Meet China's most stubborn tenants

Republican Ted Cruz ends presidential campaign

Baidu faces probe after student death

Meet China's most stubborn tenants

May 5, 2016

Residents living on prime property in Shanghai refuse to move out, seeking better compensation from developers. Yiming Woo reports. (Photo: AP)

Bhutanese sand mandala makes debut in Hong Kong

May 4, 2016

Monks from Bhutan display a spiritual and religious art "sand mandala" for the first time in Hong Kong. The public can view the artwork until May 5 in Asia Society Hong Kong Center. 

Republican Ted Cruz ends presidential campaign

May 4, 2016

Ted Cruz drops out of the White House race after suffering a crushing defeat in Indiana's primary, leaving the road wide open for Donald Trump to seize the Republican nomination. (Photo: Bloomberg) 

Baidu faces probe after student death

May 4, 2016

Regulators have launched a probe at Baidu after a dying student accused the country's top search engine of promoting false medical information. As Ryan Brooks reports, investors have cuts more than $5bln from Baidu's market capitalisation. (Photo: AFP)