Book Launch | 19 Apr 2016
Book Launch: “Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond”

Date: Tuesday, 31 May 2016, 19:00 Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22, The Hague, Netherlands On Tuesday, May 31 2016, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are launching the book “Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond”, which ICCT Research Fellow Christophe Paulussen co-edited, and several ICCT fellows and staff contributed to. This book offers various perspectives, with […]

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Update | 6 Apr 2016
Launch Event: Foreign Fighters in the European Union

On 1 April 2016, ICCT launched its Report on the Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union, officially handing the first copy to the Netherlands National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism.

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In the Media | 5 Apr 2016
ICCT on the Dutch Efforts to Fight Terrorism

ICCT Director Mark Singleton and Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen commented on the efforts of the Netherlands to prevent radicalisation and counter-terrorism in several Dutch newspapers.

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Newsletter | 31 Mar 2016
March 2016 Newsletter

Our March 2016 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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Update | 25 Mar 2016
HILAC Lecture: Can International Law Meet the Challenges of Today’s Lawless Conflicts?

On 17 March 2016, Dr. Lyal S. Sunga provided a lecture in the context of the Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict (HILAC) Lecture Series at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut. Dr. Sunga, Head of the Rule of Law Program at The Hague Institute for Global Justice and Visiting Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human […]

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ICCT Seminar | 24 Mar 2016
Launch of Report: Foreign Fighters in the EU

On 1 April, ICCT launches the report “The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union: Profiles, Threats & Policies” during a public event in The Hague.

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In the Media | 23 Mar 2016
ICCT in the Media: Brussels Attacks

The analysis in the media by ICCT experts related to the Brussels attacks that took place on Tuesday 22 March 2016 can be found on this page.

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In the Media | 21 Mar 2016
ICCT Research Fellow on Capture of Abdeslam

Today, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel appeared in an article on the capture of Salah Abdeslam in the Dutch national newspaper Algemeen Dagblad.

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In the Media | 21 Mar 2016
Dr. Bibi van Ginkel on the Threat of Terrorist Attacks in Europe

On 17 March, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel was interviewed by the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw for an article on the threat of new attacks of the so-called “Islamic State” in Europe.

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In the Media | 11 Mar 2016
ICCT in De Volkskrant about leaked identities of IS recruits

On 10 March 2016, ICCT Director Mark Singleton and Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel commented on the leaked identities of Islamist State recruits in an article by the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant.

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In the Media | 10 Mar 2016
“22.000 Revealed Identities of IS Recruits a Smoking Gun”

ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel called the revealed identities of IS recruits a “smoking gun”, that can make the conviction of jihadists in the Netherlands more likely.

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Update | 4 Mar 2016
Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond

This week, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer Verlag published the book Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, offering various perspectives, with an international legal focus, on the issue of foreign fighters.

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Update | 3 Mar 2016
HILAC Lecture: Can International Law Meet the Challenges of Today’s Lawless Conflicts?

On 17 March 2016 a new lecture in the context of the HILAC Lecture Series will be held at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut. Dr. Lyal S. Sunga and Raoul Wallenberg will deliver a lecture entitled ‘Can International Law Meet the Challenges of Today’s Lawless Conflicts’?

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Newsletter | 28 Feb 2016
February 2016 Newsletter

Our February 2016 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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Update | 19 Feb 2016
ICCT Invited by Indonesian House of Representatives

Earlier this week, ICCT Research Fellows Dr. Christophe Paulussen and Tanya Mehra were invited by the House of Representatives of Indonesia to join a pre-deliberation talk on the revision of the Indonesian Terrorism Law.

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Update | 18 Feb 2016
ICCT Workshop: Mental Health & Biography of Lone Actor Terrorists

On 16 February, ICCT convened a closed practitioner workshop in The Hague on biographical details and mental health issues related to lone actors terrorists.

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In the Media | 8 Feb 2016
ICCT Research Fellow Alex P. Schmid interviewed by Global Affairs Mexico

ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Alex P. Schmid is interviewed by Global Affairs Mexico about the relationship between terrorism and the media and the current state of the art in terrorism research.

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Summer Programme | 1 Feb 2016
Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism 2016

From 29 August – 2 September 2015, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut will organise the Sixth Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism.

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Update | 1 Feb 2016
ICCT Researcher Involved in Council of Europe Report on Foreign Fighters

On 27 January, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a report on “Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq”. The explanatory memorandum is largely based on the work of ICCT’s Christophe Paulussen.

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Newsletter | 1 Feb 2016
January 2016 Newsletter

Our January 2016 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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In the Media | 29 Jan 2016
ICCT Research Fellow on Importance De-Radicalisation of Foreign Fighters

ICCT Research Fellow Liesbeth van der Heide underlined the need for de-radicalisation programmes in an interview by Dutch public broadcaster Omroep WNL.

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Update | 28 Jan 2016
Welcoming J.M. Berger in The Hague

On 26 January 2016, Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) and ICCT welcomed J.M. Berger, research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism and co-author of “ISIS: The State of Terror”, for a discussion on new insights in the field of radicalisation and social media.

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In the Media | 18 Jan 2016
ICCT Director Mark Singleton on Istanbul and Jakarta attacks

On 16 January 2016, ICCT Director Mark Singleton was interviewed by Peter de Bie and Meike van der Weij of the Dutch news broadcast Nieuwsshow on NPO Radio 1.
In the interview, Mark Singleton comments on the recent attacks in Istanbul and Jakarta, and gives a broader assessment of current Western counter-terrorism policies.

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In the Media | 18 Jan 2016
ICCT Research Fellow on Threat Levels and States of Emergency

On 17 January 2016, ICCT Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel was interviewed by the Dutch news radio channel NPO Radio 1 on policy measures in the fight against terrorism. Specifically, van Ginkel differentiates between threat levels and states of emergency and explains the ramifications of each measure.

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In the Media | 15 Jan 2016
ICCT Director on Misconception of Indonesia as Jihad Fighters Hotbed

Following the terrorist attacks in Jakarta on 14 January 2016, ICCT Director Mark Singleton was invited by the Dutch news agency RTL Nieuws to discuss the background of this attack.

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In the Media | 15 Jan 2016
ICCT Research Fellow on Dutch Intelligence Report on Life under IS

On 13 January 2016, Dr. Bibi van Ginkel was interviewed by RTL Nieuws on the new report of the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service on life under the so-called “Islamic State”.

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In the Media | 12 Jan 2016
Marco de Swart on International Counter-Terrorism Meeting

ICCT Senior Portfolio Manager Marco de Swart was interviewed by the Dutch radio station Den Haag FM about the uniqueness of the joint meeting of the GCTF and the Global Coalition Against ISIL.

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Update | 12 Jan 2016
ICCT Hosts Administrative Unit of Global Counterterrorism Forum

Starting 1 January, ICCT officially commenced hosting the Administrative Unit of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF). Additionally, ICCT is also supporting the GCTF Foreign Terrorist Fighter Working Group.

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In the Media | 11 Jan 2016
Mark Singleton on Joint Meeting GCTF & Anti-IS Coalition

ICCT Director Mark Singleton was interviewed by the Dutch news radio station BNR on account of the joint meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum and the Global Coalition Against ISIL/Da’esh.

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Update | 7 Jan 2016
ICCT Hosts Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders

On Wednesday 6 January, ICCT hosted a delegation of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders.

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Update | 4 Jan 2016
New Year Message from ICCT Director Mark Singleton

Mark Singleton reflects on ICCT’s work and worldwide events related to terrorism and counter-terrorism of 2015 and looks forward to what 2016 could bring.

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Newsletter | 23 Dec 2015
December 2015 Newsletter

Our December 2015 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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In the Media | 17 Dec 2015
ICCT Director in Belgian newspaper De Standaard

Mark Singleton was interviewed by the Belgian daily newspaper De Standaard on the document of the so-called “Islamic State” that outlined principles for governing territory and a strategy for becoming a viable state.

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Update | 17 Dec 2015
ICCT Informs Council of Europe Report on Foreign Fighters

ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen was involved in a Council of Europe report on foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. The report’s explanatory memorandum was largely based on his excellent study.

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Networking Event | 15 Dec 2015
ICCT Networking Event “Combining Efforts in Counter-Terrorism”

On 14 December 2015, ICCT hosted its first annual networking event, welcoming guests from various embassies, international organisations, governmental agencies and universities.

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Newsletter | 30 Nov 2015
November 2015 Newsletter

Our November 2015 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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Update | 30 Nov 2015
ICCT Director Mark Singleton at CEP Conference

ICCT Director Mark Singleton presented at a conference hosted by the Confederation of European Probation (CEP), which took place from 25 – 27 November 2015 in The Hague.

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In the Media | 19 Nov 2015
ICCT Research Fellow Seran de Leede on Female Suicide Bombers

On 19 November 2015, a day after a female terrorist that was linked to the Paris attacks bombed herself in Saint-Denis, Seran de Leede elaborated on the phenomenon of female suicide bombers.

