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Monsturd (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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"Where's there Chilli there's bowl movements." Silly, stupid, juvenile, immature & totally tasteless... what's not to like?
poolandrews2 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Monsturd is set in Butte County, California where convicted serial killer Jack Schmidt (Brad Dosland) has just escaped from 'Hardell Maximum Security Prison', cut to 'FBI Field Office Sacremento' where agent Susan Hannigan (Beth West) is told to fly out to Butte County & work with Sheriff Tom Duncan (Paul Weiner) in the apprehension of Schmidt. Meanwhile evil genetic 'Dutech' scientist Dr. Stern (Dan Burr) has disposed of his latest failed experiment down the County's sewer system so when Schmidt hides in the sewers & accidentally falls into a vat of this chemical waste it comes as no surprise that he transforms, his genes & the poo in the sewers are all mixed together & mutated by the chemical which creates the Monsturd, a creature made totally out of human poo. Soon after a spate of incidents are reported in which people are killed on their toilets alerts the Sheriff & together with Susan quickly figure out what's going on. They join forces to destroy the Monsturd although their task isn't help by the towns annual Chilli Cook Off which will force people to use the toilet & literally become sitting ducks(!), will the Monsturd be stopped in time...

Written, directed & starring Rick Popko & Dan West Monsturd is a unique film, probably. Whether you like Monsturd will depend on your sense of humour I would guess, if you like juvenile tasteless toilet humour Monsturd is for you, if not then it most certainly isn't & it's as simple & straight forward as that. Personally I have that childish mentality & immature sense of humour which meant that I thought Monsturd was really funny in parts as there are plenty of poo jokes & double entendres, from being set in Butte County to someone trying to trap the Monsturd using peanuts, corn & farting noises as bait along with people dressed in diapers as armour & devising a plan to unleash a million flies onto the Monsturd so they will eat him! Yes folks this is quality & highly intellectual stuff all the way! Monsturd moves along at a nice pace & at only 80 odd minutes long it doesn't outstay it's welcome & thankfully never takes itself seriously. As a whole the film is very silly & doesn't have much of a story, the character's are basic as is the dialogue which is littered with swearing but sometimes you need to hold your hands up & say even though a film has no real artistic or social merit it sure as hell is funny & entertaining & I'd say Monsturd fits that bill perfectly. I liked it, so sue me.

Directors Popko & West give themselves all the best lines as the two bumbling deputies & considering the budget this had I thought they did a pretty decent job overall. In one way I was disappointed that the film was actually more restrained than I would have liked, they really should have piled on the gross humour, fart gags & poo jokes, while they are here there not as offencive as you might think. The only gore is when some mutilated body parts are discovered complete with wriggling maggot's & worms. The Monsturd itself looks rather silly & a bit too, erm, solid if you know what I mean. Apparently the original title for this was Number 2 Part 1 which I think is quite funny in itself, toilet humour don't you just love it?

With a supposed budget of about $3,000 the filmmakers did absolute wonders & to it's credit it is at least competent, the locations are good & it looks alright. The acting isn't up to much but I've seen a lot worse in far bigger budget films.

Monsturd definitely isn't a film for everyone, of that there is no doubt but I found it perfectly good, childish, funny, gross out entertainment that brought a smile to my face on more than a few occasions. I simply have to mention the closing theme song as it's absolutely hilarious & worth an extra star on it's own, here's a quick sample...

'I'm here to warn you although it must seem absurd, to be aware of a giant Monsturd...' 'When the s*it goes down he may be in your town, don't get caught with your pants down...' 'Don't be a fool don't drop the kids at the pool, oh yeah he's one cruel stool...' 'Number two he does what dodo's do...' Number two he smells like poo...' 'Silent but deadly you'd better beware, he might just be in your underwear...'

Total class, what more needs to be said? The best killer poo film ever, period.
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This movie was full of s@#t! I LOVED IT.
corblimey7931 October 2005
First things first, with a title like Monsturd you pretty much know this isn't going to be a serious movie and not the kind of film you'd probably watch with your future in-laws. What you do get however is one kick ass movie made on a budget that has everything horror fans looks for in a film. For me this is what low budget independent movie making is all about. The story is simple, an escaped serial killer Jack Schmitt dies a mysterious death in the city's sewage treatment plant, deep, dark trouble comes to town. A horrifying accident at a nearby genetic research laboratory results in the blood thirsty killer's resurrection and soon, using the county's sewer system as his underground lair, Schmitt exacts his odious revenge on the frightened townsfolk. Thats right folks, Jack Schmitt becomes a walking talking killing lump of s@#t with attitude. How's that for a storyline!.

