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Toho's Godzilla Resurgence Unveils First Monster Footage

3 hours ago

Toho has unveiled the first teaser for the upcoming resurrection of their flagship kaiju series, Godzilla. The latest film, titled Godzilla Resurgence, and slated for a July 29th release in Japan, is a mix between Toho's traditional man-in-suit kaiju style and the more modern CG updates. If this new footage is to be trusted, Toho has taken a bit of a lesson from the relative mainstream critical success of Gareth Edwards' 2014 American film in terms of the tone. In fact, there are several scenes in this dialogue free trailer that echo Edwards' movie fairly closely. The more serious tone will likely be a breath of fresh air to fans of Toho's series who largely rejected the last entry, Kitamura Ryuhei's Godzilla: Final Wars, as a...

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Udine 2016: Far East Film Festival Lineup Roars, Starting With The Tiger

4 hours ago

In a small town in Italy, a very special film festival is preparing to unfold under the sign of the tiger. The 18th edition of the Far East Film Festival in Udine, Italy, will open on Friday, April 22 with the international premiere of Park Hoon-jung's The Tiger. Our own Pierce Conran had some issues with the film, but his review concluded: "There's no denying The Tiger is a singular, epic work with much to admire." The festival will also be featuring the animated debut of Johnnie To. It's "30 seconds of pure auteur beauty," also known as the festival trailer. To will also be present in behalf of gangster movie Trivisa, which he produced. On the closing night of the festival, Sammo Hung will...

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Nordic Genre Industry Days Kicks Off 2016 Edition

6 hours ago

Last year I was present for the first edition of Nordic Genre Industry Days in Helsinki, Finland and this year our own Todd Brown is living it up behind closed doors. (Photo above: Jongsuk Thomas Nam, Todd Brown, Rodney Perkins, Sten Saluveer and Mikko Aromaa at the 2nd edition of the Nordic Genre Industry Days in Helsinki, Finland.) To be more accurate than needed, I was in Helsinki to attend and report on the Night Visions International Film Festival, the largest genre film event in the Nordic region. It takes place concurrently with the Nordic Genre Industry Days event at the same location during the day. Here's the official description: "The two-day event focuses on upcoming genre cinema emerging from Scandinavia in the form of...

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Check Out Exclusive Images For Australian Noir The Burning Kiss And Crowdfund It

7 hours ago

The Burning Kiss is an exciting new Australian noir that stylistically draws inspiration from Pop Art, the French New Wave and Southern Gothic. Our regular readers will remember seeing its teaser, poster and stills here exclusively over the past couple of years. This independent film went into production back in 2012 but due to the scope of the project, its completion has been delayed by various set-backs. “Independent filmmaking can be an incredibly cumbersome process as normal film production choices such as reshoots, pickup shots and visual effects can literally add a year or so onto the post-production schedule,” says director Robbie Studsor.   The filmmakers are now raising funds to help complete the film’s last remaining visual effects. “As a result of the ambitious...

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Tribeca 2016 Preview: Documentaries

9 hours ago

The Tribeca Film Fest has really carved a place out in the Us festival landscape as one of the main homes for documentaries. This year's selection looks to be another strong program. Here are a few of the many docus that caught our eye either playing in or out of competition. Check back in tomorrow as we conclude our preview series with more narratives playing out of comp and don't forget to see yesterday's preview of the Us and International Narrative Competitions in case you missed 'em....

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Destroy All Monsters: Deep Space Nine And The Challenge Of Community

11 hours ago

You owe Star Trek: Deep Space Nine a second look. It might be a good way to drain the time between now and Bryan Fuller's Star Trek reboot next year. The best aspects of Deep Space Nine set a benchmark that Fuller (who started his writing career with a one-shot on the series) will be lucky to hit. Revisiting Deep Space Nine quickly demonstrates what a series of lasting depth and complexity it was. Far from merely being an early prototype for what we now take for granted as modern serialized storytelling on television (it was that as well), Deep Space Nine was also a serious, textured drama centered around a core idea whose relevance has only increased since it was on the air, and...

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Stranger With My Face 2016: Festival Announces New Mentoring Initiative The Attic Lab

12 hours ago

Tremendous things happen in the world of fantastic/genre cinema. Not only do the weird and wonderful, the frightening and inspiring, and the sick and depraved co-exist but I do not believe that any other film genre (grouping all of this together in a bulbous lump) has the support foundation like this one does.   No one is out doing co-production markets or mentoring programs for family dramas. Are they? Can you imagine? If the family does not have to fight through five levels of Hell to get their lost dog back then I am not interested.    Moving along, take this community aspect of genre filmmaking to the next level and the growth and support for female genre filmmakers continues to rise exponetianlly. Case in...

