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Alden Ehrenreich Cast As Han Solo

3 hours ago

The long-awaited casting announcement over who would play young Han Solo has finally been revealed and it's up-and-comer Alden Ehrenreich!  Come inside to learn more about the future scoundrel.

The day after May the Fourth (Be With You), it was revealed that Disney had finally picked the man who would be playing Star Wars' most (in)famous smuggler, Han Solo.  That man is none other than, relatively unknown, Alden Ehrenreich.

According to sources, Ehrenreich is currently in negotiations to play Solo.  He beats out Kingsman star Taron Egerton and all the other actors we reported were in the running.

The 26 year old, Ehrenreich, has starred in such films as Beautiful Creatures, Blue Jasmine, and more recently Hail, Caesar!.  

While the news may come as a bit of a head-scratcher, Directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller have had him in the running since the beginning of the audition process.  Now, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Matt Malliaros)

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Origin Vault Adding Mass Effect Trilogy And Mirrors Edge Catalyst Early Access

8 hours ago

EA's Origin Vault will be adding the full Mass Effect Trilogy along with early access to Mirror's Edge Catalyst soon!

Origin Access is EA Access for PC gamers costing $4.99 a month. With the membership you get early access to new games, 10 percent off purchases, and a vault of free games to play. Joining the long list of titles will be the Mass Effect series.

The upcoming titles to the vault include Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Trine 1/2, Dungeons of Dredmore, and Peggle.

Subscribers will also get a chance to play Mirror's Edge Catalyst later this month, ahead of the June 7th release day. A new story trailer was also released, as seen above.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst immerses players in the origin story of Faith, and her rise from a careless young woman to a heroine who opens the eyes of an entire city. Featuring fluid »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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Doom Gets Launch Trailer Showcasing Awesomeness

9 hours ago

Check out the latest trailer for Doom releasing May 13th!

Doom was developed at id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and invented multiplayer Deathmatch. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat – whether you’re obliterating demon hordes through the depths of Hell in the single-player campaign, or competing against your friends in numerous multiplayer modes. Expand your gameplay experience using Doom SnapMap game editor to easily create, play, and share your content with the world.

Bethesda and id Software also revealed the pre-load times for each system along with some additional details.

On PC you can begin pre-loading the game at 12Am on May 11th via Steam. The game then fully unlocks on May 12th at 12Am Est, so around 9-10Pm for west coast.

The minimum specs for the PC edition include:

Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions); Intel »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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Playing Star Wars Shadows of the Empire for the First Time

10 hours ago

As Star Wars week continues here on the site, I'm moving on to the next Star Wars retro-game I've never played before: Shadows of the Empire.  Come watch as I play through it for the first time, while talking about the game's development, fun facts, and other little tidbits about its history!

A couple weeks ago, I started this series out with Dark Forces, wherein I stole the Death Star plans.  Today, I'm presenting my first playthrough of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire.  I know, I know.  As big as this release was (comprising of tie-in books, comics, cards, toys, etc), how on Earth could I have missed it?  Simple, I didn't have an N64 at the time of it's release.  

Fortunately, for me, yesterday saw the release of the game on GoG, making it playable for the first time on modern PC systems as part of their Star Wars Day specials. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Avengers Infinity War Part 1 & 2 to be Re-Titled Says Russo Brothers

16 hours ago

Any fans of the Part 1-Part 2 movie designations, may want to not get too attached to those titles for Avengers: Infinity War.  See what the Russo Brothers had to say.

For last decade or so, we've lived in a time where movie studios thought it best to break movies into two parts, in order to get every element of the story.  We've seen this with Twilight, Hunger Games, The Divergent Series, and Harry Potter.

Most of these two-part finales have been unnecessary and merely a way to garner more cash for the franchise/studios.  The exception, of course, will be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which was the only story to unite box office numbers and critics.