Don't think however this film is just an excuse for toilet jokes, it isn't. Yes it is a horror comedy and yes there are some funny moments but this film is much more than just 80 minutes of c@#p and s@#t jokes. What the writer/director pairing of Dan West and Rick Popko have created here is a brilliant piece of independent movie making. The acting throughout the film had a great relaxed and natural feeling and it's hard not to enjoy the film for what it is, a good fun movie. It's also thanks to the acting from the cast that some of the less plausible scenes just fit in and work, for example two scientists pouring chemical waste down a sidewalk storm drain in broad daylight in the middle of a residential area or the scene where a small girl describes to the local sheriff's and a police sketch artist the giant turd that killed her father, or my personal favorite where the two local deputies, played by our writer/director duo of Dan West and Rick Popko, find the remains of a sewer worker and spent the next 30 seconds throwing up, just brilliant. Monsturd is the first full length film from 4321 Films but having checked out their site I see there already well into production into their next film RetarDEAD and it's planned for a video release for this winter. RetarDEAD see's the evil Dr Stern, the creator of the s#$t monster return from the sewer to unleash his latest evil scheme on the students of Butte County Institute of Special Education and having just watched the trailer for this next project I'm already looking forward to picking this one up too. I'll wrap this little review up with a couple of lines from the brilliant title song from Monsturd...

I'm here to warn you though it must seem absurd To be aware of a giant Monsturd When the s#$t goes down he may be in your town Don't get caught with your pants down Don't be a fool, don't drop the kids at the pool Oh yeah he's one cool stool

Violent but deadly, you'd better be aware He might just be in your underwear Best hold your breath, no don't breath that noxious vapor Make sure you've got some toilet paper

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Memo to Kevin Smith: THIS is how you do a sh*# monster
movieman_kev14 October 2006
The correct way to watch this low-budget sh*# film is when you're incredibly inebriated and are with friends who are the same. It also doesn't hurt to be prone to laughing at really corny jokes. If this sounds like you, you'll enjoy this retarded little film about an escaped con turned poop monster and the wacky ways everyone tries to dispose of him. You'll laugh out load a few times. It's a pretty good party film & it's practically review-proof. So tap a keg, put on some jiffy pop (or beef jerky) and party on. Oh and the closing credits theme song is gold. Kevin Smith can't hope to compare.

My Grade: B
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Hilariously funny stupid horror spoof!
darienwerfhorst1 November 2004
OK, the thing is this movie is a joke...but it's supposed to be. It's a spoof of all those goofy low budget horror movies. It's supposed to be funny and sorta disgusting, and it's definitely not supposed to be taken seriously.

Having said that, there are very funny scenes (the puppet!) and there is actually some good "bad" Acting......(Shakespeare this ain't, isn't supposed to be. Also the production values are pretty good for such a low budget film, with good music and creative uses of sets.