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Cumberbatch Awakens In First Doctor Strange Teaser

21 hours ago

The first teaser trailer for Marvel's Doctor Strange has just dropped and there is plenty to get excited about. Emanating a strong Batman Begins vibe, the film shows Dr. Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) having his mind well and truly blown after a serious beating appears to leave the successful surgeon's life and perception in tatters. Journeying to Nepal, Strange encounters Tilda Swinton's "Ancient One" and Chiwetel Ejiofor's Baron Mordo, and he learns to harness magic and become a powerful sorcerer.  The trailer also includes glimpses of Hong Kong among a number of suitably exotic locations for what appears to be a grand scale origin story from director Scott Derrickson (Sinister, Deliver Us From Evil) and writers C. Robert Cargill (Sinister) and John Spaihts (Prometheus). Featuring...

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First Scherzo Diabolico Trailer: The Accountant Strikes Back

12 April 2016 1:00 PM, PDT

The latest horror outing from director Adrian Garcia Bogliano (Here Comes the Devil, Late Phases, Cold Sweat and Penumbra) will soon be haunting the U.S. and the first trailer has been released. Set for release on May 3 via a variety of Video On Demand platforms, Scherzo Diabolico concerns a teenage girl (Daniela Soto Vell) and an accountant (Francisco Barreiro, Here Comes the Devil). Things are not going well for the accountant. He's under extreme pressure at work and at home, and he's driven to do terrible things in an effort to relieve his stress. That leads to him snatching the girl, but things do not go as he plans. The trailer, which debuted via EW, looks extremely dark, but the director provided a little...

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Nsfw: Bulimia, Body Image And Brilliance In Japanese Animated Short Summer's Puke Is Winter's Delight

12 April 2016 12:00 PM, PDT

Back in 2014, Twitch featured an animated short film entitled Ketsujiru Juke (Anal Juke - Anal Juice) from a young Japanese animator named Kabuki Sawako. The film was decorated for its "Artistic Contribution" at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival. The film was 3 minutes of delirious, explicit insanity and we loved it. (You can watch it here). Now 25, Kabuki has released her latest animated short, Summer's Puke Is Winter's Delight, and we are delighted to discover that she has stuck to her artistic ambitions and delivered another slice of knockout work that is perhaps even more delightfully demented. Touching on bulimia and body image, sexual insecurity and much more besides, Kabuki is firing on all cylinders once again.  What follows probably shouldn't be...

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Tribeca 2016 Preview: Us & Int'l Narrative Comps

12 April 2016 10:00 AM, PDT

The Tribeca Film Festival kicks off its 2016 edition Wednesday and we've got a few previews for you throughout the week. We start things off with what is undoubtedly the most notable change to this year's festival. The good folks at Tribeca have decided to split their 2016 narrative competition into two categories. Echoing Sundance, this year's fest will have separate Us Narrative and International Narrative comps. If the program guide is any indication, it looks to have been a very smart decision as the Us films on offer appear to be an excellent selection of domestic indie filmmaking talent with some great sounding films in the International section as well. Here's a sampling of some of the films that caught our eye. We'll be...

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New Trailer For A Monster Calls Gives Us ... A Big Talking Tree

12 April 2016 9:20 AM, PDT

Juan Antonio Bayona's new film, A Monster Calls, has been slowly teasing its potential audience with cast announcements, photos, and one teaser released late last year. And now, still six months before the film's release, there is a new trailer. This time, revealing just enough about the plot to leave little room for guessing, and enough information about the titulary monster to show off some stunning VFX. A visually spectacular drama from acclaimed director Juan Antonio Bayona ("The Impossible"), based on the award-winning children's fantasy novel. 12-year-old Conor (Lewis MacDougall) attempts to deal with his mother's (Felicity Jones) illness and the bullying of his classmates by escaping into a fantastical world of monsters and fairy tales that explore courage, loss, and faith. Certainly, Guillermo del...

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Have Your Say: No More Super-heroes Anymore!

12 April 2016 8:00 AM, PDT

Just over a decade ago, superhero films were a tiny sub-category in the general science fiction and fantasy branches. They occasionally happened, and occasionally they were good, and occasionally they were bad. Then Marvel/Disney started with their cinematic universe, released several highly palatable films, pulled up a hugely successful mash-up of most of them in Avengers, and the rest is... well, I'd like to say history, but it's current times. . While Marvel is busy further unwrapping their phase 3 and phase 4, Warner Brothers is frantically scrambling to get their own cinematic universe off the ground, while everyone else desperately holds on to the bits of Marvel they acquired in decades long past. Comic-book film fans have never had it so good... Or do...

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Learning From The Masters Of Cinema: Sydney Pollack's Three Days Of The Condor

12 April 2016 4:10 AM, PDT

James Grady’s novel Six Days Of The Condor was published just a year before Sydney Pollack’s big-screen adaptation, and yet almost every aspect of the story was changed. It is difficult to imagine such a flagrant disregard for the source material today, but in 1975, Three Days Of The Condor was a huge success. Buoyed up by big name stars Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway, the film unseated Steven Spielberg’s Jaws from its perch atop the Us box office, where it had sat unchallenged all summer.    More important than its star power or literary origins, Three Days Of The Condor tapped into the zeitgeist of a nation reeling from the Kennedy Assassination, the Vietnam War and Watergate. The American People were coming to the...

