euan mccolm


columnist, leader-writer, idiot. it's not my birthday.

Unit: febrer de 2009

@euanmccolm està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @euanmccolm per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Tuit fixat

    flag-waving independence campaigners are doing their cause more harm than good. my column:

  2. "They do a lot of good community work, so on balance I do eat caramel wafers". The complicated life of John Mason

  3. Well played by the Record. Barrhead Travel advert next to its John Mason story.

  4. Record View on John Mason's latest idiocy.

  5. booked tickets for a goth convention on humberside. i'm going to hull in black.

  6. Sorry to hear David Torrance has left Twitter. I hope it's not for long. A fine analytical mind. Abuse on Scottish Twitter is getting worse.

  7. As I said in our private emails, our campaign is busy engaging with the membership.

  8. euan mccolm segueix , i
    • @aljwhite

      I work for BuzzFeed News and my blogs are powerful.

  9. I want a Scottish Sky at Night. Imagine how the observable Universe will look when viewed directly from Scotland!

  10. i forget about sheila take a bow and then, when i find it in a singles box, it's a double delight.

  11. i was going to buy my euros from barrhead travel but now i'm getting them off lesley riddoch:

  12. Ruth Davidson calls on Northern Ireland to back gay marriage

  13. It doesn’t even say that. It states a preference for the powers Holyrood “should” have.

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