If you want to laugh and you aren't easily offended, rent it!
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Law And Ordure
ferbs5414 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A different set of critical criteria must be used when discussing a movie like 2003's "Monsturd," as opposed to, say, "Bonnie and Clyde" or "Wild Strawberries." Rather than seeking out subtle religious symbolism, impeccable acting, complex mise en scene or probing examinations of man's place in the universe, the issue boils down to one all-important question: Is the movie fun? Happily, in the case of "Monsturd," the answer is a decided yes. In it, the viewer meets escaped serial killer Jack Schmitt, who falls into a mess of experimental waste dumped down the sewer by the evil corporation Dutech and transforms into an 8'-high, lumbering (and to quote what is perhaps the picture's most amusing line) "fecal humanoid." And this sentient dejecta's propensity to attack the citizens of Butte County, CA through their toilets becomes even more problematic with the arrival of the area's annual chili cookoff! Anyway, this film (if one can even call it a film, having been shot straight to video) features higher production values than you might be expecting, and indeed looks a lot better than it deserves. Some of the gross-out scenes are fairly effective, and you will probably not feel like scarfing down chocolate pudding for many days after watching them. Naturally, the picture sports much in the way of toilet humor, some of it lame, much of it pretty funny (such as the sight of our heroes gearing up to do battle with the Monsturd by donning diaper helmets and priming their Super Soakers with anti-diarrhea medication...law and ordure!). The acting is so very amateurish that it is quite a hoot; too bad they couldn't get actresses Alison Doody and Merrin Dungey to star in this thing...and Italian filmmaker Pupi Avati to direct, for that matter! So yes, on the criterion of fun, "Monsturd" does satisfy. And for those who are interested, I've got the perfect title for a possible sequel. Are you ready? "Humanure"!
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It's hard to believe...
greenlantern4210 July 2003
Really hard to believe that someone wouldn't like this movie. I guess these are the same folks that consider "Full House" or "Family Matters" to be the end-all of entertainment. If, however, you have a shred of intelligence or a sense of humor, I think you'll find Monsturd to be a fairly enjoyable movie-going experience. Every bit of this movie exudes a quality that you just do not see in SOV flicks. It's a horror comedy with comedy that is actually funny! Watch the classic vomiting scene or the dopehead hand-puppet sequences and come back to tell me whether or not I'm wrong. Also great is the story and methods behind the scenes of Monsturd. Looking forward to the next movie!
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its exactly what it sounds like...
jerkface2k28 July 2003
OK, i saw the video sitting on the shelf at BLOCKBUSTER and couldn't believe it. so i had to rent it immediately (the clerk couldn't keep a straight face while telling me when the title was due back)this is a film is distributed by DEAD/ALIVE and for one of their titles, it's pretty good. this shot on video feature was better than i expected it to be and to be honest, i was amused. tons of crap jokes, puns, and just plain silliness. it had pretty good production value (cop cars, helicopters, etc.) and you could tell the film makers really tried. and i agree with one of the other comments... the skinny dark haired girl was pretty hot. if you like Jim Carey movies for the potty humor and not the big budgets, then you will enjoy MONSTURD.
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This One's a Real STINKER!
missykat6 September 2004
Saying this film was so bad it was good would be wrong. It's terrible. But in my defense, I'm a huge fan of bad horror and potty humor. Just can't resist. It was only natural that I should pick up this little turd of a flick at my video store purely for the title and it's cover.

As the film begins a cute little blonde girl is asking her father to tell her a bedtime story. Instead, he asks her to tell him one. Her tale begins in the setting of a little place called Butte County (get it?) where a science experiment goes very wrong. Born is the giant Turd Monster (long story short) that craps all over everyone in its path. The monster itself resembles little piles of fake rubber doggy-doo all glued together! The movie isn't hilarious, but I laughed in spite of myself. It's in the vein of "Redneck Zombies", but not nearly as funny. Monsturd isn't a Troma flick, but it should be!

This is a gross-out flick, pure and simple. Don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed.
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Armpit comedy of the century!
one4now412 September 2003
I have to say I loved this movie from the very beginning. "Monsturd" was cleverly made by those who knew that they could not take themselves seriously in the slightest for even a fraction of a second. Anyone who dares to rent this is going to either love it or hate it. And those who would hate it are people I should hope would know better than renting it! The acting was pretty bad throughout, but you know these people were just having fun. It's supposed to be stupid, and it does that with flair. I also could not stop laughing all the way through. A lot of "good movie" fans would probably call this about the worst movie ever, ever made. Still, let's face it, it takes some talent to make a feature-length toilet joke and keep it from going stale. The FX were no Oscar winners, but who would dare consider handing an Oscar to a movie called "Monsturd"?! These people made this movie so stupid that they covered their tracks that way. It's an instant classic of gross-out humor that is just sick and putrid, the way it oughtta be.
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Puerile, tasteless and ridiculous.......I loved it!
HaemovoreRex19 June 2007
Kubrick, Kurosawa, Fellini......their combined output pales into veritable insignificance when compared to this work of high cinematic art!