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In the Media | 18 Nov 2015
ICCT Director on Situation in Sinai and Bombing of Russian Metrojet

On 9 November 2015, Mark Singleton was interviewed by Dutch TV. He elaborated on the bombing of the Russian Metrojet 9268 flight and the situational circumstances and history of the Sinai region.

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In the Media | 18 Nov 2015
Mark Singleton on NPO Radio 1

On 17 November 2015, ICCT Director Mark Singleton joined the NPO Radio 1 evening programme Met Het Oog Op Morgen, giving his impression of the state of affairs in Hannover regarding the cancellation of the friendly match between Germany and The Netherlands.

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In the Media | 16 Nov 2015
Mark Singleton and Dr. Bibi van Ginkel on the killing of “Jihadi John”

On 13 November, IS militant Mohammed Emwazi, also known as “Jihadi John”, was confirmed dead after being hit in a US drone strike. Mark Singleton and Dr. Bibi van Ginkel commented on his killing in the media.

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In the Media | 15 Nov 2015
ICCT’s Peter Knoope Elaborates on Potential Motivations of Terrorists

In an article published by the Belgian newsmagazine Knack on 10 November 2015, ICCT Associate Fellow and former Director Peter Knoope discussed the potential motivations of terrorists and the anti-Western sentiment.

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In the Media | 14 Nov 2015
ICCT in the Media: Paris Attacks

All media appearances of ICCT experts on the Paris attacks that took place during the night from Friday 13 to Saturday 14 November 2015 can be found on this page.

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Update | 12 Nov 2015
Presentation of the International Crimes Database at the International Criminal Court

On 11 November 2015, ICCT Research Fellow and Project Leader of the International Crimes Database (ICD) Christophe Paulussen gave a presentation about the ICD at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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Update | 10 Nov 2015
CVE Workshop in Tunis on Implementation of UNSC Resolutions

From 3-4 November 2015, ICCT co-organized a workshop aimed at the development of an implementation plan of the National Strategy on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Terrorism in Tunisia.

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Expert Meeting | 4 Nov 2015
Clingendael: Expert Meeting with Nicolas de Rivière

On 13 November, the Director General for Political Affairs and Security within the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs will engage in an informal discussion on topics such as Syria, Ukraine, Mali and the refugee crisis.

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Public Lecture | 4 Nov 2015
Lecture on Combating Terrorism with the Tools of Law

On 17 November 2015, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are hosting the lecture “Combating Terrorism with the Tools of Law. Process of Reflection on an International Court against Terrorism”.

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Newsletter | 30 Oct 2015
October 2015 Newsletter

Our October 2015 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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Update | 30 Oct 2015
ICCT Director Mark Singleton at Madrid + 10 Conference

On 27-28 October 2015, ICCT Director Mark Singleton attended the “Madrid + 10: Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Conference”, organised by the Club de Madrid, in Madrid, Spain.

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In the Media | 28 Oct 2015
ICCT Research Fellow Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn on Dutch Radio

On 20 October 2015, Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn was interviewed on the large “Jihad court case” in the Netherlands in the news programme De Nieuws BV of Dutch radio channel NPO Radio 1.

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Update | 27 Oct 2015
ICCT Director at Xiangshan Forum

ICCT Director Mark Singleton presented at the high-level 6th Xiangshan Forum on regional security and defence from 16-18 October in Beijing, China.

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Update | 22 Oct 2015
ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel briefs Council of Europe

On 22 October 2015, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel presented as a panellist at a conference for the signing ceremony of the additional protocol of the Council of Europe Convention on Prevention of Terrorism.

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Update | 19 Oct 2015
Fickle Foreign Fighters? A Cross-Case Analysis of Seven Muslim Foreign Fighter Mobilisations (1980-2015)

In this Research Paper, Dr. Isabelle Duyvesteyn and Bram Peeters study seven conflicts that in the past 35 years have triggered Muslims worldwide to leave their home country and become a so-called foreign fighter.

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Panel Discussion | 13 Oct 2015
High Level Panel Discussion on Accountability in the War on Terror

On 22 October 2015, ICCT, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Platform, convene a high level panel discussion entitled ‘Accountability in the war on terror?’.

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Update | 13 Oct 2015
ICCT co-hosts NATO Workshop on Counter-Terrorism in MENA Region

ICCT, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and Clingendael convened a NATO Advanced Research Workshop in Brussels. This workshop was titled ‘(Counter-)terrorism in the post-Arab Spring context’.

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Newsletter, Update | 30 Sep 2015
September 2015 Newsletter

Our September 2015 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities. You can read the newsletter here. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions or comments.

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Update | 30 Sep 2015
ICCT Director in New York for Opening 70th Session UNGA

From 22 to 30 September 2015, ICCT Director Mark Singleton traveled to New York to attend multiple international and bilateral meetings on topics related to countering violent extremism (CVE).

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In the Media | 24 Sep 2015
Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel in de Volkskrant and on NPO Radio 1

  ICCT Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel was interviewed for the Dutch national newspaper de Volkskrant as well as on the news of NOS Radio 1 Journaal at radio channel NPO Radio 1. The interviews concerned the debate about the  risk of Islamic State fighters using the migrant routes as refugees to enter Europe. In her comment, Dr. […]

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Expert Meeting | 21 Sep 2015
Expert Meeting: (Counter-) Terrorism in the Post-Arab Spring Context

(Counter-)terrorism in the post-Arab Spring Context Date: 6-7 October 2015 Location: Brussels, Belgium Supported by the Science for Peace and Security Programme of NATO, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS), and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael are organising a NATO Advanced Research […]

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Update | 21 Sep 2015
Dr. Bibi van Ginkel presents at UN in New York for the 10th Anniversary of the Security Council Resolution 1624

ICCT Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel gave a presentation at the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee’s special event for the 10th anniversary of the Security Council Resolution 1624. The event was held on September 14th at the UN Headquarters in New York and consisted of three sessions.

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Update | 18 Sep 2015
Indonesian National Counter-Terrorism Agency BNPT visits ICCT

On Tuesday 25 August, ICCT welcomed a delegation from the Indonesian National Counter-Terrorism Agency BNPT (Indonesian: Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terrorisme).

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Update | 10 Sep 2015
ICCT welcomes Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Justice

On Tuesday 8 September 2015, ICCT hosted a delegation from the Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Justice at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’.

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In the Media | 10 Sep 2015
Associate Fellow Peter Knoope in Al Monitor

ICCT Associate Fellow Peter Knoope was interviewed on Al Monitor about the IS recruitment tools in Central Asia.

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Update | 8 Sep 2015
ICCT meets Singapore’s National Security Coordination Secretariat

On 21 August 2015, ICCT welcomed a delegation from Singapore’s National Security Coordination Secretariat to discuss online radicalisation, foreign fighters and countering violent extremism.

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Summer Programme, Update | 4 Sep 2015
ICCT High Level Panel on Countering Terrorism through the Internet

On Friday 28 August 2015, ICCT convened a public high level panel at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague. The panelists included Rob Wainwright, Verity Harding and Dr. Quirine Eijkman.

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Newsletter | 1 Sep 2015
August 2015 Newsletter

Our August 2015 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities. You can read the newsletter here. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions or comments. If you would like to receive our future newsletter by email, please subscribe.

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In the Media | 27 Aug 2015
ICCT Associate Fellow Peter Knoope on Italian Radio 24

On 17 August 2015, Peter Knoope joined the programme “No Place is Far” (Italian: Nessun Luogo è Lontano) on the Italian all-news radio station Radio 24 to speak about the leadership of terrorist organisations.

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Update | 27 Aug 2015
ICCT Director Mark Singleton opens the Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism

On Monday 24 August, Mark Singleton opened the “Advanced Summer Programme: Countering Terrorism: Legal Challenges and Dilemmas” at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague.

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In the Media | 31 Jul 2015
ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel Speech at UN Counter Terrorism Committee’s special meeting

  At the occasion of a UN Counter Terrorism Committee‘s special meeting held in Madrid, state representatives, representatives of other UN organisations and agencies, and regional organisations, as well as researchers, implementing parties and civil society representatives, participated in three technical meetings that were held to discuss the challenges and threats posed by foreign terrorist […]

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Newsletter | 31 Jul 2015
July 2015 Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities. You can read the newsletter here.

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In the Media, Update | 30 Jul 2015
OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Expert Conference

ICCT Director Mark Singleton and Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel attended the Counter-Terrorism Expert Conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Vienna.

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ICCT Seminar | 23 Jul 2015
High Level Panel: The Dilemmas Involved in Countering Terrorism through the Internet. What’s at Stake?

On 28 August, ICCT hosts a High Level Panel on the dilemmas in countering terrorism online. Register now!

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Summer Programme, Update | 1 Jul 2015
Summer Programme: Study Visit to Eurojust

The second study visit will be to Eurojust.

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Newsletter | 30 Jun 2015
June 2015 Newsletter

Our June 2015 newsletter is out! Find out more about our latest publications, activities and events.