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Trailer: Boyapati Sreenu's Sarrainodu Makes Slo-Mo Violence Look Fun

11 April 2016 10:00 PM, PDT

No one in India makes crazier, more violent movies than Tollywood director Boyapati Sreenu. He burst onto the scene in 2010 with the ultraviolent multigenerational masala film Simha starring Balakrishna that features what is inarguably the greatest onscreen decapitation of all time. In the years since then Srinu has struggled to reach the same apex of bloody madness, but has fallen short. With his new film Sarrainodu he's giving it another shot, and color me excited after seeing the full trailer. The film features Stylish Star Allu Arjun, known as Bunny to his fans, as a total badass who makes many people bleed. Even though his nicknames are cutesy, Allu Arjun has a history of kicking ass in Tollywood films. He's kicked medieval ass in...

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Wtf Is This? Turkey Goes Bollywood In Bir Baba Hindu

11 April 2016 9:30 PM, PDT

In my years following the cinema of India, from big budget blockbusters to no-budget crapfests, I've seen some weird shit. However, nothing from India has come close to preparing me for the mind-bending collision that is Turkey's Bollywood-style musical comedy Bir Baba Hindu (The Hindu Father). There is zero information on this film in English as of yet, but Google Translate (a friend of TwitchFilm since the early days of Directors Drunkenly Review Their Own Films), was able to glean the tiniest bit of info from the official synopsis of the film on Facebook. A comedy extending from Turkey to India ! Fadil went to Mumbai after telling the story of the girl he was in love with a Hindu father , laughter in the...

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Watch The First Trailer For French Horror Flick Therapy

11 April 2016 8:14 PM, PDT

French filmmaker Nathan Ambrosioni created a bit of a stir when his debut feature film Hostile screened in Le Marché du Film at Cannes last year. You see, when the filmed screened at the Market the first time director was only 16 years old. Hostile went on to play at some prestigious film festivals like Fantasia, Fearfest and Morbido.    And god bless Ambrosioni's youthful exuberance because the teen director and gone and made a second film, Therapy, and we have the trailer right here. Jane and Simon are two young police officers leading a routine investigation following the discovery of hidden video equipment in an abandoned house by a night watchman. But the first filmed images go well beyond a simple holiday movie. The two investigators...

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Crowdfund This: 100 Bullets: Dead Ghosts - Web Series Adaptation Of The Award Winning Comic

11 April 2016 1:00 PM, PDT

Comic book series 100 Bullets garnered critical acclaim and Eisner awards during the length of its 100 issue run, making stars of writer/illustrator team Brian Azzarillo and Eduardo Risso. Published by DC’s adult-oriented Vertigo imprint, the dark and violent noir story questioned the very nature of revenge. The stories contained within the series would often begin with the mysterious Agent Graves providing the victim of a terrible wrong with a handgun, 100 untraceable bullets and the details of the wrongdoer. With the means to exact a violent revenge and get away with it, could you do it? Hollywood loves a good comic book, so it’s no surprise a movie is already in the works. New Line is developing the project with Tom Hardy on board...

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Interview: Brazilian Filmmaker Gabriel Mascaro Discusses His Work

11 April 2016 12:30 PM, PDT

The Brazilian artist Gabriel Mascaro, having one leg in the visual arts and the other in cinema, already has several notable works under his belt, and Film Society of Lincoln Center is celebrating him as arising international auteur by organizing a retrospective of his works. Gabriel Mascaro: Ebbs and Flows, running from 15-21 April, presents his feature works, documentary and fiction, showcasing the filmmaker as a master blender of fiction and reality and the chronicler of Brazilian social gaps, economic inequalities on the seamless intersection of political and lyrical, with formalistically daring fiction features. In vertical documentary High-Rise (2009), Mascaro visits owners of luxury penthouses to provide a contemplation on social class, economic divide and culture through their eyes and candid yet hardly witty observations...

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Barbershop: The Next Cut Interview: Ice Cube, Lamorne Morris Talk Haircuts, Blending Fiction With Reality And More

11 April 2016 10:00 AM, PDT

Let's cut to the chase: When you have six minutes to talk to one of the most iconic rappers of all time, what do you talk about? Well, haircuts, if you're me.    Ice Cube and New Girl's funnyman Lamorne Morris stopped in Dallas to talk to the press about their upcoming film Barbershop: The Next Cut. It's the third film installment for the Barbershop franchise, which has already had a TV spinoff of the same name and a sister spinoff Beauty ShopBarbershop: The Next Cut is a much different than you'd expect if you've seen the first film. It involves death, gangs, and trouble beyond the barber shop's control. There's a great monologue in the movie where Ice Cube is talking to his...

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