Here we have a movie that is efficaciously critic proof; After all, how can anyone really level any serious constructive criticism at a film that centres around the exploits of a gargantuan turd?! Yes it's completely revolting, yes the humour is juvenile, yes the acting is somewhat less than masterful but frankly, who gives a shi- ahem, damn? This is simply so much fun throughout!

Best bits? So many to choose from but check out the ventriloquists dummy scene, the puking in the sewer scene and the man going mad whilst attempting to clean his toilet scene just for starters!

To everyone involved in the making of this faecal classic....I salute you all! Any chance of a sequel?
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It is to turds what Jack Frost is to snow
polysicsarebest3 October 2004
This is a really, really good movie about a serial killer turning into a big turd and killing people. Basically, what we got here is the Titanic of b-movies, since there actually seems to be lots of effort put into a film that probably will be viewed by .000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the world's population. I mean, there is this really awesome South Park parody, there are turds flung everywhere, there are hilarious scenes of flies eating turds. I dunno why there are so many negative reviews about this; it's juvenile humor, but it's AMAZINGLY well-done juvenile humor.

There is HORRIBLE acting and HORRIBLE characters and HORRIBLE concept, but it's all amazingly entertaining. Hidden in here are many jokes and memorable scenes, such as the little girl running away from a guy who just drew a picture of a turd and another scene where a woman is yelling at a man who is screaming as he's being attacked by the turd monster. She says something to the effect of, "I told you to clean the bathroom, not USE IT!!!!" Hahahaha... amazing. Get this film.
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Get out your toilet paper.
RasGold2 March 2004
I bought this movie solely on IMDb reviews. My local BLOCKBUSTER did have it for rent. However, with their high rental rates for newer movies, it was actually cheaper for me to buy it. ***SPOILER*** Three scenes made me laugh so hard I almost Monsturded my pants! Only two things about this film bugged me tho ... 1) Monsturd should have been a direct result of Jack Schmitt (our unwitting, escaped serial killer) coming in contact with the deadly toxins that were dumped into the sewer system. NOT a recombinant DNA creature that miraculously sprang out of nowhere. 2) When the deputies puked and puked (and puked), the Fed and the Sheriff should also have puked (at least once) after finding the (smelly) remains of Monsturd's victims. All in all, the movie is a real piece of crap (pun intended). And should be rented (or bought) by any and all who are into potty humor, bad film and great laughs.
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An amusingly crude scatological parody of cheesy horror creature features
Woodyanders14 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Serial killer Jack Schmitt (beefy Brad Dosland) escapes from prison and seeks refuge in the city sewer system. After being exposed to dangerous toxic chemicals dumped in the sewer, Schmitt gets turned into a large lethal hulking humanoid turd monster who embarks on a murderous rampage. It's up to boozy Sheriff Duncan (likable Paul Weiner) and feisty fed Agent Hannigan (a winningly perky performance by Beth West) to figure out a way to stop the foul fecal fiend before it turns the annual chili cook-off into a grisly bloodbath. Writers/directors Dan West and Rick Popko gleefully wallow in the expected lowbrow toilet bowl humor with infectiously merry and smutty aplomb: Besides the inevitable jokes about corn and peanuts and plenty of poo-poo puns in the dialogue (sample line: "You got to be s**tin' me!"), we've also got a charming, lovely and tasteful gag about excessive puking, a stoner hippie ventriloquist dummy, a spot-on "South Park" sideswipe, and in-joke character names like Dr. Corman. The cast play their parts with praiseworthy enthusiasm: Weiner and West make for engaging leads, with nice support from Dan Burr as ruthless mad scientist Dr. Stern, Rick Popko as the bumbling Deputy Rick, Dan West as the equally incompetent Deputy Dan, Dan Ellis as the helpful Dr. Waters, Hannah Stangel as cute little girl storyteller Muchkin, and Mark Pirro as a police sketch artist. The disgusting towering slimy brown excremental beast looks pretty gnarly. The impressively slick cinematography makes nifty use of wipes and dissolves. Marshall Crutcher's ominously rumbling over-dramatic score likewise hits the bull's eye. The catchy and witty ending credits theme song is absolutely priceless. Subtle and sophisticated this admittedly silly flick sure ain't, but overall it's a total gut-busting riot just the same.
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artemis285411 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is a thoroughly enjoyable movie inasmuch as it never takes itself seriously.