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Update | 30 Jun 2015
Regional CVE Conference in Nairobi, Kenya

Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel and Senior Programme Manager Marco de Swart attended a Regional Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Conference in Nairobi.

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Summer Programme, Update | 17 Jun 2015
Summer Programme: Judge Sir David Baragwanath

One of the speakers during the Summer Programme is Judge Sir David Baragwanath, on “Defining Terrorism under International and Domestic Law”.

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Summer Programme, Update | 4 Jun 2015
Summer Programme: Study Visit STL

During the Summer Programme, a study visit to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is organised.

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Newsletter | 2 Jun 2015
May 2015 Newsletter

Our May 2015 newsletter is out! Find out more about our latest publications, activities and events.

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In the Media | 29 May 2015
Daan Weggemans on the Reintegration of Jihadist Detainees

Research Fellow and Leiden University Researcher Daan Weggemans and Beatrice de Graaf conducted one of the first scientific studies on the societal reintegration of former jihadist detainees.

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In the Media | 28 May 2015
Tom Keatinge on BBC

On Sunday 17 May, Tom Keatinge provided an analysis to BBC about banks helping to identify possible jihadi fighters.

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Update | 28 May 2015
ICCT Careers

ICCT is currently seeking two Visiting Research Fellows.

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ICCT Seminar | 20 May 2015
Seminar: China’s Role in Peacekeeping and Counter-Terrorism in Mali

The aim of this expert seminar was to gain an insight into how China’s security role in Africa is evolving and whether this creates new opportunities for local and European actors to cooperate with China.

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In the Media | 12 May 2015
Dr. Bibi van Ginkel in Trouw

Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel on the GCTF Administrative Unit in newspaper “Trouw” (in Dutch).   Find the whole article here.

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In the Media | 1 May 2015
Christophe Paulussen in Algemeen Dagblad

On Friday 1 May, Christophe Paulussen was quoted by Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad in an article about new counter-terrorism legislative proposals in the Netherlands.

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Summer Programme | 30 Apr 2015
Summer Programme 2015

From 24 – 28 August 2015, ICCT together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut will organise the Fifth Advanced Summer Programme on counter-terrorism.

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Summer Programme | 29 Apr 2015
Summer Programme Update: Mr. Faisal Wando Shares His Experiences

Mr. Faisal Wando (Programme Officer – SAVE Project in Nigeria) shares some of his experiences as a Summer Programme Alumni.

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Newsletter | 29 Apr 2015
April 2015 Newsletter

Our April 2015 newsletter is out! Find out more about our latest publications, activities and events.

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In the Media | 22 Apr 2015
Associate Fellow Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross on Foreign Policy

Associate Fellow Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross provided analysis about the Islamic State and Boko Haram in Africa in Foreign Policy.   Read the full article here.

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Summer Programme | 13 Apr 2015
2015 Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism

During this Summer Programme, participants and lecturers will search together for and discuss long-term, effective, international rule of law based strategies and measures in countering today’s terrorism.

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Newsletter | 31 Mar 2015
March 2015 Newsletter

Our March 2015 newsletter is out! Find out more about our latest publications, activities and events.

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Update | 25 Mar 2015
Meeting Report on Dawn and Dignity: Libya’s Escalating Civil War with Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

On Thursday 12 March 2015, ICCT hosted two events around the Research Paper “Dignity and Dawn: Libya’s Escalating Civil War” by ICCT Associate Fellow Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross: an Expert Roundtable Meeting and a public Evening Seminar. Read the meeting report here.

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ICCT Commentary | 23 Mar 2015
ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Veldhuis publishes ‘Captivated by Fear: An Evaluation of Terrorism Detention Policy’

ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Tinka Veldhuis published her PhD research, titled “Captivated by Fear: An Evaluation of Terrorism Detention Policy”. According to Dr. Veldhuis correctional facilities should focus on rehabilitation and reintegration of these detainees, instead of focusing on the prevention of radicalisation among prisoners.

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In the Media | 22 Mar 2015
Associate Fellow Peter Knoope in the International Business Times

Associate Fellow Peter Knoope was interviewed about the situation in Yemen in the International Business Times.   Find the article here.

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Public Lecture | 20 Mar 2015
Globalised Conflict Situations: Nigeria’s Boko Haram in Perspective

An analysis of ethno-religious conflicts in Nigeria with explanations of the impact that Nigeria’s local conditions have on global conflict currents.

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In the Media | 19 Mar 2015
Globalised Conflict Situations: Nigeria’s Boko Haram in Perspective

On 19-20 March 2015, ICCT together with ASC organised a two-day event on ‘Governance and Connections in Africa’s Contemporary Conflicts’ that explored the multi-dimensional connections between conflict zones ranging from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa and from Central Africa to the Great Lakes Region. On the second day, a public lecture ‘Globalised Conflict Situations – Nigeria’s […]

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In the Media, Update | 18 Mar 2015
Research Fellow Dr. Paulussen Briefs Council of Europe

On 16 March 2015, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen was invited by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy to participate in a hearing at the French Senate in Paris on the issue of foreign fighters in Syria.

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Expert Meeting | 13 Mar 2015
Expert Roundtable (in London): Libya’s Civil War

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and ICCT convened an expert roundtable meeting on Libya with Mr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross in London.

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ICCT Seminar | 12 Mar 2015
Dignity and Dawn: Libya’s Escalating Civil War

Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross shed light on the complex situation in Libya and reflected on a range of economic, ideological and political / social challenges for policymakers.

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Update | 10 Mar 2015
Communications Internship

ICCT is currently seeking a communications intern to help implement the Centre’s external communications strategy including the re-design of ICCT’s website. Deadline for application is Friday 20 March; however, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

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Update | 4 Mar 2015
ICCT Vacancy: Senior Finance Officer

ICCT is currently looking for a Senior Finance Officer. The vacancy is open for Dutch-speakers only.

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Newsletter | 27 Feb 2015
February 2015 Newsletter

Our February 2015 newsletter is out! Read about our latest events, publications and activities.

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Update | 24 Feb 2015
Expert Roundtable Meeting with Mr. Adriaan van der Meer

On Thursday 29 January 2015, ICCT hosted a Roundtable Meeting on “Managing Global Threats – Opportunities for Mobilising Dutch Expertise” with Mr. Adriaan van der Meer, Head of Unit of the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) at the EU Development and Cooperation (EU DEVCO).

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In the Media | 22 Feb 2015
Dr. Bibi van Ginkel in De Morgen

On Syria and Counternarratives, interview with ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel: “Schakel ex-Syriestrijders in contrapropaganda“, in De Morgen (in Dutch).

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In the Media, Update | 13 Feb 2015
ICCT Welcomes New Fellows

ICCT welcomes three new Fellows including Dr. Elaine Pressman, Ms. Seran de Leede and Mr. Daan Weggemans, and Ms. Naziha Laribi as Communications Intern.

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Update | 3 Feb 2015
Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism: Legal Challenges and Dilemmas

From 24 – 28 August 2015, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are organising the fifth Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism: Legal Challenges and Dilemmas.

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Newsletter | 30 Jan 2015
January 2015 Newsletter

Our first newsletter for 2015 is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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In the Media | 29 Jan 2015
Dutch Foreign Fighter Omar H. Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison

On 27 January, the Court of Appeal in The Hague sentenced 23-year old Omar H. from Amsterdam to 18 months unconditional imprisonment for, amongst others, participation in training for terrorism. It is the first decision in which a Dutch court has issued a judgement on the participation in and assistance to terrorism.

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Update | 26 Jan 2015
Expert Roundtable Meeting with Dr. Pressman and Prof. Dr. Bjørgo

On 16 January 2015, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT) hosted a Roundtable Meeting with Dr. Elaine Pressman and Prof. Dr. Tore Bjørgo on risk assessment for violent extremists, and engagement and disengagement from militant extremist groups.

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Update | 22 Jan 2015
Second National Workshop on Implementation of Security Council Resolutions 1624 (2005) and 2178 (2014) in Kenya

From 20-22 January 2015 and in cooperation with CTED and HSC, ICCT co-organised a second national workshop on countering incitement and violent extremism.

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In the Media | 22 Jan 2015
ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen in NOW

ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen provided an interview on returning jihadists in NOW Media. Read the article here.

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In the Media | 22 Jan 2015
ICCT Associate Fellow Peter Knoope in the International Business Times

ICCT Associate Fellow Peter Knoope in the IBTimes on the possible impact of the Paris Attacks. Read the article here.

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In the Media | 22 Jan 2015
ICCT Director Mark Singleton on Storify

ICCT Director Mark Singleton on Storify on the future of EU counter-terrorism policies. Listen to the interview here.

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Expert Meeting | 16 Jan 2015
Expert Roundtable Meeting with Dr. Pressman and Prof. Dr. Bjørgo

Dr. Elaine Pressman and Prof. Dr. Tore Bjørgo presented a risk assessment for violent extremists, and engagement and disengagement from militant extremist groups.

