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M43 and bad light are not a good combination

Started 3 weeks ago | Discussions thread
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Negative287 Veteran Member • Posts: 9,076
Re: M43 and bad light are not a good combination

hdkhang wrote:

Negative287 wrote:

clengman wrote:

Negative287 wrote:

hdkhang wrote:

Negative287 wrote:

hdkhang wrote:

Negative287 wrote:

hdkhang wrote:

Negative287 wrote:

I wish you would have told me that before I took this with nothing but his tablet light!

Or this high ISO available light shot!

I guess I'll go list it all on eBay now!

Oh and I have more high ISO or low light shots if you need them.

Why would you post black and white photos when OP has issues with mixed lighting and high-ISO?

Because I like B&W over color but, the colors were very good too... Not to mention the bottom image was shot in color at high ISO and is extremely usable!

Also, if he has issues with Mixed light, he should learn how to use his camera and preset his white balance! Most cameras are horrible in mixed lighting with incandescent or fluorescent lights.

No need to be angry because my 4 year old E-PM2 was capable of getting a very nice quality image at ISO 5000.

Nobody is angry, I'm just wondering how your post in any way addresses the OP. By the way, changing white balance settings alone is not always enough to address the peculiar ways a standard raw is debayered (read above my other posts as well as those by kenw). The short version of it is, OP should try seeing if using a different raw processor helps alleviate the colour anomalies, or look into sensor profiling OR do both. Just because you have not come across the issues that OP has, does not make them non-existent.

You can say what you want but you're wrong...

An Expodisc in any lighting, with an in camera preset, and I have never had an issue with any type of lighting. In fact, the noise levels were usually more pleasing when the white balance was correct to begin with.

He stated M43 and Bad light are not a great combination... Sorry but, low light, mixed light, and M43 are a perfectly fine combination and you're obviously struggling with how to handle mixed lighting yourself or you wouldn't be trying to defend this BS.

Again, you refuse to read anything in this thread yet claim to have all the answers.

BTW, you do realise that white balance by it's very nature only adjusts for a single colour temp - which is the complete opposite of mixed lighting. With mixed lighting, you have to make a decision on what to compromise on when it comes to lighting. Why do you think you can change the sky by gelling your flash? If a grey card could fix this then you would never be able to do this. Please educate yourself before you go and make wild claims - and worse still, accuse others of not having a clue.

An expo disc pointed at your subject corrects the lighting for your subject and that's the most important piece. You see an expo disc uses a prism with a calibrated reading of the light falling on the subject and it gives a reading of proper exposure at the same time.

I think you're using it wrong. You're supposed to be calibrating to the incident light, not the reflected light.

Nope, try it... When there's more than one light source you point it at the subject and it does an incredible job.

Still, keep telling yourself that M4/3 is so much worse than anything else out there in these conditions and you'll keep showing that you're just being biased. Even more, every single camera is different in how it calculates the light balance so please educate yourself before accusing me of not having a clue!

He was only pointing out that the OP brought up an issue he had with getting a good results for color photos in less than favorable lighting, then you tried to prove him wrong by showing some black and white examples? Hmmm....

Anyway, I can't compare with larger sensor cameras, but I know that the less light I get on my sensor, the more likely I am to have noise and false color that is difficult to correct in post. I don't think that's all that controversial. It also makes sense that a larger-sensor camera would have better color fidelity at 1 or 2 stops less exposure.

No he was upset because I used black and white high ISO images or low / mixed lighting images.

My point with the color is that the M4/3 white balance sensors aren't any worse than the other bodies. If you notice the E-M5 had no mention of white balance issues in the cons and yet the Ops 5D MK2 listed mixed light white balance as an issue... So, maybe the Op is using faulty methods to determine which is better at white balance.

Again, I am anything but upset (or angry btw). Unlike you, I am hopeful that OP can reach a satisfactory outcome. You seem to be merely intent on arguing for the sake of arguing adding nothing to the thread. White balance alone will not solve OP's problem, you would know this if you shot with a panasonic GM1 and used Lightroom for instance (or bothered to read the thread).

Yeah except, I read his post, you appear to be taking him at his word and not using any other resources at all. Below is a cut from his post!

Yesterday I was going through about three years worth the photos from several cameras all combined and I came to some conclusions.

This is based on the following M43 cameras: EM-5, GM1, GX7, and LX100. When light is good M43 is a great option, even in low light if it’s daylight or pure tungsten. There is nothing better for video. But when the light is artificial or weird—LED, Florescent, or mixed the sensors just can’t render anything correctly and at high ISO and resolution completely falls apart.

These next two items are the top 2 PROS for the E-M5 on this sites review.

  • Very good image quality, even at high ISO
  • Bright, punchy JPEGs make the most of camera's capability

Not one place in the E-M5 review does it ever mention the camera has worse automatic white balance, color, or clarity issues at all (Remember, this was voted the camera of the year back then).

This next part is from the CONS list of the Canon 5D Mark II.

  • Default noise reduction quite heavy at anything over ISO 400 (can be turned down though)
  • JPEG output a bit soft when viewed at 100%
  • Still pretty average automatic white balance in artificial light

So maybe you should just do a little research because you appear to be just arguing to argue. Now keep in mind, I only took one camera from his list but I will gladly show others have high quality as well.

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