ACX Storytellers: Scott Sigler

New York Times best-selling author Scott Sigler is an ACX bounty superstar, racking up over $10,000 in bounty payments this year alone. Releasing his self-recorded works as free podcasts, his “serialized audiobooks” built a dedicated audience that pushed his indie print novel Ancestor to #1 on Amazon’s Horror and Sci-Fi charts. His print success led to a recently signed three-book deal with Del Rey, and Scott successfully negotiated with the publisher to retain his audio rights. Read on to see why those rights are so important to him, and how he made ACX’s $50 Bounty Program such a large part of his revenue stream.


ACX Author Scott Sigler


I worked for fifteen years to land a publishing deal, to no avail. By 2005, I had a nice, neat file folder labeled “motivation” that contained 124 rejection letters. That year was also when I learned about this newfangled thing called “podcasting.”

As an author, a lifelong reader, and a big fan of audiobooks, I saw the writing on the wall: podcasting would let people serialize audiobooks and deliver them to listeners. I still had my first novel, Earthcore. Since I hadn’t signed a publishing contract, I owned all the rights, which meant that I could record it and release it for free. Anyone who wanted to try out my stories could do so without spending money on an unknown author, giving me a competitive advantage to help gain new fans.

I built a large audience of people listening to my serialized audiobooks. When it came time to sell a story in print — the indie trade paperback of Ancestor, published March, 2007 — that audience rewarded me beyond my wildest expectations. Ancestor was the #1 print novel on Amazon’s Horror chart, #1 in SciFi, #2 in Fiction and the #7 best-selling book overall.

That success got New York publishing interested. They wanted to partner up and see if we could make something big happen. My novel Infected went into auction, Crown Publishing won, and we set out to make great books together.


I absolutely loved working with Crown Publishing (a division of Random House). I wouldn’t trade that experience for all the footballs in Texas. But it was one small difference of opinion with Random House Audio, over my audiobook marketing strategy, that led to my fantastic relationship with ACX.Nocturnal Cover

By my fourth book with Crown, Nocturnal, Random House Audio simply chose to not put out the audiobook. Since they owned the audio rights, I couldn’t record it and release it on my own. Therefore, no podcast.

So we asked them: if you’re not going to release an audiobook, can we have the rights back? Happily, they said “no problem,” and promptly worked with us to release the rights back to me, the author.

That left me with the audiobook rights to a pair of in-demand novels. What to do, what to do…


We had released one book with ACX, my horror short story collection Blood is Red. We next hired the golden-voiced Phil Gigante to record both Nocturnal and Pandemic, and released those audiobooks via ACX. We thought we might sell a couple of hundred copies, and that ACX’s high royalty rates would do us well.

We didn’t sell hundreds. We sold thousands.

And it’s not just the audiobook sales themselves: the $50 bounty we receive when a new Audible Listener selects one of our books as their first purchase is a significant line item in our revenue stream. We actively market the availability of our books on Audible, and ACX in turn rewards us when we bring them new customers. Everyone wins.

It’s Empty Sethard to measure our podcast audience, but our stats show we have around 20,000 listens per episode within the first month of that episode’s release. Therefore, we have an existing audience that already listens to audiobooks on a regular basis. Our podcasts are free, but also serialized and ad-supported. We regularly tell our listeners that if they want the whole book in one big chunk, free of ads, they can swing over to Audible and buy it — free or paid, the choice is all theirs.

Offer the customer a choice, and you’ll be surprised how many will take the “paid” option. In 2014 alone, we’ve earned over $10,000 in bounty revenue. That’s on top of the royalties we’ve earned for the books themselves.

Since I am a happy and active Audible customer, I really get into pushing Audible to my podcast listeners. It’s a great service at a great price and I know the vast majority of my fans who try it will love it. We regularly pitch Audible as a “pre-roll ad” where the pitch comes before our episode’s intro music, and we often pimp it with messaging in our blog posts and posts on Facebook, G+, Tumblr and Twitter. We only pitch about once a month on each of those locations, however, so that we’re not beating our readers/listeners over the head.


I recently finished my five-book deal with Crown, and my agent landed me a three-book deal with Del Rey (also a division of Random House) for my Generations trilogy.

Part of the negotiation with Del Rey was that we keep the audiobook rights. Del Rey agreed, and we’re excited to be in business with thUntitled-9at legendary Sci-Fi imprint. The success of Nocturnal and Pandemic on ACX taught us that we’re more successful when we control our own audiobooks. Del Rey manages the print and eBook products, we’ll sell our own audiobooks through ACX.