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Update | 12 Jan 2015
ICCT Vacancy: Senior Portfolio Manager

To help consolidate and expand ICCT as an international centre of excellence, the Centre seeks an experienced Senior Portfolio Manager. S/He will be responsible for the acquisition, initiation, negotiation, design, implementation, monitoring and reporting of ICCT activities.

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Update | 28 Nov 2014
Mark Singleton attends GCERF Inaugural Board Meeting

In his capacity as Alternate Board Member, ICCT Director Mr. Mark Singleton attended the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund’s inaugural Board meeting in Geneva, on 17 and 18 November 2014. Sixty representatives from more than twenty countries, the European Union, the United Nations, civil society, private sector, foundations, and research institutions were present to discuss the funding of counter radicalisation initiatives.

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Newsletter | 28 Nov 2014
November 2014 Newsletter

Our November newsletter is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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Update | 27 Nov 2014
ICCT Director Mr. Mark Singleton Addresses NATO Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security

On 22 November, ICCT director Mark Singleton addressed the NATO Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security, at the 60th NATO Parliamentary Assembly conference in The Hague. He gave a presentation on recent trends in counter- terrorism and the Foreign Fighters phenomenon. ICCT is currently engaged in two NATO-supported activities: (i) a research project on transitioning from military interventions to long-term counter-terrorism policy; and (ii) an international conference on countering terrorism after the Arab revolutions.

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Update | 25 Nov 2014
RAN INT/EXT Working Group

Since June 2012, ICCT has been participating in the EU Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) by co-chairing the Network’s Internal/External Working Group. RAN is an “umbrella network”, or network of networks, which provides a platform for practitioners to gather and share best practices in countering radicalisation leading to violent extremism.

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Update | 14 Nov 2014
Mark Singleton to address NATO PA Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security

On 22 November 2014, ICCT Director Mr. Mark Singleton will address the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s (NATO PA) Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security. He will highlight the challenges societies face with regards to terrorism in general, and specifically concerning the growing problem of foreign terrorist fighters in Syria and Iraq.Due to the vast expertise of Mr. Singleton and ICCT in this area, Mr. Singleton was asked to contribute to this topic by addressing legislators of the Committee on Civil Dimension of Security.

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Newsletter | 5 Nov 2014
November 2014 Newsletter

Our newsletter is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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Update | 4 Nov 2014
Meeting Report – Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: The Role and Future of Extremist Groups in the Region

On 15 September 2014, Hivos and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT) co-hosted a seminar on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (IS). The event addressed the causes of the groups strong uprising and what do to about the issue of foreign fighters going to the region to fight.

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Update | 4 Nov 2014
Mark Singleton visits Eurojust president Michèle Coninsx

On 3 October, Mr. Mark Singleton met the President of Eurojust, Ms. Michèle Coninsx, and discussed a number of matters of importance. The visit came at a crucial time; the recent shooting in Brussels, the phenomenon of returning foreign fighters, and the sudden and swift rise of the Islamic State (IS)in Syria and Iraq, clearly demonstrate the need for a coordinated response.

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Update | 4 Nov 2014
Free Online University Course “Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice”

On 14 October, a Google Hangout on foreign fighters with international experts was broadcasted as part of the free online university course “Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice” of Leiden University. Experts who joined this chat were Mark Singleton, Director of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague), Raffaello Pantucci (Director International Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute- RUSI) and Daan Weggemans (Centre for Terrorism & Counterterrorism).

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Update | 4 Nov 2014
Mark Singleton speaks at the Society for International Development – Netherlands

On 16 October, ICCT Director Mr. Mark Singleton gave a speech at the Society for International Development – Netherlands (SIDNL) on counter-terrorism and development. In his speech, he addressed the synergies between development and counter-terrorism and discussed how they must go hand in hand and points out the importance of a comprehensive approach that focusses on Prevention and Rule of Law. “The synergies are undeniable, the gains obvious, and the needs are growing by the day”.

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Newsletter | 30 Sep 2014
September 2014 Newsletter

Our September newsletter is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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Update | 26 Sep 2014
ICCT and CTED Join Hands in Analysis of Terrorism Trends

During a visit to New York in late September, ICCT Director Mark Singleton met with Executive Director Jean-Paul Laborde of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate. Although CTED and ICCT are already close partners in capacity-building projects in the area of countering violent extremism and criminal justice, the two parties decided to strengthen their cooperation in analysing new terrorism trends and challenges.

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Update | 15 Sep 2014
Meeting Report: The Military, Evidence and Counter-Terrorism

Together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut ICCT convened a high-level panel on the use of evidence collected by military for use in terrorism-related cases in civilian courts. A summary of the seminar is available now.

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ICCT Seminar | 15 Sep 2014
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: The Role and Future of Extremist Groups in the Region

This evening seminar discussed the role and future of violent extremist groups in the region and how the international community should respond.

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Panel Discussion | 29 Aug 2014
The Use of Military Evidence in Counter-Terrorism

This expert panel looked at some of the scenarios and challenges faced by the military, prosecutors and judges in gathering and using evidence collected on the battlefield.

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Summer Programme | 29 Aug 2014
Countering Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World: Legal Challenges & Dilemmas

The focus of this year’s summer programme was on legal challenges and dilemmas related to (counter-)terrorism.

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Newsletter | 21 Aug 2014
August 2014 Newsletter

Our August newsletter is out – read about our latest events and publictions.

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Update | 5 Aug 2014
New ICCT Director: Mark Singleton

ICCT is pleased to announce that Mr. Mark Singleton will start as the Centre’s director on 1 September 2014. He brings more than 25 years of experience in the international peace, security and development sector.

Mr. Singleton will replace the current ICCT Director Mr. Peter Knoope who has headed the Centre since its inception.

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Update | 27 Jun 2014
Meeting Report: RAN Plenary and High Level Conference

On 16-17 June, the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Plenary and High Level Conference in Brussels took place. The Plenary gathered together over 150 RAN practitioners to discuss what RAN has achieved to date and the Network’s future strategy.

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Update | 26 Jun 2014
ICCT Co-Organises Side-Event at UN CT Strategy Review

On Tuesday 10 June, ICCT co-organised a side-event to the 4th Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, together with several other think tanks and non-governmental organisations. The side-event consisted of four discussion panels, focussing on human security, inter- and intra-faith dialogue, reintegration and youth leadership in countering violent extremism. The purpose of the side-event was to bring together a number of practitioners, community leaders and civil society actors to discuss the relations between (human) security and development sectors and how strengthening these relationships can effectively reinforce policies and programmes aimed at countering violent extremism.

Summaries, background notes and footage are now available.

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Update | 23 Jun 2014
ICCT Director Peter Knoope Briefs GCTF Meeting on Foreign Fighters

ICCT Director Peter Knoope briefed a meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) in Abu Dhabi on the current developments and responses to the threat of foreign terrorist fighters, focusing specifically on European nations. Knoope, who is co-chair of a European Union Working Group (RAN INT/EXT) on the topic of foreign fighters, emphasised in his statement that most returning foreign fighters will not pose a security threat, but many may require various types of assistance, including medical and psychological support.

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Update | 23 Jun 2014
Expert Meeting Report: Developing an Effective Counter-Narrative Framework for Countering Violent Extremism

In June 2014, ICCT and Hedayah convened a roundtable expert meeting to examine the ingredients for a counter-narrative framework that could effectively refute the narratives communicated by violent extremist actors such as al Qaeda.

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Update | 19 Jun 2014
International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law Launched in Malta

The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law was launched in Malta during a ceremony at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Valletta on Wednesday 18 June. This new legal training institute will provide rule of law-based training to lawmakers, police, prosecutors, judges, corrections officials and other justice sector stakeholders on how to address terrorism and related transnational criminal activities within a rule of law framework. ICCT is one of its founding partners.

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Panel Discussion | 10 Jun 2014
Panel on Reintegrating Terrorist Offenders, Side Event to UN CT Strategy Review

On Tuesday 10 June, ICCT co-organised a side-event to the 4th Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, together with several other think tanks and non-governmental organisations. The side-event consisted of four discussion panels, focussing on human security, inter- and intra-faith dialogue, reintegration and youth leadership in countering violent extremism. The purpose of the side-event was to bring together a number of practitioners, community leaders and civil society actors to discuss the relations between (human) security and development sectors and how strengthening these relationships can effectively reinforce policies and programmes aimed at countering violent extremism. Summaries, background notes and footage are now available.

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Update | 5 Jun 2014
New Video Shows How Victims of Terrorism Contribute to CVE in Indonesia

In this video, ICCT Associate Fellow Max Boon shows the great work that he and his colleagues are doing in Indonesia, reaching out to high school students and empowering victims of terrorism to play a role in countering violent extremism.

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Newsletter | 3 Jun 2014
May 2014 Newsletter

ICCT’s May newsletter is out! Read all about our latest news, events and activities.

