Image Quality Wide Angle

In terms of color and tonality the G5's 8MP wide-angle camera comes with very similar characteristics to its 16MP counterpart. Colors are saturated but generally pleasant. Contrast is strong and in high-contrast scenes some highlight clipping is almost inevitable. The 135 degree angle of view is great for squeezing more into your frame but, as you would expect, with such a wide angle come some distortion and softness toward the edges.

The 8MP sensor does not capture the same levels of detail as the main camera but finer textures are still rendered nicely and images show well-balanced sharpening. As you can see in the left sample below, as on the main camera, luminance noise is very noticeable in the sky, even at base ISO. Things can get quite soft towards the edge of the frame, as you can see in the image on the right.

ISO 50, 1/1110 sec
ISO 50, 1/616 sec
100% crop
100% crop

Like the main camera, the wide angle module keeps the ISO down as long as possible by reducing shutter speeds when light levels go down. In the images below you can see that at a 100% view fine detail is getting a touch softer but at web viewing size the images look good, with nice colors and tonality. Luminance noise increases in the mid-tones of the ISO 100 image on the right but chroma noise is still well under control.

ISO 50, 1/33 sec
ISO 100, 1/30 sec
100% crop
100% crop

With straight lines in your image, lens distortion is pretty obvious, as you can see in the left sample below. This image is also a little soft at pixel level, it appears the autofocus did not work entirely precisely on this occasion. Noise is visible but well controlled. The same is true for the ISO 350 image on the right which also shows well-defined edges at the center of the frame.

ISO 200, 1/33 sec
ISO 350, 1/25 sec
100% crop
100% crop

Sensitivities higher than 400 are usually reserved for night scenes and other dim situations like the ones below. In these conditions noise and the effects of noise reduction become more obvious but overall the camera is still doing well. Like the main camera, the wide angle module is capable of producing good exposures, even in very dark conditions.

ISO 800, 1/9 sec
no ISO reported, 1/9 sec
100% crop
100% crop