Office chair race rolls on in Taiwan

One year on, Nepal's quake-hit ghost village begins fragile recovery

Australian politician sets river on fire to protest fracking

Animals and humans help each other

Office chair race rolls on in Taiwan

April 26, 2016

Chair-racing contest turns heads in Taiwan.

One year on, Nepal's quake-hit ghost village begins fragile recovery

April 24, 2016

Langtang in Nepal is now little more than a graveyard. The once tranquil mountain village was obliterated last April when a massive earthquake shattered a glacier, raining tonnes of ice, snow and rock down into the valley below, where hundreds of bodies still lie buried.

Australian politician sets river on fire to protest fracking

April 25, 2016

An Australian politician has set fire to a river to draw attention to methane gas he says is seeping into the water due to fracking.

Animals and humans help each other

April 25, 2016

Orcas are rescued from an ice trap in Russia's Far East, dogs help Russian sappers clear an ancient Syrian city of mines and giant pandas make their public debut at a South Korean zoo.