had a tangible effect on the action occurring on their television. Despite its admitted simplicity, Wii Sports was a revolution.

For me personally, I was amazed that Wii Sports finally lent some merit to my strange habit of having physical reactions to the events of a given game. For those of us armchair commandos who pantomime their way through an adventure, Wii Sports gave us a reason to imitate our onscreen avatars. There's no reason for us to slightly elevate our NES controllers to usher in a jump in Super Mario Bros. or physically move to the side to avoid an oncoming rocket in Halo, but mimicking an accurate bowling motion in Wii Sports was the difference between success and failure. Sure, each of the five events could be broken by finding out the slight motions that led to victory, but part of its charm was imitating those sports without having to leave your living room.

I wrote about it for our Wii-centric cover story, but during the six months following the launch of Nintendo's console, it was impossible for me to step foot anywhere near my college campus without finding a group of people gesturing with white Wiimotes in their hands. From frat parties to intimate gatherings, everyone I knew had their own personal Miis residing on multiple consoles throughout the neighborhood. It was even more surprising to see the types of people who flocked to these digital gatherings -- no longer were video games relegated to those of us who grew up eagerly awaiting each new console launch. The interface of Wii Sports was simplistic and intuitive enough to allow anyone to engage with it, no matter their gaming background. It also had the uncanny ability to make itself immediately appealing after just a slight glance. Certain titles require quite a bit of explanation, or a steep barrier to entry in order to enjoy yourself. But anyone could "get" Wii Sports just a few seconds after seeing it in action. Along with later games like Angry Birds and Draw Something, it has been as powerful a gateway drug as our medium has seen.

Spot Art

I've never understood the backlash Wii Sports and its fellow "casual" titles receive from many seasoned gamers. The thought that a game's merit is somehow diminished just because it can be enjoyed by the masses is completely asinine. In fact, I'd argue that it's even more difficult to create an experience that's comprehensive in its target audience. It's a feat rarely seen in art. For as much as I love punishingly difficult things like Dark Souls and Super Meat Boy, our medium would be little more than a niche hobby were it not for games like Wii Sports.

Regardless of how "hardcore" you consider yourself to be, Wii Sports' impact on video games is undeniable. Alongside the explosion of iOS gaming, it broadened the very definition of our medium to a staggering degree. It provided merit to Nintendo's risky paradigm shift, put video games in homes that have no idea of what a Konami code is, and it may have very well been the last across the board pack-in that we ever see. It shattered the conception of video games as a compartmentalized hobby, and helped solidify our medium as a major facet of popular culture.


Marty Sliva

Marty Sliva

1UP editor Marty Sliva thinks that anyone who discounts the impact of games like Angry Birds and Wii Sports is a complete doofus. There, he said it. To see him slay other doofi, follow him on twitter.

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Comments (12)

  • Xocolatl
  • Brilliant, but flawed

    Posted: Mar 26, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Xocolatl

    Wii Sports itself was a brilliant piece of software. It also exposes some real problem with the Wii hardware--the lack of precision. In the end though, its success is not hinged upon its ingenuity, but rather the hype. For the first time, gamers and tech heads all hyped it so hard that the thing wormed its way into conversations. It feels hip, it feels right in parties.

    It's also a console that is first left idle in the home of everyone I know in that generation. The 360 and the PS3 still sees uses, years on when most of my peers are now coming into their 30s. None of their Wii saw any action since something like 2006.

  • jgusw
  • Wii Sports is great.

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  jgusw

    Tech demo or not, I still had a crap load of fun playing those little games with my family and friends.  I can still take this game out during a party and everyone there would still have a great time with it.  

    • Pacario
    • It's Fun...

      Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Pacario

      ...no doubt.  But "fun" and "great" are entirely different concepts.  (I should probably point out that I understand that this list isn't necessarily a measure of "greatness.")

      I hold no grudge against Wii Sports; had fun with the family on that one, too.  But any objective analysis reveals it as being a limited bag of tricks (the boxing game is just outright bad).  In my home, only bowling got much use after the initial "euphoria" factor wore off.  Which wasn't long.