It's full of sight gags, burlesque and double entendre throughout. This is truly a send-up of all B-horror movies.

I read about the film makers and it appears they wanted to make a film something like "Jack Frost," but with a "character" that was 180 degrees apart from the sanitary Jack.


Don't miss the bit with the ventriloquist dummy and take note of the name of the serial killer.

Well done and entertaining. A "don't-miss" for any aficionado of satire.
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Pretty funny, could have been better even with the low budget.
clamydia12 March 2005
Some of the dialog scenes were obviously not shot with the characters being there at the same time, and some were clearly not even shot in the same room. It's especially telling when the white noise shifts in pitch between two characters talking, and a little bit of audio editing with some pirated software could have cleared that up or at least maintained the continuity. The room switching thing was just obnoxiously tacky, and if it was done intentionally as a joke, I think it probably went over most people's heads and just ended up looking like bad production.

On a lighter note, the scene where the shrew of a wife sends the husband down to clean the toilet was the funniest in the movie and actually made my stomach hurt from laughing.
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wasn't as bad as some are saying
thermalundy29 August 2004
I just watched Monsturd. It was dumb movie, but it was supposed to be that way.

Although I've seen better, I thought it was pretty good.

Lots of funny parts. My favorite part is when the sketch artist is talking to the little girl and asking all kinds of crazy questions. It was hilarious.

I also loved how the monster smeared crap all over the bathrooms and wrote messages on the walls. I saw another poster say something about a Monsturd 2, I don't know if that's true or not but if it is I'll definitely pick it up. If you're into low budget horror/comedies, Monsturd is worth a watch.
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Terribly funny.
gingerandreno16 September 2003
This is obviously a very, very low budget movie when you look closely. It also managed to keep me laughing (sometimes painfully) throughout most of the movie. One of, if not the best vomit scenes in the history of video. Occasionally well acted, though mostly not, in the Herschel Gordon Lewis / Ed Wood tradition. Every bit as good as the jacket cover.
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Best Documentary of the Year
bobby_peru_sf7 August 2003
I just saw one of the finest documentaries I have ever seen and it's called Monsturd. If you want to see how the other half lives, rent Monsturd! You wont be disappointed! From it's breath-taking cinematography to it's hard-hitting insight, Monsturd will leave you hungry for more! Bravo! Bravo!
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Morbid Curiosity Can Yield Disastrous Suffering
psionchronicles23 October 2018
Thanks to this flick, my wife will never let me pick a movie again. I knew going into this just from the premise that it wasn't going to win any Oscars, but I'm still aghast. This is the first time I can remember someone actually setting out to make the worst movie possible in every respect, from the writing (?) to the casting to the music to the "special" effects. A movie can't be this bad merely by accident or failure--this had to be deliberate. I'd have to put this on par with "Pink Flamingo", making "Blair Witch Project" seem like a work of art. If you can stand the first five minutes and hope at some point it'll get better, don't waste your time. A COMPLETE ZERO.
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mons turd
big_huge_larry21 June 2005
Being a big fan of low budget, horribly made horror films (Troma Style), when I saw this at my local Blockbuster, I just had to pick it up. This is a movie about turds. Most would stop reading this review (and throw this movie back on the shelf) once they found that out. For those of you who are still reading, I recommend you see this movie. Along the same lines as any of the best Troma movies, Monsturd will have you in stitches. The sheer ridiculousness of the plot and obvious low quality is reason enough to give this one a try. Unexpectedly, the DVD of this movie has directors commentary which is definitely worth a listen. The director openly admits to not taking the movie seriously, so laughing at the "serious" parts is expected. this movie has all the campy comedy that you'd expect from a movie called "monsturd". Although the visual effects are laughably bad and most of the acting is sub-par, I'm giving Monsturd an 8 out of 10 for the good "seat of your pants" laughs.
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Absolutley terrible piece of crap...a must see (once and only once)!
jayro7 April 2004
The makers of Monsturd set out to make a movie that would be so "crappy" it's funny. They even tried adding jokes in and funny bits. Oh they're funny, but just because grown people actually spent hours of their lives dedicated to this. Here's the thing, if you like horrible movies with horrible acting for the sake of laughing at it, this is one to see once and probably only once. If nothing else it'll make you feel a lot better about what you're doing with your life. Also, the more people you're watching this with the better. I'd give a grade or a star to this movie, but it's not even worthy of that. In fact, it's not even worthy of being called a movie. It's just, Monsturd...the biggest piece of crap man ever created. So yeah, go rent it.
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It was the S***!
raemil8725 November 2004
This movie was a real trip. To see people actually get terrorized by something that sometimes is hard to pass (ha,ha) anyway is something to see.