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Summer Programme | 3 Jun 2014
Two Scholarships for ICCT Summer Programme (Nigerian Nationals Only)

ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are pleased to announce the availability of 2 full scholarships exclusively available to participants from Nigeria for this year’s Summer Programme “Countering Terrorism in the Post 9/11 World: Legal Challenges and Dilemmas”, which will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands from 25 to 29 August 2014.

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Update | 27 May 2014
ICCT to Host Panel on Reintegrating Terrorist Offenders at UN CT Review Side Event

On Tuesday 10 June, ICCT organised the panel discussion “Reintegrating Violent Extremist Offenders: A Role for Governments and Communities” at a side event that coincides with the fourth Review of the UN CT Strategy in New York. ICCT’s panel on reintegration will examine concrete governmental and community efforts to facilitate the successful reintegration of violent extremist offenders.

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Update | 25 May 2014
External Dimension of the EU Counter-Terrorism Policy

The latest issue of the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) Working Paper Series looks at various aspects of the EU’s counter-terrorism strategy. The document builds on the February 2013 conference “External Dimension of the EU Counter-Terrorism Policy”, which was organised by ICCT in cooperation with CLEER. The issue is co-edited by ICCT Research Fellow Claudio Matera.

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Update | 13 May 2014
National Workshop on Countering Incitement and Violent Extremism in Kenya

First National Workshop on Effective Implementation of UN SEC RES 1624 (2005) in Kenya.

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Update | 29 Apr 2014
CVE and Community Resilience in Nigeria

In spring 2014, ICCT commenced an 18-month project on countering the appeal of terrorism in Nigeria and building community resilience. The project is funded by the United Nations’s Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF), and carried out by ICCT jointly with the Human Security Collective / Cordaid (HSC) and the Office of the National Security Advisor (ONSA) in Nigeria.

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Update | 16 Apr 2014
Meeting Report: Terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula

Earlier this month, ICCT convened the public seminar “Terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula: A Safe-Haven for Jihadists?” with Mr. Zack Gold and Prof. Dr. Maurits Berger. A brief meeting report is now available online.

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Seminar | 7 Apr 2014
Terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula: A Safe-Haven for Jihadists?

A recent attack on tourists in the Sinai painfully demonstrated that violent groups in the peninsula are willing to carry out deadly attacks. During this seminar in The Hague, Washington-based Middle East analyst Zack Gold will analyse the situation and consider various potential future scenarios. Prof. Dr. Maurits Berger (Clingendael Institue) will provide a response.

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Newsletter | 3 Apr 2014
April 2014 Newsletter

Our April newsletter is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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Newsletter | 28 Mar 2014
March 2014 Newsletter

Our third newsletter for the year is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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Update | 26 Mar 2014
ICCT participates in GCTF Foreign Terrorist Fighter Initiative

On 19 – 20 February, ICCT participated in the opening of an initiative by the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) on foreign terrorist fighters. The initiative addresses the complex challenge of individuals who leave their home countries to participate in conflicts abroad, acquiring skills and an ideological commitment that could be used in acts of terrorism in their home countries or elsewhere.

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Update | 19 Mar 2014
ICCT Director Vacancy

With the departure of our current director to South Africa to join his wife, who is the next Dutch Ambassador to the country, ICCT seeks a new director. The director will start in August 2014 and will be responsible for the Centre’s overall management, will initiate and broaden international alliances, and further ICCT’s (strategic) policy objectives. The deadline for application is Friday 4 April.

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Newsletter | 4 Mar 2014
February 2014 Newsletter

Our second newsletter for the year is out now! Read about our latest activities and sign up to receive our monthly news.

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Symposium | 4 Mar 2014
De vreemde strijder: Buitenlandse inmenging in burgeroorlogen

On Tuesday, 4 March, Leidschrift Historisch Tijdschrift will host the Symposium “De vreemde strijder. Buitenlandse inmenging in burgeroorlogen”. ICCT Director Peter Knoope will discuss the motivations of foreign fighters in Syria.

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Update | 27 Feb 2014
Meeting Report: Jihad in Tunisia?

On Thursday 20 February, ICCT convened the seminar “Ansar al-Sharia’s War with Tunisia: An Escalating Conflict in Context”. During this event, ICCT Visiting Research Fellow Daveed Gartenstein Ross presented the findings of his latest Research Paper and Dr. Hatem Ben Salem, former Secretary of State under President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, provided a response.

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Seminar | 20 Feb 2014
Ansar al-Sharia’s War with Tunisia

On Thursday 20 February, ICCT convened the seminar “Ansar al-Sharia’s War with Tunisia: An Escalating Conflict in Context”. During this event, Associate Fellow Daveed Gartenstein Ross presented the findings of his Research Paper and was joined by Dr. Hatem Ben Salem, former Minister for Education under President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

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Update | 31 Jan 2014
Meeting Report: Al Qaeda’s Resurgence in North Africa?

On Tuesday 17 December, ICCT together with Hivos convened the seminar “After the Mali Intervention: Al Qaeda’s Resurgence in North Africa?”. This seminar addressed the resurgence of al Qaeda-linked groups in Northern Africa. It looked at public support bases and capabilities of terrorist groups in the region, focussing specifically on AQIM. The full meeting report is now available.

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Update | 29 Jan 2014
ICCT’s Work on Foreign Fighters

On 30 January, ICCT will participate in the RAN Cities conference on foreign fighters travelling to Syria, which will take place in The Hague. ICCT co-chairs the RAN Internal/External Working Group and has undertaken in-depth work on the issue of foreign fighters.

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Seminar | 17 Dec 2013
Al Qaeda’s Resurgence in North Africa?

On 17 December, ICCT and Hivos convened a seminar entitled “Mali after the Intervention: Al Qaeda’s Resurgence in North Africa?” from 18:00 – 20:30 at the International Press Centre Nieuwspoort in The Hague.

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Update | 18 Nov 2013
Assessing Measures to Combat the Financing of Terrorism

On Wednesday 6 November, ICCT convened an afternoon seminar on terrorist financing. This seminar brought together several experts and practitioners to shed light on current measures to combat terrorist financing, their side-effects and possible alternatives to effectively counter the financing of terrorist groups.

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Database Launch | 12 Nov 2013
International Crimes Database

On Tuesday 12 November, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, and ICCT, launched the International Crimes Database (ICD).

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Seminar | 6 Nov 2013
Assessing Measures to Combat the Financing of Terrorism

On Wednesday 6 November, ICCT convened an afternoon seminar on terrorist financing. This seminar brought together several experts and practitioners to shed light on current measures to combat terrorist financing, their side-effects and possible alternatives to effectively counter the financing of terrorist groups.

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Update | 2 Oct 2013
ICCT and Asser Instituut Organise Counter-Terrorism Workshop in Morocco

On 25 September, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and ICCT convened a workshop on counter-terrorism legislation in Rabat, Morocco. This half-day workshop addressed topics such as new methods of using evidence, coordination of counter-terrorism related mechanisms and terrorist financing.

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Update | 30 Sep 2013
“Exodus” of European Foreign Fighters to Syria

A meeting report of the roundtable discussion on European foreign fighters, which was convened by the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and ICCT on 30 August, is now available.

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Panel Discussion | 30 Aug 2013
‘Exodus’ of European Foreign Fighters to Syria

Approximately 700 Europeans have reportedly travelled to participate as foreign fighters in the Syrian civil war. On 30 August, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and ICCT convened a high-level panel discussion on the topic in The Hague.

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Summer Programme | 30 Aug 2013
Summer Programme: Countering Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World

In 2013, ICCT together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut organised the third advanced Summer Programme on countering terrorism in a post-9/11 world.

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Expert Meeting | 9 Jul 2013
Second Expert Meeting on Supporting Curriculum Development for the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law in Tunisia

The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation (CGCC), and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), organised the second expert meeting on curriculum development for the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law in Tunisia.

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Update | 26 Jun 2013
Meeting Report: Empirical Research on Terrorism

On 29 May, ICCT – The Hague convened an evening seminar entitled “Empirical Research on Terrorism: Home-Grown Jihadism in Australia and The Netherlands”. A brief meeting report of the event is now available online.

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Regional Workshop, UN Workshop | 18 Jun 2013
Algiers Regional Workshop on Countering Incitement and Violent Extremism

In June 2013, ICCT and the UN CTED organised a regional workshop on the prohibition and prevention of incitement to commit terrorism. This meeting is part of the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1624 (2005).

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ICCT Seminar | 29 May 2013
Empirical Research on Terrorism: Home-Grown Jihadism in Australia & the Netherlands

Obtaining reliable data and sources in the field of terrorism has long been a challenge. In this ICCT seminar, experts on Australian and Dutch terrorism cases talked about exciting new avenues for research on terrorism.

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Update | 14 May 2013
Expert Meeting: Salafi Jihadism in Tunisia

On Friday, 19 April 2013, ICCT hosted the Expert Meeting “Salafi Jihadism in Tunisia: When Will the Violence Begin, and Who Will Feel the Impact?” at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brussels. At this seminar, ICCT Visiting Research Fellow Daveed Gartenstein-Ross presented the findings of his research on Ansar al-Sharia Tunisia (AST) and its potential for violence in post-Arab Spring Tunisia.