Just as Marvel was looking like it would follow that same trend, Directors Anthony and Joe Russo have revealed in an interview with Uproxx that they are not set on that title. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Matt Malliaros)

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Power Rangers Movie Suits Revealed

16 hours ago

So throughout this whole Power Rangers reboot thing I have said one thing. “Can’t wait to see the suits.” Well folks that day is here. Let’s see this cast rangered up!

Okay as a Super Sentai fan I await every year with the first leaks of what the suits look like and I have to say I’m not disappointed in these. Colors are there, I recognize them as Rangers, and it has elements of the originals with a nice update.  They almost look like something mixed with Kamen Rider or my other guilty pleasure the Guyver movies. There’s a real organic feel to these suits that I’m digging a lot.

Nice job Lionsgate I can get behind this and I’m satisfied with this and eagerly await the trailer, oh and the zords, and the morphing sequence, and if there’s going to be a sixth Ranger. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jason The X)

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Indie Beat: 'Cabin Crew' to be released on Flix Premiere - an online Cinema for Indie Film.

20 hours ago

Austin filmmaker Dino Maglaris, and producing partner Chad Charnas, have recently struck a deal with Flix Premiere to release their debut independent feature ‘Cabin Crew.’

Cabin Crew’ Synopsis: A crew of wanna be outlaws bent on saving their friend's life retreat to a family cabin after a bank heist and soon discover that when it comes to crime, they should leave it to the professionals - the police.

Starring: Austin Amelio,, Shayla Bagir, Harold Fisch, Morgan Floyd, and Nicholas Saenz

The film is less of a heist film than it is an entertaining look at a group of friends who are willing to go to great lengths to save one of their own. They start with nickel and dime scams and drug dealing and eventually devise a plan to raise the needed funds by committing a bank heist. When crooked cops threaten to ruin the plan, these friends realize it’s time to play hardball. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Blake)

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Competitive Play In Overwatch Delayed

4 May 2016 10:44 AM, PDT

Blizzard has announced that competitive play will be missing in Overwatch until after launch.

Via the official Blizzard blog, they have announced that the competitive play in Overwatch will be absent from the public beta along with official game.

We worked extremely hard to get Competitive Play in the game for Closed Beta. We've been reading feedback from the community and taking it all to heart. As a result, we've temporarily disabled Competitive Play for Open Beta so that we can rework the system and make it better.

Blizzard revealed that they will be tweaking the game and making the experience better and competitive play will return sometime after the games official launch later this month. The mode will be disabled in the beta, but stats don't transfer over to the game anyway.

This isn't huge dramatic news because this just basically means "ranked" matches are not part of the game. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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EA Announces New Star Wars Title From Respawn

4 May 2016 9:57 AM, PDT

EA has announced that Respawn had joined the list of studios that will be making an upcoming Star Wars title, though details seem to be limited.

EA revealed that Respawn is working on " all-new 3rd person action adventure game set in the Star Wars universe." 

EA also included a list of studios that are currently working on a Star Wars related title which include Visceral Games, Dice, Capital Games, BioWare, Motive and more. 

EA dove into a little more detail on the EA Blog, including openings for jobs at both Visceral and Motive for their respective games. Other than that there isn't much more to know other than Respawn Entertainment and EA are very excited about the adventure.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Vince Zampella and his group. Their obsession with making games that feel amazing has helped »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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Star Wars Celebration 2017 Finds A New Home

4 May 2016 9:36 AM, PDT

The annual Star Wars Celebration will have a new home in 2017.  In fact, it's going to be close to a very magical place.  Come inside to find out.

Over the last few years, it's become known that Star Wars Celebration is the premiere convention for every Star Wars Fan.  Our own Eic, Jordan, attended the event a couple of years ago when they broke the internet with a trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

That was back in 2015 when the event was held in Anaheim, CA.  This year, Swc has crossed ocean and placed itself in Europe.  What about next year?

In 2017, Star Wars Celebration will return to the U.S. to hold the event close to the most magical place on Earth, Orlando, Fl!

The event will be held a few months earlier than Europe's July convention, this year.  