My Husband and I live for movies like this. Movies that you just expect to be bad but, have some funny or memorable moments in it so you can't forget it.

One the one hand you have actors trying to break in the business by playing in these types of movies and have no acting experience so the expressions are to die for. The most memorable line in the movie is when the little girl sees Monsturd and goes to tell her father. When the father tries to go in the bathroom the little girl replies,"Don't go in there daddy the doo doo will get you". I was rolling in the floor.

This movie is only for the strong at stomach.
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hellholehorror5 October 2017
This was really bad. I mean that it was really really bad. It felt like a terrible student movie. The production value is non-existent. The direction shoddy at its peak. The acting painful and repetitive and the story poop. It was poop. There are some funny moments like the turd hiding in the shower. They talk too much. They all look too young for their roles. This really is dire and only barely watchable through sheer poopness.
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Monsturd - Buyer Beware
Dr. Gore14 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

There's no hope for me. I saw the video box cover of "Monsturd" and leapt at it. There was a slimy hand coming out of the sewer reaching for a pair of legs. I couldn't rent it fast enough. Not only did I rent this movie, I was drooling at the mere prospect of seeing what a monster made of feces could do.

So a guy escapes from prison, falls into the sewer and dies. His DNA combines with the waste to make him the Monsturd. What can one really say about a movie with a feces monster? I think the title says it all. I can't hate this movie since it never once took itself seriously. Yet it's still pretty bad. But if you rent a movie called "Monsturd", you're going to get what you deserve.

On the plus side, there were a few gross-out scenes. Maggots and puking. These two elements will always make the stomach a little queasy. But on the negative side, "Monsturd" was not that funny. The acting is about what you'd expect from a movie like this. Meaning it wasn't that good. But I think the most helpful thing I can tell you about this movie is that it's called "Monsturd". If that title excites you, I say go for it.

One last thought, I found myself strangely attracted to the thin woman who tells her husband to clean the toilet. I think it was the sound of her voice combined with the way she was threatening him with the knife that turned me on. She was more attractive than the lead FBI agent. At least I got something nice out of "Monsturd".
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doctorsmoothlove11 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The filmmakers of Monsturd got one thing right: they came up with a good title for their movie. A title like this one brings back memories of the puns Troma studios gave to many of its films. Just reading the DVD cover of Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, among others, will result in a chuckle. The real challenge the movie faces is sustaining itself beyond that guaranteed first laugh. It takes good writing or self-unaware delusion to do this successfully. You have to build on the main idea of your campy movie by placing it within some social or historical context.

The plot is largely irrelevant as the story wasn't thought out to be anything more than a punch line for poop jokes. A serial killer escapes from prison and flees into the sewers where he is killed by police. His body falls into chemical runoff and he becomes a killer feces man. The filmmakers try to use this setup to parody various horror films, including Jaws, but none of them work. One of the police officers tells the mayor of Butte County (get it) to cancel this year's chili festival. The Monsturd, despite being played by a costumed actor, is able to move through the sewer system and attack people on the pot. This theoretical excremental rampage could have been funny, if the creature weren't destroyed right as the festival begins.

The movie isn't nearly as funny as it needs to be, given that title. The crew was too assured that what they were making was clearly humorous. They are in on the jokes before we ever are. In a few scenes, the actors visibly withhold laughs. The title character's situation is a convenient way around writing any dialog that could be quotable. There is no way the creature could ever be put in a comical situation because it doesn't exist anywhere outside of the minds of the filmmakers. With so many one-liners running out of each character, you'd think these people had never watched any of the most recent worst mainstream movies.

Not Recommended
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