University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Athropology

Region: Asia

Taming the Beast

The accuracy and flexibility of our new dataset allows us to create 3D architectural and topographical reconstructions, which are an exciting and expeditious way to stimulate the imagination and to present complex data.  The example illustrated here shows one of several possible reconstructions of the Early Phrygian citadel's gate complex (ca. 850-800 BCE).  These reconstructions are being used not only as research tools, to help us better understand the sequence of architectural complexes at Gordion, but also as a means to enhance the presentation of the site and its rich history to the general public.  Pizzorno and Darbyshire
The Digital Gordion Mapping Project

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Gordion, in central Turkey, is the largest and longest-running of the Penn Museum’s many excavation projects. An ancient site of great historical significance, Gordion was occupied for 5,000 years from the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3000 BCE) through to modern times. Its high point was in the Iron Age (the early first millennium BCE) when […]

Art During Wartime

True Sons of Freedom, chromolithograph, created by Charles Gustrine, United States, 1918.  Abraham Lincoln was an inspirational figure to the African American and white population.
Recruitment of Black Soldiers from the U.S. Civil War through African Independence Movements

By: Tukufu Zuberi

Military posters are designed to be highly visible in public spaces. They become iconic images for those who remember wars as well as objects for generations of collectors and history enthusiasts. Black Bodies in Propaganda: The Art of the War Poster, a current exhibition at the Penn Museum, examines how images—primarily of African and African-American […]

The Purchase, Theft, and Recovery of the Crystal Ball

Museum Object Number: C681A

By: Alessandro Pezzati

The Chinese crystal sphere, on display in the Harrison Rotunda, has been an iconic object in the Museum since 1927, when it was purchased by Eldridge R. Johnson in memory of Museum Director George Byron Gordon. The 55 pounds of transparent quartz crystal is supposedly from the collections of the infamous Qing dynasty Empress Cixi […]

George Byron Gordon and the Chinese Collection

Charles Sheeler photographed the opening exhibition in the Harrison Rotunda in 1915, complete with Oriental porcelains, European tapestries, and Oriental rugs.

By: Alessandro Pezzati

George Byron Gordon (1870–1927) was born of Scottish-English ancestry on Prince Edward Island, Canada. After obtaining his Ph.D. at Harvard, he joined the Museum staff in 1903 as Stewart Culin’s replacement. He soon impressed University administrators with his work ethic and vision; in 1910 he was made Director. Gordon oversaw the largest period of growth […]

The Eccentric Maxwell Sommerville

Maxwell Sommerville poses with ethnographic pieces from his collection, dressed in some as well.

By: Alessandro Pezzati

Maxwell Sommerville (1829–1904) was one of the most colorful characters associated with the early days of the Museum. The first and only Professor of Glyptology (the study of engraved gems) at Penn, he had become wealthy through publishing and pursued collecting in two disparate areas: engraved gems and artifacts of Buddhist worship. When conducting tours […]

Jim Thompson, the Thai Silk King

Jim Johnson with his frequent companion, Cockatoo. Museum Image Number: 194077
From the Archive

By: Alessandro Pezzati

Younger generations may not know Jim Thompson (1906-1967?), but in the 1950s and 1960s he was famous throughout the world asa Thailand’s “Silk King,”  and as an arbiter of international taste. Born of a wealthy Delaware family, Thompson graduated from Princeton and attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Architecture. Though he never completed his degree, […]

The Silk Road – Chronology of Selected Travelers

Types of joining: a,b,c rivets; c,d, folded or "pinned" at top; e,f,g, cast as single piece; h,i, "cast on" (shaded areas). All adapted from the Maxwell-Hyslop 1946 and Maxwell-Hyslop and Hodges 1964

By: Daniel C. Waugh

136–125, 119–115 BCE. Zhang Qian, emissary sent by Han Dynasty Emperor Wu Di to the “Western Regions,” who supplied important commercial and political intelligence. 629–645 CE. Xuanzang (Hsuan-tsang), Chinese Buddhist monk who traveled through Inner Asia to India, studied there, and once back in the Chinese capital Chang’an (Xian) was an important translator of Buddhist […]

Marco Polo’s Travels: Myth or Fact?

Marco Polo

By: Daniel C. Waugh

In his own lifetime and even today, Marco Polo’s account of his travels has been branded a falsification. A late medieval reader might have asked how it is that there could be such wonders about which we have never heard. Why is it, the modern critic muses, that Marco so often seems to get the […]

The Silk Roads in History

This detail of a pile carpet, recovered from Pazyryk Barrow 5 and dated 252–238 
BCE, depicts an Achaemenid-style horseman.

By: Daniel C. Waugh

There is an endless popular fascination with the “Silk Roads,” the historic routes of economic and cultural exchange across Eurasia. The phrase in our own time has been used as a metaphor for Central Asian oil pipelines, and it it common advertising copy for the romantic exoticism of  expensive adventure travel. One would think that, in […]

The Luohan that Came from Afar

This Luohan from China 
is 1.21 m in height. It can 
be viewed in the Chinese 
Rotunda in the Penn 
Museum.  Collections Object Number: C66A,B.
Research Notes

By: Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt

Among the myriad objects of world art, there are always some that continue to captivate the viewer and haunt the researcher. The tri-color glazed clay Luohan statue from Yi County (Yizhou), about 50 km southwest of the city limits of Beijing, is such an object in the Penn Museum. The mysteries that engulf this Luohan—a […]