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Update | 7 May 2013
New Visiting Research Fellow

Mr. Akinola Olojo started this week as Visiting Research Fellow at ICCT – The Hague. Akinola hails from Lagos, Nigeria and will conduct a project investigating the drivers for radicalisation in northern Nigeria with a special focus on Boko Haram.

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Update | 2 May 2013
Supporting Curriculum Development for the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law in Tunisia

In order to develop a curriculum for the Tunis-based International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law, which is currently being set up, ICCT – The Hague, the Institute for Security Studies and the Centre on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation convened a workshop in Brussels in Spring 2013.

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Newsletter | 29 Apr 2013
April 2013 Newsletter

ICCT’s April Newsletter is now online! Read about latest publications, upcoming events and meeting reports.

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Update | 26 Apr 2013
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Anders Behring Breivik

On 11 April, ICCT – The Hague convened a seminar as part of its Terrorists on Trial Research Project. This fifth seminar in the series discussed the case of Anders Behring Breivik.

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Update | 24 Apr 2013
The External Dimensions of EU Counter-Terrorism Policy

On 22 February 2013, the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) and ICCT – The Hague convened a conference on the external dimensions of EU counter-terrorism policy. The meeting report of the conference is now available online.

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Expert Meeting | 19 Apr 2013
Salafi Jihadism in Tunisia

On 19 April 2013, ICCT hosted the Expert Meeting “Salafi Jihadism in Tunisia: When Will the Violence Begin, and Who Will Feel the Impact?” at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brussels.

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Seminar | 11 Apr 2013
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Anders Behring Breivik

On Thursday 11 April, ICCT hosted a public seminar on the trial of Anders Behring Breivik. The seminar is part of ICCT’s Terrorists on Trial Research Project which examines terrorism court cases through the lens of their performance and communicative power.

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Newsletter | 27 Mar 2013
March 2013 Newsletter

The ICCT March newsletter is out now! You will find information about our latest publications, upcoming events and our new visiting fellow.

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Seminar | 27 Mar 2013
Digital Security Governance and Accountability in Europe

On 27 March 2013, ICCT convened a seminar entitled ‘Digital Security Governance and Accountability in Europe: Ethical Dilemmas in Terrorism Risk Management’. The seminar is part of a research project by the same title, which is conducted by ICCT Reserach Fellow Dr. Quirine Eijkman.

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Newsletter | 27 Feb 2013
February 2013 Newsletter

The ICCT February newsletter is now online! You will find information about upcoming events, latest publications and more.

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Conference | 22 Feb 2013
The External Dimensions of EU Counter-Terrorism Policy

The Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) and ICCT convened a conference on the external dimensions of EU counter-terrorism policy. The conference was held in Brussels on 22 February 2013.

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Summer Programme | 8 Feb 2013
Summer Programme: Countering Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World

From 26 – 30 August 2013, ICCT together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut will organise the third advanced summer programe on coutnering terrorism in a post-9/11 world. This advanced programme is for graduate students and young professionals, interested in pursuing careers in counter-terrorism and related fields of work.

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Update | 7 Feb 2013
ICCT & QIASS cooperate on countering violent extremism

On Thursday 7 February 2013, ICCT and the Qatar International Academy for Security Studies (QIASS) gathered in The Hague to explore possibilities for future cooperation in the domain of countering violent extremism.

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Newsletter | 29 Jan 2013
January 2013 Newsletter

The latest ICCT  newsletter is online now. It includes a report from last week’s ICCT expert meeting on radicalisation, an overview of recent publications and upcoming events. Read it here. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions or comments! If you would like to receive our future Newsletters by email, please subscribe!

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Expert Meeting | 18 Jan 2013
Radicalisation, De-Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation

ICCT convened an expert roundtable discussion on the current understanding of processes of radicalisation, counter-radicalisation and de-radicalisation, based on a study by Visiting Fellow Dr. Alex Schmid.

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Conference | 11 Jan 2013
The Boundaries of the Battlefield

On 10 and 11 January, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and ICCT hosted a two day conference taking a critical look at the legal paradigms and rules in countering terrorism.

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Debate | 3 Dec 2012
Trying Terrorists: Military Tribunals or Civilian Courts?

On Monday, 3 December, ICCT convened a debate with Col. (U.S. Army, retired) Fred Borch and Prof. Dr. Geert-Jan Knoops on the use of military tribunals for prosecuting alleged terrorists.

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Book Launch | 26 Sep 2012
Pakistan: Before and After Osama

ICCT hosted journalist and author Mr. Imtiaz Gul who launched his new book “Pakistan: Before and after Osama”. In his book Gul asks the question how Pakistan became home to the worlds most wanted terrorist?

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Book Launch | 10 Sep 2012
Manhunt by Peter Bergen

ICCT and publisher the House of Books hosted US author and CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen to launch the Dutch translation of his book “Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden – from 9/11 to Abbottabad”.

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Summer Programme | 31 Aug 2012
Summer Programme: ‘Countering Terrorism in the Post 9/11 World’

From August 27-31 The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut will host the second Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism in the Post 9/11 World. This advanced programme is for graduate students and young professionals, interested in pursuing careers in counter-terrorism and related fields of work.

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Regional Workshop, UN Workshop | 19 Jul 2012
Rabat Regional Workshop on Countering Incitement and Violent Extremism

Together with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), ICCT organised a regional Workshop for Maghreb and Sahel States in Rabat, Morocco, 17-19 July 2012.

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UN Review | 29 Jun 2012
United Nations holds Third Biennial Review of Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

An ICCT delegation attended the General Assembly Review of the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in 2012. Moreover, ICCT co-hosted and participated in various side events.

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Book Launch | 23 May 2012
Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice

In May 2012,ICCT hosted the book launch of “Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice”. Speakers included two of the books authors, Dr. Katja Samuel, Prof. Nigel White and legal expert Dr. Helen Duffy.

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Update | 11 Apr 2012
Designing Rehabilitation and Reintregration Programmes for Violent Extremist Offenders: A Realist Approach

Rehabilitation efforts for violent extremist offenders are surrounded by complexity. They involve intangible concepts, are implemented across a broad range of settings and applied by a wide variety of staff to an even wider audience of individuals and movements. In her latest Research Paper, ICCT Research Fellow Tinka Veldhuis makes an argument for a realist approach to rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for inmates with a terrorist or extremist background, highlighting some of the key questions that need to be answered before and during the development and implementation of rehabilitation policies.

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Update | 10 Apr 2012
Meeting report ‘The Changing Nature of Far-Right Ideologies’

On March 29, ICCT hosted a seminar with Visiting Research Fellow Dr. Arun Kundnani on ‘The Changing Nature of Far-Right Ideologies’. A report of the meeting can be found online now.

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Update | 5 Apr 2012
Impunity for International Terrorists? Key Legal Questions and Practical Considerations

Following the death of Osama bin Laden, various world leaders, from US President Barack Obama to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, were quick to comment that ‘justice has been done’. However, one could question to what extent the killing of a terrorist has anything to do with ‘bringing someone to justice’ and fighting the impunity of perpetrators of political violence. In this ICCT Research Paper, Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen discusses several of the key questions related to the subject of impunity of international terrorists, taking both a fundamental and a more practical approach within the context of international law. He reflects on a number of core definitional and theoretical questions which have been pushed into the background of day-to-day reality, by the actual fight against terrorism. Subsequently, in more practical terms, the paper explores a number of questions related to the actual prosecution of terrorism, and problems encountered by national prosecutors and other actors.

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Seminar | 29 Mar 2012
The Changing Nature of Far-Right Ideologies with Dr. Arun Kundnani

In March 2012, ICCT hosted a seminar with Visiting Research Fellow Dr. Arun Kundnani. Over the last few years, a new far-right extremist group has emerged in Britain – the English Defence League (EDL).

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Update | 22 Mar 2012
Meeting report ‘Fear and Polarization; What can we Learn from Europe?’

The pre-conference Expert Meeting on “Fear and Polarization; What can we learn from Europe” hosted by ICCT, in cooperation with Public Safety Canada, took place 28 February 2012, preceding the 14th National Metropolis Conference in Toronto. Its aim was to provide an in-depth examination of fear in relation to polarisation and resilience and the European experience in this field. This meeting was an opportunity to highlight the elements and consequences of fear for the following days’ discussions on immigration and related policies. The meeting report can be read online now.

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ICCT Commentary | 16 Mar 2012
Commentary on the NDAA 2012 and its Controversial Counter-Terrorism Provisions

On 31 December 2011, US President Obama signed the ‘National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012’ (NDAA 2012). When signing it into law, President Obama admitted he had reservations about its contents. Whilst there are numerous provisions of the NDAA 2012 that could be critically commented upon, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Christophe Paulussen, in the latest ICCT Commentary, specifically reviews Sections 1021 and 1022 – probably the act’s most controversial counter-terrorism provisions.

