instead of “JoeTheMovieExpert27”).  

This change only affects the login page and is being implemented to improve security and to simplify and standardize the process. It will not alter or remove any of the content previously posted to IMDb using your account, it will not stop users from continuing to have a nickname on their profile or from adding content using a nickname, and it won't affect any other user interaction with the site.  Please note that users who already log into IMDb by entering their email address, or via any of the other log in options (e.g. Amazon, Facebook and Google accounts) will not be impacted.

The email address you will need to enter is usually the one you gave us when you created your IMDb account. If you currently log in using a nickname and do not know or remember which email address is currently associated with your IMDb account, please log in now and go to the following page to display and make a note of the email address associated with your registration (and start using it to login right away):   

Thank you for your understanding.

"> instead of “JoeTheMovieExpert27”).  

This change only affects the login page and is being implemented to improve security and to simplify and standardize the process. It will not alter or remove any of the content previously posted to IMDb using your account, it will not stop users from continuing to have a nickname on their profile or from adding content using a nickname, and it won't affect any other user interaction with the site.  Please note that users who already log into IMDb by entering their email address, or via any of the other log in options (e.g. Amazon, Facebook and Google accounts) will not be impacted.

The email address you will need to enter is usually the one you gave us when you created your IMDb account. If you currently log in using a nickname and do not know or remember which email address is currently associated with your IMDb account, please log in now and go to the following page to display and make a note of the email address associated with your registration (and start using it to login right away):   

Thank you for your understanding.

"> instead of “JoeTheMovieExpert27”).  

This change only affects the login page and is being implemented to improve security and to simplify and standardize the process. It will not alter or remove any of the content previously posted to IMDb using your account, it will not stop users from continuing to have a nickname on their profile or from adding content using a nickname, and it won't affect any other user interaction with the site.  Please note that users who already log into IMDb by entering their email address, or via any of the other log in options (e.g. Amazon, Facebook and Google accounts) will not be impacted.

The email address you will need to enter is usually the one you gave us when you created your IMDb account. If you currently log in using a nickname and do not know or remember which email address is currently associated with your IMDb account, please log in now and go to the following page to display and make a note of the email address associated with your registration (and start using it to login right away):   

Thank you for your understanding.

">   »   [go: up one dir, main page]

Upcoming changes to IMDb login process

  • Announcement
  • Updated 6 months ago
On September 1st, 2014, IMDb will be removing the ability to log into the site using a nickname. Starting on that date, in order to log into their IMDb account, users will need to enter their full email address instead of their IMDb nickname (e.g. instead of “JoeTheMovieExpert27”).  

This change only affects the login page and is being implemented to improve security and to simplify and standardize the process. It will not alter or remove any of the content previously posted to IMDb using your account, it will not stop users from continuing to have a nickname on their profile or from adding content using a nickname, and it won't affect any other user interaction with the site.  Please note that users who already log into IMDb by entering their email address, or via any of the other log in options (e.g. Amazon, Facebook and Google accounts) will not be impacted.

The email address you will need to enter is usually the one you gave us when you created your IMDb account. If you currently log in using a nickname and do not know or remember which email address is currently associated with your IMDb account, please log in now and go to the following page to display and make a note of the email address associated with your registration (and start using it to login right away):   

Thank you for your understanding.

Photo of Giancarlo Cairella

Giancarlo Cairella, Official Rep

  • 1069 Posts

Posted 9 months ago

  • 20
Photo of harogastonH


  • 2 Posts
Maybe be ease up the Click Login-->Choose provider-->Enter email and password-->ENTER CAPTCHA!!(WTF?) process on sight? We users would be glad, not saying the actual login system is ridiculously intricate and has no comparison across any other modern website, I just think a small change could be nice.
Photo of MollyBlue


  • 16 Posts
I agree. Is it possible to set up the login to START WITH  IMDB.Com login email and password and then below this provide other login options such as Google and Facebook.  I personally prefer to have individual login ids and passwords for each site I visit rather than the one-size-fits-all trend that is happening.  I stopped visiting my Facebook account over two years ago because I'm flat tired of being asked on nearly every web page I visit if I want to log in with my Facebook account or if I want the world to know I've visited their web page or 'liked' them.  Not all of us are still in High school, folks. 
Photo of fairplay08F


  • 1 Post

Yep, it seems like everyone thinks Facebook is everything to everyone and I hate the way they are using facial recognition software which has evolved to such intensity they can identify you just by comparing family traits.  I didn't just quit using Facebook, I CLOSED my account, which was no easy feat because it is really hard to find where you have to go to do this.  I don't like invasive software like this regardless of whether I have anything to hide, or not.

Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
Now I can't sign in at all thanks to this, much like yahoo. Why do we need a captcha to access an account that I have had for nine years, that I now cannot sign into, seriously not happy, imdb, seriously not happy!!!
Photo of Maks G

Maks G

  • 8 Posts
Good day! I am from Russia. Want to star in a new film J.J.Abramsa Star Wars. Tell me how to contact them to submit their photos for casting. Thanks in advance Earth!
Photo of Joshua Lee Jeffries

Joshua Lee Jeffries

  • 2 Posts
Hire a Agent, an have him/ or her book you an audition. Filming has already began, so I think you out of luck on being cast
Photo of Maks G

Maks G

  • 8 Posts
Thank you. But where I live there are no agents.
Photo of Maks G

Maks G

  • 8 Posts
Съемки фильма  начались, но люди приходят,присоединилась молодая актриса Кристина Чонг. 
Photo of Maks G

Maks G

  • 8 Posts
Eng ^ Filming began, but people come, joined by a young actress Christina Chong.
Photo of Henry C.

Henry C., Employee

  • 77 Posts
different topic Please reference the new topic here: Want to star in a new film
Photo of JayYJ


  • 4 Posts

The process has unfortunately already changed over to only using e-mail for a login  (July 31, 2014)

Is there a login (link) for Username login still?   I do not remember the e-mail address associated with the IMDB account.  I cannot retrieve this information due to not being able to login.

Please direct me to a link that allows sign in with Username still  (or at least a way to get the e-mail address associated with username "flyingjy")

It appears to have switched a full month ahead of time for me, thus not allowing adequate time to check the e-mail address registered to the account.

Would really dislike losing 10 years of board/forum history, vote history, etc. due to this.
Photo of bluesmanSF

bluesmanSF, Champion

  • 6473 Posts
Jay,  staff doesn't usually discuss account or log in issues on this public board as your personal information will be needed to verify ownership of your account.  You'll need to contact staff on the contact form.  If you try to use the form without being logged in, you'll get this message, which contains a link to a form you can use.

If you are a registered user but are having problem logging in, or if you're experiencing difficulties while registering as a new user you can use this special form to contact us. Please note that this form must be used only for registration/login problems. Every other type of feedback sent through this form will be discarded.
Good luck!
Photo of JayYJ


  • 4 Posts
Thank you. Will give it a shot.
Probably a long shot still, but it's something nonetheless.

What's strange is that no notifications were sent to IMDB users in advance. I only came on here, and saw this topic/message, because it had suddenly already changed to the E-mail login, without any advance warning.
Photo of Giancarlo Cairella

Giancarlo Cairella, Official Rep

  • 1051 Posts
We have not switched to email-only logins yet -- the change will occur on September 1st as per the announcement. I think the wording on login form might have been updated ahead of time but logging in via a username still works (just type the username in the form, and your password). Once you have logged in, please go to to see which email address is associated with your account and make a note of it (or update it if needed) since you will be needing it to login starting Sept. 1st
Photo of JayYJ


  • 4 Posts
Thank you. This did allow me to login and change the e-mail on file.

Though IMDB should really consider putting this announcement on the main Website. If people don't see it here, am sure others are going to run into similar issues when it fully changes over to e-mail only login.
Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
Would really dislike losing 10 years of board/forum history, vote history, etc. due to this.

Me too jay, but the management of these big internet companies could not give a fig about a loyal user, intransigent in every sense of the word, if I don't get my imdb account I will never sign up again, nor use facebook to sign in.........this stinks!!
Photo of JJ


  • 1 Post
Why is this not on the main site? What percentage of your userbase actually comes to this third-party site to check for announcements? Anytime a login change is in process, it should be rolled out slowly and carefully to avoid people losing access, such as warnings in big red letters on the login page and other pages.

Second, where's the announcement about the elimination of the useful MOKA search engine? Now you've replaced it with a much-inferior version using the dreadful advanced search. If your programmers need something to do, fix the broken search engine, stop removing useful features, especially without announcing them.
Photo of JayYJ


  • 4 Posts
haha. That's exactly what I was thinking. The announcement should be on the main Website.  It would help a lot of people know about the upcoming change. 

Personally didn't even know about this Website until a week ago (and had an IMDB account for a long time)
Photo of

  • 1 Post
Ok, I haven't used the e-mail login for ???????, and am not sure where to find this information and I SURE do not want to loose what I have gained over the years. Please help.
Photo of DavidAH_Ca

DavidAH_Ca, Champion

  • 1961 Posts
You can find out which e-mail you are using by looking in the Your Account page and clicking on Change your email address
Photo of NoybN


  • 2 Posts
I hate the new captcha login so much. I can't believe you keep forcing me to write down the names of so called celebrities. Blech! Why IMDB? Why?
Photo of Scott FuchsSF

Scott Fuchs

  • 4 Posts
Capcha frequently displays letters that are impossible to read. I often have to get 3 different 'capchas' to log into other sites.
Photo of NoybN


  • 2 Posts
I can't believe I had to make a new account on a third party site to comment on the changes on Imdb??? WTF?! Are you guys serious?!?
Photo of Scott FuchsSF

