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David Palmer
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David Palmer (Character)
from "24" (2001)

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24: Season 8: Episode 23 -- Jack Bauer fights on as the iconic clock stops ticking on the historic series finale of 24. Download part 1 now!

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David Palmer serves as a United States senator from Maryland... See more »
Alternate Names:
Aditya Singhania / President David Palmer / Senator David Palmer / The President


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Jump to filmography: Video-game, Archive Footage
  1. "24: India"
    ... aka "24" - India (original title)
        - 11pm - 12am (2013) TV episode, Played by Neil Bhoopalam (as Aditya Singhania)
        - 10pm - 11pm (2013) TV episode, Played by Neil Bhoopalam (as Aditya Singhania)
        - Episode #1.22 (2013) TV episode, Played by Neil Bhoopalam (as Aditya Singhania)
        - Episode #1.21 (2013) TV episode, Played by Neil Bhoopalam (as Aditya Singhania)
        - Episode #1.20 (2013) TV episode, Played by Neil Bhoopalam (as Aditya Singhania)
          (19 more)

  2. "24"
        - Day 6: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2007) TV episode, Played by Dennis Haysbert
        - Day 5: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2006) TV episode, Played by Dennis Haysbert
        - Day 5: 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. (2006) TV episode, Played by Dennis Haysbert
        - Day 4: 5:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. (2005) TV episode, Played by Dennis Haysbert
        - Day 4: 6:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m. (2005) TV episode, Played by Dennis Haysbert
          (76 more)
  3. 07 (2006) Played by Dwight Hicks (as The President)
Archive Footage:
  1. President Hollywood (2008) (TV) Played by Dennis Haysbert (as President David Palmer)
  2. Mister President (2008) (TV) Played by Dennis Haysbert (as President David Palmer)

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Fun Stuff

From "24: 3:00 a.m.-4:00 a.m. (#1.4)" (2001)
President Palmer: Jack, what about Ellis? Was he able to retrieve the missing file on Operation Nightfall?
Jack Bauer: I lost contact with Ellis.
President Palmer: "Lost contact"? What do you mean?
Jack Bauer: I mean we got interrupted in the middle of our phone call. Sir, I have to be honest with you. I've got a very bad feeling about this.
President Palmer: So what are you telling me?
Jack Bauer: I'm telling you that for now, we should assume Ellis is dead.
President Palmer: Keep me posted.
Jack Bauer: Yes, sir.
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