Indonesian karaoke goes mobile

Chinese Buddhist temple disseminates wisdom with robot monk

Drones could speed up HIV tests in remote areas

Hong Kong leader CY Leung back in court to testify in assault case

Indonesian karaoke goes mobile

April 22, 2016

An Indonesian rickshaw fitted with a karaoke machine blasts out loud music next to a row of food stalls. 

Chinese Buddhist temple disseminates wisdom with robot monk

April 22, 2016

An ancient Chinese Buddhist temple uses modern means to disseminate wisdom with the help of a small robot monk. 

Drones could speed up HIV tests in remote areas

April 22, 2016

Malawi has started a test programme that uses drones to improve access to HIV testing for babies. Various factors, including poor roads and high transport costs, in remote areas often result in delays in testing that can prevent access to vital antiretroviral treatment.

Hong Kong leader CY Leung back in court to testify in assault case

April 21, 2016

Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying returns to court to testify in an assault case against a legislator who allegedly threw a glass at him in parliament.