Star Wars Celebration is known for releasing the biggest news from the legendary brand. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Matt Malliaros)

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Remembering Star Wars: The Customizable Card Game

4 May 2016 8:24 AM, PDT

A nerd like me was introduced to something fantastic when he was a kid. I didn’t have all the latest gadgets or video games when I was growing up, so I turned to other things to occupy my mind. One thing that really grabbed my interest was a card game based on Star Wars. You may have heard of it, or this might be the first time it crossed your radar, but the game is a fantastic memory of mine. In honor of Star Wars week I wanted to take a look back at the card game that allowed me to dive deeper into the world of tabletop games. 

Wizards Of The Coast didn’t always dominate the card game field with Magic…okay they did, but another company came extremely close to competing with them in the 90’s. The game was titled Star Wars: The Customizable Card »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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5 Awesome Star Wars Mods For Non-Star Wars Video Games

4 May 2016 7:40 AM, PDT

In celebration of Star Wars Day this week I thought I'd round up a few awesome Star Wars mods from across the galaxy, some weird, and some far too perfect. They're in no particular order, just five that I think look especially cool. They are available to download too, so you can check them out for yourself!

Galactic Warfare - COD4:mw

This mod started out life as a single blaster model and has grown to be a massive mod covering every aspect of COD4:mw. The maps are incredibly detailed, the sound effects are spot on and even the music is perfect.

You can download this mod Here

Star Wars Millenium Falcon Mod - GTA5

Well, what is there to say about this one. I mean, why wouldn't you want to ride around Los Santos in a Millenium Falcon? Its a fantastic mod to go along with a bunch »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jess Percival)

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Star Trek Star Scolds Marvel on White Washing

4 May 2016 7:18 AM, PDT

 George Takei, who played Sulu on the classic Star Trek TV series and the follow-up movie versions, is not buying Marvel’s excuses for casting a white actress to play an established Asian character. Takei argues that the decision to cast Tilda Swinton is symbolic of a much deeper systemic problem regarding the casting of white actors in Asian roles.

 Dr. Strange has a new enemy in George Takei. Taki, Aka Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the Starship Enterprise, who was one of the pioneers for strong Asian roles on television, is taking to social media to chastise Marvel Studios for their decision to change Dr. Strange’s long-established Asian mentor the Ancient One to a Celtic character.

 Marvel’s stated reasoning for the race-change was that the character of the Ancient One was created as a Tibetan sage, and Marvel/Disney fear that this aspect of the character would be »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Rob Young)

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Lego The Force Awakens Game Trailer Reveals Exclusive New Story Missions

4 May 2016 6:57 AM, PDT

To celebrate Star Wars Day (May the 4th), Tt Games has launched a new trailer for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, that shows off the brand new stories the game will tell that lead up to the events of the film.  Come inside to learn more about these new missions!

If you've been wanting to learn more about the events leading up to The Force Awakens, then you'll be happy to hear Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is going to be filling in some of those gaps.  When the game was initially announced, we knew there would be some extra missions involved to flesh out the game and story.  They also told us the mystery of C-3Po's red arm would be revealed in a playable mission as well.  Today, however, brings us information on All the exclusive new story missions that will shed some light on events prior to the film, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Jason The X's Top Ten Star Wars The Black Series Figures

4 May 2016 6:40 AM, PDT

May the 4th be with you all! Yes it’s that time of the year when us Star Wars fans just treat a little bit more special than any other day of the year. In honor of this day I decided to take a look at the Top Ten Star Wars: The Black Series figures.

Now I don’t like top ten lists cause I love all my toys equally but sometimes, like with multiple children, you need to clarify which ones are better. Honestly I should have put the Speeder Bike on here but it was between it and the Tauntaun I had to make a hard choice.  

There you have it, my top ten Star Wars The Black Series figures and if you disagree there’s plenty of chances for you to comment and tell me which should have made it, which shouldn’t be on the list, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jason The X)

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Cinema of Attractions Week 2 - New Rewards and Expansion Revealed!