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ICCT Commentary | 12 Mar 2012
Commentary on the Internet as Hiding Place of Jihadi Extremists

It is no secret that violent extremists – whether Jihadists or Neo-Nazis – make intensive use of the internet as a platform for discussion, planning, propaganda and recruitment. Hence, when countering violent extremism, governments will have to face the extremists both off- and online. In the latest ICCT Commentary, Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel argues that using repressive measures, such as criminalisation of these online activities (e.g. blocking websites or other forms of social media), is not necessarily the most suitable solution for several reasons.

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Update | 7 Mar 2012
ICCT/UNICRI Conference on Rehabilitation and Reintegration: Executive Summary and Good Practices Document now available online

From 6-9 December 2011, ICCT and The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) hosted an international conference on ‘Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders: Good Practices & Lessons Learned’. This was the second event organised by UNICRI/ICCT on the rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremists and the related issue of prison radicalisation. The Executive Summary and Core Principles & Good Practices Document are now available online.

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Update | 6 Mar 2012
Latest ICCT commentary: Containing al Qaeda in Africa

The Arab Spring was remarkable for many reasons but one feature particularly worth noting was the absence of al Qaeda throughout the uprisings. In recent years commentators have begun to suggest that Africa will be the next haven for al Qaeda, with al Shabaab, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Boko Haram all having affiliations with al Qaeda in varying degrees. Those in the counter terrorism field will be monitoring these alliances closely, seeking to understand how great the threat from al Qaeda in Africa may be, how deep these alliances run and where the incentives and ideologies overlap.

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Expert Meeting | 28 Feb 2012
Pre-conference Meeting on Fear and Polarisation

The aim of this Expert Meeting was to provide an in-depth examination of fear in relation to polarisation and resilience and the European experience in this field.

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Update | 26 Feb 2012
A Fear Management Approach to Counter-Terrorism

Spreading fear is the essence of terrorism. Terrorists exploit fear by terrorising the target audience into concessions. Understanding how feelings of fear influence the way people feel, think and act is therefore an important starting point to explore how individuals and societies can learn how to cope with fear of terrorism. In this Discussion Paper, ICCT Research Fellows Prof. Dr. Edwin Bakker and Ms. Tinka Veldhuis MSc explore the dynamics of fear in response to terrorism.

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Seminar | 23 Feb 2012
Seminar War & Law Paradigm

In February 2012, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut hosted this Seminar on the relationship between international law and counter-terrorism, which is complex and ill-defined. Different approaches were discussed during the seminar.

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Expert Meeting | 21 Feb 2012
Roundtable: Communicating Fear

Communication management is often a neglected strategy for countering terrorism. However in the event of an attack, adequate communication is crucial for minimising panic and fear, as discussed in this seminar.

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Seminar | 15 Feb 2012
Seminar: CT, Technology and Transparency

ICCT hosted the Seminar “Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Transparency: Reconsidering State Accountability”.

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Update | 30 Jan 2012
Seminar Counter Terrorism, Technology and Transparency 15 Feb 2012

We live in an age of rapidly developing information and communications technology (ICT) and in many cases policy makers often need to play catch – up. Serious questions abound relating to surveillance, storage of personal information, biometrics and satellite technology. Such measures can greatly aid the fight against terrorism but at the same time they run the risk of encroaching on peoples’ basic human rights. This seminar will examine the role of ICT in what is increasingly becoming “the age of the surveillance society” with the key question: should the use of technological strategies to fight terrorism lead us to reconsider the role of state?

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Seminar | 25 Jan 2012
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of the ’20th Hijacker’

ICCT hosted the Seminar “Terrorists on Trial: The Case of the “20th Hijacker”” at Campus The Hague Location Stichthage. This is the third seminar in a series for the “Terrorists on Trial” project.

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Expert Meeting | 16 Dec 2011
Political Transition and Stability on the Borders of the Union: Morocco and North Africa

This meeting brought together over 40 academics, practitioners and policymakers with knowledge of transitional processes in volatile environments and in depth regional expertise in relation to the region.

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Seminar | 13 Dec 2011
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Zarema Muzhakhtoyeva

On Tuesday 13 December 2011, ICCT hosts the Seminar “Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Zarema Muzhakhtoyeva” at Campus The Hague Location Stichthage. This is the second seminar as part of the “Terrorists on Trial” project.

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Conference | 9 Dec 2011
ICCT/UNICRI Conference on Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and ICCT hosted a conference on “Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders: Good Practices & Lessons Learned”.

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Seminar | 23 Nov 2011
Terrorists on Trial: The Lockerbie Case

On Wednesday 23 November 2011, ICCT hosted the Seminar “Terrorists on Trial: The Lockerbie Case” at Campus The Hague Location Stichthage. This is the first seminar in a series for the “Terrorists on Trial” project.

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Book Launch | 3 Nov 2011
Ethical Issues in Counter-Terrorism – Seminar & Book Launch

In cooperation with The Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA), ICCT hosted a Seminar on “Ethical Issues in Counter-Terrorism” to highlight the launch of the edited volume Contraterrorisme en Ethiek.

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Conference | 23 Oct 2011
Civil Society’s Role in Implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

From October 20-22, ICCT attended a conference on “Civil Society’s Role in Implementing the Global UN Counter-Terrorism Strategy”.

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Lunch Meeting | 20 Oct 2011
CTED Lunch Meeting

During this meeting, David Cortright (Kroc Institute) presented the report that he co-authored “Friend not Foe” and Fellow Bibi van Ginkel presented the ICCT Paper “Criminalizing Incitement: A matter of prevention or repression?”.

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Expert Meeting | 3 Oct 2011
Expert Meeting: Freedom From Fear

This Expert Meeting brought together a unique combination of speakers representing both academic perspectives and policy oriented backgrounds, to discuss the relevance of fear in terrorism and counter-terrorism.

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Book Launch | 27 Sep 2011
Book Launch: “International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism”

The Inter-Faculty Research Platform International Humanitarian Law & International Criminal Law and in ICCT, hosted the launch of “International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism” by Andrea Bianchi and Yasmin Naqvi.

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Seminar | 8 Sep 2011
Seminar on Counter-Terrorism & Civil Society

This Seminar reflected on a number of humanitarian and societal implications of ten years of intensified counter-terrorism measures from a civil society perspective, from the 9/11 attacks until the event.

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Summer Programme | 26 Aug 2011
CT Summer Programme

From 22 – 26 August 2011, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut organised a one-week Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism in the Post- 9/11 World.

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Panel Discussion | 26 Aug 2011
Panel Discussion on Consequences of Norway Attacks

As part of the closing of the first Summer Programmme on Countering Terrorism in the Post- 9/11 World, ICCT hosted a Panel Discussion on the consequences of the Norway attacks for (counter-)terrorism strategies.

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Expert Meeting | 8 Jul 2011
Roundtable Preventive CT Measures & Non-Discrimination

This Expert Roundtable Meeting focused on preventative counter-terrorism measures in the European Union and the assessment of their (possible) discriminatory side-effects.

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Seminar | 30 Jun 2011
Seminar: ICC &Terrorist Offences

On Thursday 30 June, ICCT hosted a Seminar on “International Criminal Court and Terrorist Offences”. Prof McCormack examined whether terrorist offences can be considered as falling within the jurisdiction of the ICC.

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Seminar | 15 Jun 2011
Seminar Special Tribunal for Lebanon and Terrorism

In cooperation with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, ICCT hosted a Seminar with Prof. Michael P. Scharf on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Appeals Chamber Interlocutory Decision and (definition of) terrorism.

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Lunch Meeting | 30 May 2011
Preventing Terrorism: The US and the AfPak Region after bin Laden

During this lunch meeting, Matthey P. Hoh discussed the effects of the death of Osama bin Laden and the US activities in the AfPak region in relation to legal norms and standards, processes of radicalisation and their prevention.

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Seminar | 26 May 2011
Lecture & Panel Debate: Preventing Impunity: Terrorists on Trial

ICCT co-hosted a lecture and panel debate on “Preventing Impunity: Terrorists on Trial”. Keynote lectures were delivered by ICTY Judge Howard Morrison and Vanderbilt University Professor Mike Newton

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Expert Meeting | 1 Apr 2011
Procedures That Allow for Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Trials Differ Greatly

On 3 March 2011, ICCT hosted an expert meeting on ‘The Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Court Proceedings’. The meeting provided the opportunity to deliberate on special procedures that allow for the use of intelligence information in cases against suspects of terrorist crimes. Participants focused on experiences in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the UK examining relevant concerns and questions about the effectiveness of these specific regulations, procedural guarantees and human rights.

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Update | 1 Apr 2011
Procedures That Allow for Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Trials Differ Greatly

On 3 March 2011, ICCT hosted an expert meeting on ‘The Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Court Proceedings’. The meeting provided the opportunity to deliberate on special procedures that allow for the use of intelligence information in cases against suspects of terrorist crimes. Participants focused on experiences in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the UK examining relevant concerns and questions about the effectiveness of these specific regulations, procedural guarantees and human rights.