Scott Fuchs

  • 4 Posts
I strongly ! agree
Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
Me too and yahoo have pulled the same is utterly ridiculous, the old way worked just fine.
Photo of Chris Bovey

Chris Bovey

  • 1 Post
It's not working, I cannot log in with my email.
Photo of KoolPalK


  • 4 Posts
Cannot login even with captcha now!! Awesome IMDB! I guess it's time to shut shop!!
Photo of bluesmanSF

bluesmanSF, Champion

  • 6473 Posts
As the main page here says, you should contact staff for account issues.  If you click the contact link, while not logged in, you get the form for reporting log in problems:

If you are a registered user but are having problem logging in, or if you're experiencing difficulties while registering as a new user you can use this special form to contact us. Please note that this form must be used only for registration/login problems. Every other type of feedback sent through this form will be discarded.
Photo of Chinarut


  • 3 Posts
unfortunately all forms now go to the main support page with GetSatisfaction being your only outlet for support...
Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
Me too! Login with same email and password I used for donkeys years, and even with the correct captcha....nothing, going round in circles, short of bashing my head at the keyboard and staring glumly in the monitor, think it might be time to join another movie website?
Photo of Leanette Bailey-TannerLB

Leanette Bailey-Tanner

  • 1 Post
Just why is the added CAPTCHA even necessary for log-in?
It shouldn't be  ):  (
It's completely irrelevant. And if you don't recognize the name, you have to waste time re-entering your log-in info again.  Please get rid of the CAPTCHA
Photo of Scott FuchsSF

Scott Fuchs

  • 4 Posts
You are so right.
All around,IMDB 's new "security" transcends of the Pentagon.
And this login process discourages user contributions to all features.
WHATEVER could have possessed them?  Maybe there's a 13 year old programming "genius" at the helm here.
Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
Irrelevant is meaningless to middle management muppets. It's the same thinking as certain airlines that won't let you buy an airline ticket for a child with your own credit card, thus forcing you to pay in cash for a ticket, because they require the credit card holder present upon checkin. This is the same stupid logic behind this sham of a captcha business.....I hope they will listen to their long term users and revert to the old way, but hope doesn't mean much but a 4 letter word to these morons.
Photo of Peulwys PartnershipPP

Peulwys Partnership

  • 1 Post
 The whole new process is a crock, a great own goal MUPPETS cant log in can't retrieve my account
Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
To use american parlance, it sucks big time!!!!
Photo of estellaE


  • 1 Post


This link above is my actor page... I have no access to it.  There were photo's up a few months ago, then when you switched to the email from nickname they were deleted by imdb?  I didn't delete them.  I'm trying to access that account and I can't because the old email address is no longer valid -- the domain no longer exists. 

I have sent messages to the help desk and they just send me a link to upload photos, but I can't access the account, now they don't even respond at all.  


I don't want to lose my actor history on the my actor page -- so I will not create another new account. If someone could help me, it would be so helpful!!

I keep getting a message with the form above, so that's not working for me either... 

How can I talk to someone by phone to help?


Please help.

Photo of bluesmanSF

bluesmanSF, Champion

  • 6515 Posts
IMDb does not offer phone support.

Your account and your Name Page are two completely different and (other than that one is about you-the name page, and the other is owned and controlled by you-the user account) unrelated things.  Whether you have or don't have a user account (or open 10 new accounts), your Name Page will remain the same with regard to your credits. So, no need to worry that your acting credits will at all be affected.

Photos are a different thing too, in that they are a feature of IMDbPro.  If your Pro account lapses or is cancelled, your photos will be removed from display.

It appears your page used to have an IMDbPro account linked to it, which allowed photos and resume, but currently does not.  If you are still a paid subscriber, staff will have to assist you to locate and log in to the old user account, or have you open a new one, if recovering the account does not work, then transferring the Pro subscription to your new account, so you can add resume and photos again.

If you click the "forgot password," link at the login screen, then try to recover your account you might be able to access the account even if the old email is no longer accessible.  If not, you'd have to contact the Help Desk as they don't discuss account issues in public as the discussion would involve your personal information.

If you can log in (I am not sure from your post if you can as you said you contacted the Help Desk already), use this form.  If you cannot, use this special form for problems logging in.

But, don't worry...other than the missing photos, your Name Page won't be affected, and they should be able to straighten out the account issue so you can get your photos and resume back up.  Good luck!
Photo of Morrigan Nic Cormac

Morrigan Nic Cormac

  • 1 Post
  • 1 Like
I am unable to log in to my account because I cannot read the "Captcha"-style control word and there is no option to chose another word or phrase that might be legible. Restarting Firefox, closing the page and revisiting it doesn't help I keep getting the same illegible phrase. This is extremely frustrating.
Photo of Alex Mills

Alex Mills

  • 12 Posts
There was a problem with your log in information. Please try again.

Is anyone else just getting the above over and OVER again, no matter how many times they type their login email and password and the captcha carefully? Seriously, wtf did they introduce this crappy login method for?!?!?!

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