Model Coco Rocha demonstrates the captivating effect of the Cinemagraph. Image by Jamie Beck.

In a world that can feel visually oversaturated with images, some photographers are seeking solutions that draw viewers' attention and ask them to linger a little longer.

Model Coco Rocha recently shared her take on the dynamic image trend on PC Magazine, exploring how animated GIFs, Cinemagraphs, Lytro images and interactive 360-degree panoramas are helping photographers stand out.

She cites some interesting recent examples, such as photographer Steven Meisel's "Haute Mess” editorial feature for Italian Vogue that featured animated GIFs.

 Photographer Steven Meisel created this animated GIF for Italian Vogue.

The combination of trending fashion and trending tech garnered far more attention than still images could. (See more "Haute Mess" here.)

Extra eyes and longer looks are attractive to advertisers — a fact artists Jamie Beck and Kevin Berg capitalize upon by creating Cinemagraphs for the likes of Burberry, Ralph Lauren and Juicy Couture. The subtly shifting images (a type of animated GIF in which typically only a portion of the scene or subject moves) invites a second, and third, glance.

Rocha also explores a unique use of the Lytro camera that implores the viewer to investigate a photo futher, and photographer Steven Sebring's interative 360-degree images captured using his self-designed multicamera "rig."

She offered this commentary on the moving image trend:

"I predict there will be a backlash to the oversaturation of images and other visual content on the Web where nearly everything is a disposable commodity with an expiration of less than a second ... Rather than being superfluous and trivial, these new forms or images will be aspirational and again capture our attention, hearts, and minds for far more than just a moment."

Read Rocha's full article on