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Expert Meeting | 30 Mar 2011
Terrorism Trials as Theatre

This Expert Meeting will concentrate not only on the immediate judicial performance of the magistrates and/or the defence, but we will put the trial in its wider sociological context, adopting notions of social drama and communication sciences. The Meeting will apply this performative perspective on terrorism trials to three well known and recent trials in different parts of the world: the trials against the Dutch Hofstadgroep, the Mumbai 2008 Terrorist Attack Trial and the Guantanamo Bay Trials.

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Expert Meeting | 22 Mar 2011
Extradition & Assurances

The Expert Meeting on “The Use of Diplomatic Assurances in Terrorism-related Cases”, hosted by ICCT, led to a lively debate between supporters and criticasters. Click here for the full report and policy recommendations stemming from the meeting.

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Seminar | 10 Mar 2011
Negotiating with Terrorists

A seminar on ‘Negotiating with Terrorist Organisations’, hosted by ICCT, led to a lively debate among the speakers and over fifty international participants attending the meeting. Both the panel and the participants agreed that the topic of negotiations deserves more study and attention and that there is a distinct need for additional research on the factors that influence the failure or the success of negotiated peace agreements.

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Expert Meeting | 3 Mar 2011
EM Intelligence in Court

On 3 March 2011, ICCT hosted an expert meeting on ‘The Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Court Proceedings’. The meeting provided the opportunity to deliberate on special procedures that allow for the use of intelligence information in cases against suspects of terrorist crimes. Participants focused on experiences in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the UK examining relevant concerns and questions about the effectiveness of these specific regulations, procedural guarantees and human rights.

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Expert Meeting | 21 Feb 2011
EM Joint Investigation Teams

International participants from the academic, diplomatic, civil service and policing sectors gathered in the Hague to discuss the obstacles and opportunities for using Joint Investigations Teams (JITs) in the specific context of co-operative counter-terrorism investigations.

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Update | 24 Dec 2010
International Experts Gathered in The Hague to Evaluate a Decade of Intensified Counter-Terrorism

On 12 and 13 December 2010, ICCT held its International Launch Conference entitled ‘Ten Years after 9/11: Evaluating a Decade of Intensified Counter-Terrorism’. Over 200 high-level international experts from various governments, academic institutions and NGOs gathered to discuss the status of counter-terrorism as the year 2011 draws near, in which it will be 10 years since those devastating attacks on the United States.

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Update | 16 Dec 2010
The Double Helix of CT and Human Rights

On the 7th of December 2010, ICCT and the Centre for Terrorism and Counter-terrorism (CTC) of Leiden University – Campus the Hague hosted a seminar on the nexus of counter-terrorism measures and human rights entitled:Where Are We Going?: Is the double helix of human rights and counterterrorism moving upwards or downwards?’

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Conference | 14 Dec 2010
International Launch Conference

Over 200 high-level international experts from various governments, academic institutions and NGOs gathered to discuss the status of counter-terrorism as the year 2011 draws near, in which it will be 10 years since those devastating attacks on the United States. A detailed report including summaries of the keynote speeches and the policy recommendations that resulted from the panel workshops is published on our website.

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ICCT Seminar | 7 Dec 2010
Where Are We Going?: CT and Human Rights

ICCT and the Centre for Terrorism and Counter-terrorism (CTC) of Leiden University – Campus the Hague hosted a seminar on the nexus of counter-terrorism measures and human rights, comparing the situation in the US and Europe. The lively debate that followed focussed on the need for developing a long-term counter-terrorism strategy with respect for human rights.

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Update | 10 Nov 2010
Expert Meetings Series Underway

Last week, ICCT held its first two Expert Meetings. In the Hilton Rotterdam, ICCT kicked off its series of high-level, international Expert Meetings, which explore a range of issues within the field of counter-terrorism.

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Expert Meeting | 5 Nov 2010
Expert Meeting: Lone Wolves

Leading experts discussed the rise of the Lone Wolf terrorist and analysed the challenges governments, police and intelligence agencies face in dealing with this threat. Professor Mark Hamm, Professor Christopher Hewitt and Dr. Leena Mallkki held presentations on best practices for policing, intelligence and policymakers in identifying and capturing lone wolves, as well as how to respond and develop the right counter-narrative.

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ICCT Seminar | 3 Nov 2010
CT, Communication and Non-State Actors

On 3 November 2010, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague hosted a closed-session seminar on the topic of ‘Counter-Terrorism, Communication and Non-State Actors’, prior to the 3rd CVE Workshop hosted by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amongst others, responses to terrorism and the added value of cooperation with non-governmental actors was discussed.

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Update | 22 Oct 2010
Beatrice de Graaf to Hold Annual Lecture at FORUM

ICCT Research Fellow Beatrice de Graaf will hold the annual lecture at FORUM institute for Multicultural Affairs on the topic: ‘The Extreme Other Within Our Society’.

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In the Media | 20 Oct 2010
Jason W. and the Issue of De-Radicalisation

Jason W, a convicted member of the Dutch home-grown Hofstad Network, has sent an open letter to a newspaper in the Netherlands renouncing his Jihadi beliefs, in the wake of a trial which reopens today. In this case, the court will explore if the Hofstad Network should be classified as a terrorist organisation.

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Update | 19 Oct 2010
Upcoming ICCT events

In the upcoming months, ICCT is organising three events. In November, we will hold two seminars: respectively on Countering Violent Extremism and Lone Wolf Terrorism. In December the International Launch Conference will take place.

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Update | 18 Oct 2010
Quirine Eijkman to Take Part in First Geneva Forum

ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Quirine Eijkman will take part in the first Geneva Forum, where she will reflect on accountability and the usage of intelligence in court proceedings.

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ICCT Commentary | 2 Oct 2010
The Sting Within; Understanding the Effects of Terror

In a new ICCT Commentary, Dr. Mark Dechesne, Senior Researcher at Campus The Hague / Leiden University explores the effects of terrorist attacks. What does terrorism do to people? What happens if people are terrorised? How can we explain contemporary societal and political developments in the post 9/11 world?

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Newsletter | 21 Sep 2010
September 2010 Newsletter

The second edition of the ICCT Newsletter is now available online.

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ICCT Commentary | 17 Sep 2010
9/11 Nine Years On

The fourth ICCT Commentary, entitled ‘9/11 Nine Years On’, deals with the change in atmosphere surrounding this year’s September 11 commemorations. It tries to explain the reasons for the (delayed) outburst of anti-Islamic emotions and demonstrations in various parts of the world, arguing that it is vital to counter the many misrepresentations and prevailing misperceptions that underlie the current surge in anti-Islamic sentiment.

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Panel Discussion | 15 Sep 2010
Panel on the Role of Civil Society in Counter-Terrorism

During the official review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which took place in the General Assembly on 7-9 September 2010 in New York, ICCT Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel participated in a panel on the role of civil society in the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

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Update | 20 Aug 2010
Overview ICCT Activities 2010-2011

An overview of the projects and activities ICCT will undertake in its first year is now available. In the period 2010-2011, ICCT will organise several expert meetings and workshops and conduct studies on a number of topics pertaining to the preventative and international legal aspects of counter-terrorism.

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ICCT Commentary | 9 Aug 2010
Member of Hofstad Group Expresses Faith in Dutch Judicial System

In the third ICCT Commentary, entitled ‘Terrorists and the Rule of Law: Member of Hofstad Group Expresses Faith in Dutch Judicial System’, ICCT Research Fellow Beatrice de Graaf comments upon the recent announcement of a convicted member of the Netherlands-based jihadist Hofstad group, who stated that he from now on accepts the Dutch judicial system and is certain that he will receive a fair trial.

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ICCT Commentary | 19 Jul 2010
New UN Ombudsperson for Terrorist Listing and De-listing Procedure

In the second ICCT Commentary, entitled ‘Will the Appointment of an Ombudsperson Improve the Due Process Standards of the Heavily Criticised UN Terrorist Listing and De-listing Procedure?’, ICCT Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel analyses whether the appointment of an ombudsperson pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1904 will in fact improve the due process standards of the UN terrorist listing and de-listing procedure.

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ICCT Commentary | 9 Jun 2010
ICCT Commentary

First ICCT Commentary by Research Fellow Edwin Bakker is published online.

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Official Opening | 31 May 2010
Official Opening ICCT

During a conference in the Peace Palace on the 31st of May, ICCT was officially opened by Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Maxime Verhagen

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Update | 20 May 2010
Announcement: Official Opening ICCT

During a conference in the Peace Palace on the 31st of May, 2010, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Maxime Verhagen will officially open the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) – The Hague.

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Update | 17 May 2010
ICCT website launched

The ICCT – The Hague website is now online. Following the official opening of the centre on May 31, the website will be expanded further over the coming weeks.

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