Hong Kong


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Hong Kong Outlook

7-Day Weather Forecast

Hong Kong Weather News

A red rainstorm warning was raised twice in five hours on Tuesday morning before being downgraded to amber, as the Chief Executive defended the Education Bureau from parents’ anger about cancelled...

Updated 10 May 2016 - 2:54pm

Hong Kong is no stranger to fog, with recent humid maritime airstreams at times causing very low visibility in places. But, as the mist clears or shifts, there are opportunities to capture the...

9 Apr 2016 - 9:00am
The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Carl Sandburg
6 Apr 2016 - 12:11pm

International Weather News

Deadly tornado tears apart town in Mexico while storms hit the US

At least 10 people died when the twister struck, while 12 people were missing across the border in Texas after flooding ravaged the region.

26 May 2015 - 10:04pm
Travel bans lifted after blizzards shut down New York, US northeast

A blizzard swept across the northeastern United States on Tuesday, dropping more than 30 cm of snow across Massachusetts and Connecticut even as its impact on New York fell short of dire...

28 Jan 2015 - 7:04am
    HK Forecasts Provided By Hong Kong Observatory
    Non HK Forecasts Provided by World Meteorological Organisation