3 May 2016 10:15 AM, PDT

We're entering the second week of our campaign for the all new Cinema of Attractions card game, and with it comes along new rewards for backers as we make our way towards the half-way mark!  Come inside to check it out!

We've seen a lot of support for our new Movie-Pitching card game, Cinema of Attractions, but we're still working towards reaching our full funding goal.  As we start off the second week of the campaign we're happy to reveal a few more goodies that gamers and backers can expect from the game.  

When we first launched the campaign, we revealed the core game, as well as the first expansion that would take movie lovers and filmmaker hopefuls into the "Red Band" area.  Now, we're happy to reveal the Film School expansion along with a little example to show you how they'll work in conjunction with the full game!  For young, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Dishonored 2 Release Date Announced

3 May 2016 10:06 AM, PDT

Last June, during Bethesda's E3 Press Conference, the gaming company released an awesome cinematic trailer for their Dishonored sequel.  As E3 2016 approaches, we finally have a release date!

On Novemer 11, 2016, Bethesda will release Dishonored 2 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.  That's not all that Bethesda announced, though.  During their 2nd annual E3 Press Conference, Bethesda will show Dishonored 2's gameplay to the world!  You can watch it via Twitch or Youtube on June 12 at 7pm Pst.

(Our Cinelinx freakout will happen moments later on our social network pages!)

"Reprise your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2; Play your way in a world where mysticism and industry collide. Will you choose to play as Empress Emily Kaldwin or the royal protector, Corvo Attano?"

"Will you make your way through the game unseen, make full use of its brutal combat system, or use a blend of both? How will you combine »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Matt Malliaros)

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Toy Review Tuesday: Star Wars Black Series Elite Tie Fighter

3 May 2016 6:54 AM, PDT

It’s Star Wars week here on Cinelinx and I decided to go big...Real big.  For today's episode of Toy Review Tuesday, I'm taking a look at the ginormous The Black Series 6 inch Scale Elite Tie Fighter from The Force Awakens.  Come inside to check it out!

At a convention this past weekend temptation was strong as I found a good deal on a Star Wars The Black Series Special Forces Tie Fighter. This thing is kind of a mixed bag. It’s detailed, can fit two characters, and it’s an awesome update on the Tie Fighter design, but for the price you’re paying (because it’s huge), there’s not a lot of features on this. A few rotating guns, no sound effects, and a figure. Don’t get me wrong! It’s cool to have a vehicle in this huge scale and is a nice niche piece. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jason The X)

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Toy Review Tuesday: Star Wars Black Series Tie Fighter

3 May 2016 6:54 AM, PDT

It’s Star Wars week here on Cinelinx and I decided to go big, real big. So at a convention this weekend temptation was strong as I found a good deal on a Star Wars The Black Series Special Forces Tie Fighter. This thing is kind of a mixed bag. Look it’s detailed, can fit two characters, and it’s an awesome update on the Tie Fighter design. But honestly for the price you’re paying because it’s huge. There’s not a lot of features on this. A few rotating guns, no sound effects, and a figure. Now don’t get me wrong it’s cool to have a vehicle in this huge scale but it can be a niche piece. Collectors be warned, this thing takes up a ton of space. With that out of the way, Holy Crap Big Ass Tie Fighter!! A highly detailed »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jason The X)

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Breaking Down The Most Important Scene in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

2 May 2016 12:55 PM, PDT

Arguably, the best film of the Original Star Wars trilogy (if not the entire Saga) is The Empire Strikes Back.  Where A New Hope was a fun adventure, the sequel took things to a new level by stepping up the threat and providing engaging drama between characters.  While there’s a lot to love about this film, I’m here to talk about what I feel is the film’s best scene and how it encompasses all the central themes not only for Empire Strikes Back, but the entire Star Wars saga.

It's Star Wars Week here on Cinelinx!  How's that different from any other week?  Well, this week features the unofficialy Star Wars holiday (May the Fourth), so all week long we'll be bringing you content that highlights one of the biggest movie franchises is the world...And why we love it.  Today, I'm going to be talking about »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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