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And it strikes back with a bang, 17 November 2015

Empire Strikes Back is widely called the best Star Wars film (to date) and it is clear to see why.

It certainly contains lots of the iconic moments from the series and all the best lines. Hamill, Fisher and Ford all have eased into their lead roles and there is enough action for them all to be involved, even if after the first act they don't spend much time together.

Whereas 'A New Hope' had a sluggish start this second film in the original trilogy opens with action and never really lets up after that. There are great fight scenes and technical effects that more than make up for the moments where it all gets a bit sci-fi jargon heavy.

Is this the best Star Wars film, the one for future films to beat? Possibly.

House! (2000)
A good central performance,but little else, 15 November 2015

Before she became a big star Kelly McDonald appeared in low budget films like this one that tried to ape the 'feel good British comedy' vibe that was in fashion after The Full Monty.

In principle the idea behind this film is not a bad one. Old bingo hall vs. the new upcoming one. There's lots of room for outlandish characters and sentiment as the staff work together to save the old hall. It also allows room for star turns from people like Freddie Jones.

And yet it doesn't work, despite a good performance from McDonald. The main problem is that the film doesn't seem to know whether it wants to be a big bawdy comedy or a sweet sentimental one. In the end it flits between both camps and ends up being neither.

It's an OK film for a rainy day, but I certainly wouldn't spend big money chasing down a copy.

Eric and Ern hit the big screen, 12 November 2015

Morecambe and Wise made their feature film debuts with this film and openly admitted in later years that it wasn't much good.

The problem is even back then the spy spoof had been done to death and there was very little that could be added to it. As others have mentioned as well the film doesn't really feel like a film at all, it's more like a collection of sketches all around the same theme.

Eric Morecambe is reliably funny as he always was, but it can't be ignored that the film is too convoluted in terms of plot and there are too many slow moments. The directors habit of under cranking the action also tends to make the supposedly funny bits unfunny.

I prefer 'That Rivera Touch' to this film, which although is funny, doesn't do a lot for me.

0 out of 2 people found the following review useful:
Not great Mr.Bond, 12 November 2015

The world is not enough opens with a great pre title sequence that while going on too long is one of the best of the series. However after that (and a dire opening song) the film for me never recovers.

The plot is wafer thin in places and then too chaotic the next. Bond spends half the time running around or making overly lewd sexual comments.

We are blessed with a stellar secondary cast this time around though (after the so-so line up for Tomorrow Never Dies) with Judi Dench getting more to do and both Robbie Coltrane and Robert Carlyle on top form. In Sophie Marceau we also get a very attractive Bond girl and I didn't find Denise Richards half as bad as some reviews state.

However I didn't enjoy this film that much, purely because there were lots of bells and whistles, but not that much of a decent story.

Star Wars (1977)
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The 1st/4th film in the Star Wars saga, 11 November 2015

'The New Hope' is the one that started them all for Star Wars back in 1977. It is only due to the prequels that we see its real place within the whole saga.

It's a decent enough film, ground-breaking at the time.If you're going from prequels to this one you might find the opening 30 mins a little slow, but the pace really builds after the entry of Obi Wan and never really lets up from there.

I find Mark Hamill a little too meek and wooden at times but Harrison Ford more than makes up for it, stealing every scene he's in as the brilliant Han Solo. His chemistry with Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia also adds to the fun.

Start at Episode 1 and work up to this smart and funny sci fi film.

Tim Allen's big break sitcom, 10 November 2015

Tim Allen is a funny guy and like many a stand up comedian before him this sitcom was built around that stand up persona.

The result is Home Improvement, a show that was successful enough to run for 8 seasons, lead to a movie career for Allen and remain a beloved show even to this day.

Sad thing is I don't find it funny. The stories aren't always that funny and the attempts at sentiment are often cloying.

Although I find Tim Allen funny in his films (well, most of them) I found his character here annoying. It's almost as if he's trying to be so 'alpha male with a power tool' that it becomes forced.

But people love this show and fair enough. I'm just not one of them it seems.

A brilliant mind. A brilliant wife, 1 November 2015

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I like everyone else got swept along with the buzz for this film upon its release and while I don't think it was worth all the hype it still remains a good film.

The two central performances re fantastic and we see the decline in Hawking's condition and the couples marriage from both sides in a way that means we never take sides.

There are some slow moments though and that ultimately is what reduces my rating for this film. I wasn't expecting big bangs or anything, but some of the scenes felt like they were recapping what we as an audience could put together in our own heads.

A warning also for those of you of a squeamish disposition, in some cases we do see what goes on in a operation and it could be quite upsetting for some.

Overall though a good film that tracks what Jane Hawking had written in her earlier book.

Tomorrow is another day..., 31 October 2015

I can't say I've watched that many James Bond films but I saw this one recently and enjoyed it.

Pierce Brosnan does a good job in the central role, and seems more comfortable dishing out the one liners than he did in his previous outing as 007.

The plot is as difficult to follow as ever but the central theme of being able to control the media for your own ends is a good one.

It's all a good romp and at under two hours too. There is more gadgetry than in Goldeneye and a more substantial villain too.

I know lots of Bond fans don't like this film, but for a casual fan it proved enjoyable.

Skyfall (2012)
2 out of 2 people found the following review useful:
The sky is falling, 31 October 2015

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Skyfall has been deemed not only a very good Bond film, but also the best ever.

I can certainly see where people are coming from with this view. It is well directed, has lots of action sequences and as with all of Daniel Craig's outings, manages to add more depth to the character.

After their absences from the last two outings it is nice to see Moneypenny and Q back along for the ride (both with new faces) and Judi Dench is on good form as M.

But the best Bond film ever? For me no. None of the action sequences will live long in the memory as being the best of the franchise and there are too many slow moments.

So overall, a good Bond film,not a great one.

"Bull" (2015)
7 out of 13 people found the following review useful:
Sorry Robert, This one is a load of bull, 24 October 2015

Robert Lindsay is a talented comedic actor who in 11 years of 'My Family' and in the last 6 of them was the most consistent source of laughter in it. He also in the small group of actors who have a legendary sitcom behind them in the form of the excellent 'Citizen Smith'.

It's a shame then that he has to pop up in oddball sitcoms like this one that surely will go nowhere. The characters are paper thin and the sitcom is so old hat it's almost like one of the items in the shop.

Maybe it will do well and prove me wrong, but tucked away on a little channel like Gold I can't see it happening.

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