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Quotes for
Cosmo (Character)
from Sneakers (1992)

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Sneakers (1992)
College-Aged Bishop: Richard Nixon's personal checking account is in here!
College-Aged Cosmo: Oh, this is a challenge. Marty, we have to find someone truly worthy to give his money to.
College-Aged Bishop: How about... the National Organization to Legalize Marijuana?
College-Aged Cosmo: Perfect!

Cosmo: There I was in prison. And one day I helped a couple of nice older gentlemen make some free telephone calls. They turned out to be, let us say, good family men.
Martin Bishop: Organized crime?
Cosmo: Hah. Don't kid yourself. It's not that organized.

Cosmo: Pollution. Crime. Drugs, poverty, disease, hunger, despair - we throw GOBS of money at them and problems only get worse. Why is that? Because money's most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it.
Martin Bishop: I agree. Now who did you say you were working for?
Cosmo: Oh, that's just my day job.

Cosmo: Who else is going to change the world, Marty? Greenpeace?

Cosmo: There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!

Cosmo: The world isn't run by weapons anymore, or energy, or money. It's run by little ones and zeroes, little bits of data. It's all just electrons.

Cosmo: Posit: People think a bank might be financially shaky.
Martin Bishop: Consequence: People start to withdraw their money.
Cosmo: Result: Pretty soon it is financially shaky.
Martin Bishop: Conclusion: You can make banks fail.
Cosmo: Bzzt. I've already done that. Maybe you've heard about a few? Think bigger.
Martin Bishop: Stock market?
Cosmo: Yes.
Martin Bishop: Currency market?
Cosmo: Yes.
Martin Bishop: Commodities market?
Cosmo: Yes.
Martin Bishop: Small countries?
Cosmo: I might even be able to crash the whole damn system. Destroy all records of ownership. Think of it, Marty: no more rich people, no more poor people, everybody's the same. Isn't that what we said we always wanted?
Martin Bishop: Cos, you haven't gone crazy on me, have you?

Cosmo: You will give me the box, right now, or I will kill you, right now.

Cosmo: I cannot kill my friend.
[to his henchmen]
Cosmo: Kill my friend.

Cosmo: Anyway, I couldn't have you talking to the Russians. Five years ago, yes, we could trust them not to go running to the F.B.I., or if they did we could trust the F.B.I. not to believe them, but today we can't trust anybody.

Cosmo: Martin Brice - my old and good friend who promised me we would not get in trouble and who, I might add, did not.

Cosmo: No more secrets, Marty.

Cosmo: I'm sorry if he hurt you. I'm afraid Wallace doesn't like you very much.
Martin Bishop: You oughta have that guy checked for rabies.
Cosmo: Rabies occurs only in warm-blooded animals.

Liz: This is my last computer date.
Cosmo: Wait. A computer matched *her* with *him*? I don't think so.

Cosmo: Pain? Try Aspirin.