  • Wakkawipeout
  • It made the most impact this generation

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Wakkawipeout

    Anyone who doesn't see this is lying to themselves. Are there 'better' games out there. Sure. Every traditonal game released in the past six years that manages to be of at least middling quality has something over Wii Sports. But like Marty put it, this game demolished barriers and left a Cretaceous Era-sized crater in the wake of its release from which the industry is still reeling.

    Hopefully, no one confuses this list as merely a compilation of quality games. These games made a difference in the overall scheme of things and shaped the industry at large.

    • Pacario
    • You're Right...

      Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Pacario

      ...Wii Sports was no doubt influential.  And, indeed, this list doesn't necessarily measure "greatness."  But Wii Sports goes to such extremes in spitting in the face of the "games are art," debate, I can't help but criticize the game a bit.  Wii Sports is the title Roger Ebert looks to when he defends the notion that games are just that--games or toys.

      There's room for both, of course; games can be either.  But I still expected more from Wii Sports--from Nintendo, really.

    • gigantor84
    • Which is Exactly The Problem

      Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  gigantor84

      There's no way in hell that Wii Sports was more influential than the likes of Pong or Pac-Man--and that has nothing to do with how good or bad it was. How people came to that conclusion is beyond me.

      Now, if it had beaten Street Fighter also, then I would've been absolutely FURIOUS.

    • Pacario
    • I Know...

      Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Pacario

      ...and I certainly agree.  Pac-Man is perhaps the most influential game ever made.  But such is the reality of using public opinion to determine significance or worth.

    • Kokoru
    • I'm sorry but...

      Posted: Dec 25, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Kokoru

      What more could you possibly expect from Wii Sports than what the title implies? As far as I recall, Nintendo never promised to offer the next great thing, just a game to show the world what the Wii could do and I think it was pretty "great" at succeeding in that judging by the number of Wii sales world wide... 

      If you are looking for something "more" in Wii Sports than what it is, then you are probably missing the point. Not all games are "art" and who cares if other people consider them art when we gamers can take completely different experiences from them (hence making them art)...  

  • Pacario
  • Popularity Doesn't Denote Greatness

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Pacario

    If it did, the Star War prequels would be among the greatest films of all time, but those mediocre travesties certainly aren't great by any stretch of the imagination.

    As for Wii Sports, kudos to Nintendo for figuring out how to crack the casual/family market (and perhaps that makes it deserving of a spot on this list), but that doesn't mean Wii Sports is a great game.  Quite the contrary, actually.  Esentially a collection of tech demos, only a casual gamer wouldn't see the title for what it really is.

    Ah well, at least the bowling is fun.

  • Dr_Corndog
  • Wish the promise of Wii Sports had been better realized

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  Dr_Corndog

    It didn't have much longevity, but for a little while after I bought my Wii, Wii Sports was a blast with friends. Wii Sports Resort is a much better and more robust game, and a few other games like Skyward Sword and Boom Blox made good use of the Wii's unique abilities, but I wish there'd been more games that really capitalized on motion controls. Maybe it'll happen on the Wii U.

  • sean697
  • Wow I'm not one of those super hardcore

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  sean697
    Gamers who would be up in arms about this. But still. I mean I realize the press that this game received all with the grannies in old folks home playing it and whatnot. And I realize that this game alone sold a ton of Wiis and probrably one of the only games on a lot of those Wiis. (Just picturing in my head head an old folks home getting a new game like Wario and shaking there heads in confusion). But really number 10! I happen to enjoy the Wii a lot but I found this game a mild diversion at best. Ya I played it a few times a family be togethers and stuff but I never did put any time into this game or beat it properly. Maybe it's my experience with the much better Wii Sports resort wi the Wii. Option plus controls. But I am kind of shocked at the 10 spot. I mean something like Angry Birds had mad crossover appeal but didn't make the 10 spot. I guess a lot of pele thought this was an essential game somehow. Which to me speaks more to the revolution of motion controls than the game itself. If you look at it on that perspective then it drove a new generation of motion based gameplay and deserves to be here.
  • gigantor84
  • Wii Sports Ahead Of Pong, Zelda and Half-Life?

    Posted: Dec 20, 2012 12:00AM PST by  gigantor84

    *In Bryan Fury voice* Oh, this is gonna be good. >:)

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