We can’t wait. We’re looking forward to a lifetime of royalties and bounties for our products, a long-term revenue stream that will contribute to our company’s bottom line. More importantly, that revenue will help us keep making new products for the readers who have given us everything we have.

New York Times best-selling author Scott Sigler is the author of fifteen novels, six novellas and dozens of short stories. His hardcover horror-thrillers are available from Crown Publishing and Del Rey. He also co-founded Empty Set Entertainment, which publishes his YA Galactic Football League series (The Rookie, The Starter, The All-Pro, The MVP and The Champion due out in September 2014).

13 responses to “ACX Storytellers: Scott Sigler

  1. I first stumbled upon Mr. Sigler’s work on iTunes when I was looking for something to listen to on a long road trip. When I saw that his self recorded audio book was listed as FREE, I thought there must be some catch. I thought that maybe it was going to be some mediocre story, but MAN WAS I WRONG! The story not only kept me awake on my 8 hour trek, but it kept me enthralled from his hilarious opening about getting off of the babysitter, to the very last word of the very last installment. I was hooked, and can now proudly count myself amongst the thousands of “Sigler Junkies,” voraciously devouring every thing he writes the instant it becomes available. If you’re on the fence, jump off that sucker, and get on board, you won’t be sorry. You’ll find us to be a very welcoming bunch, and most of us promise not to bite.

  2. this is nice but the program has not come to my city as yet.

  3. The first audio book I ever listened to was Earthcore when it was just complete.
    I have not bought a paper or e book since.
    Sigler #&%$!*% Rocks!
    Everyone else pea gravels.

  4. I had just purchased an IPod and wanted to listen to podcasts. so I found Scotts work on Then the subscription to his podcasts and buying ebooks… and the hardcovers…and going to book signings… and I’m eagerly waiting for the Champion and the new trilogy coming out next year. As much as I enjoy the ‘free’ content getting the books and reading them ahead of them is awesome!
    By far one of my favorite authors.

  5. Never listened to the podcast. I want the entire book so I don’t have to tune in next week for another exciting episode! Here’s the cash, gimmie the book. I think his brain is warped due to the cheap beer he drinks. Just sayin’.

  6. OMG OMG, I LOVE Scott Sigler’s work, I am a Sigler junkie! He is Scrumptious and totally Siglerific!!! I found Scott’s work when I was looking for something new to listen to on a free app I got called Libravox. It’s mostly old books in the public domain, but was intrigued when I found a contemporary writer. I found “Earthcore” and it sounded good so I listened. I was swept away immediately and devoured the book. Not only was the story GREAT, but Scott’s reading was so wonderful, I am now spoiled and find it hard to listen to any other reader! Read on Scott! I have since listened to 7 of his books and am eagerly looking for more, and that was a short month ago! I have not been so enamored with a writer since I fell in love with Steven King. Yes Scott, I see you as an equal to both our favorite writer! Keep writing Scott, and please, please, please, keep reading! I love your voice and you have a real talent for the reading part as well as the writing!

  7. I also found Scott Sigler through I-Tunes and Podiobooks. I primarily do all my “reading” via audiobooks, I am a big fan of the Galactic Football Series, and looking forward to the next in the series. Well, really I look forward to ANY Scott Sigler book, especially the ones he reads himself.

  8. I really appreciate Scott Sigler’s innovative and creative way of getting his work out to his fans. I think the method he has pretty much pioneered will be taken up my many up and coming writers in the future. I’m personally looking forward to many more works from him in the future, particularly the Generations triology. Scott is a great storyteller.

  9. My first taste of Scott Sigler was when I listened to his Infected audio book back in 2009. Since then, I’ve become a devout Junkie and collected every piece of his work in every format I could get my hands on. If you like horror, sci-fi and even a little comedy all rolled into an exciting story, then Scott Sigler is a MUST-READ author!

  10. Pingback: Is there a Future for Audiobooks? | Digital Publishing

  11. I love that Scott is crushing the ACX bounty program. He cut his audio teeth way back in 2005 and has produced a steady stream of excellent audio. Now audiobooks are the growth market in the publishing industry and Scott is well-positioned to ride the crest of the wave with so many polished titles and more on the way. Audible seems to have increased their marketing (even the Freecell iPhone app recently asked me to join Audible) and that’s great. I’m happy to see the growing interest in audiobooks in general, and Scott Sigler as the poster author for this medium.

  12. I would like to very much inquire about publishing directly as well as interest in working with producers

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